New Grant Aims To Promote Health Justice
As a community foundation, the Partnership for Better Health strives to serve as a catalyst, advocate, and collaborator to establish health as a shared priority, toward ensuring that everyone has what they need for good health. New grants of $25,000 to $50,000 are...
Carlisle Seeks Volunteers to Welcome New Community Members
Have you ever helped someone learn to drive or enrolled children in school? Do you know where to shop for groceries, how to open a bank account, or apply for jobs online? If so, you already have the experience you need to welcome new members of our community! The...
Spark of Change Grant Impacts
In 2022, we awarded four Spark of Change mini-grants that were intentionally focused on addressing health equity challenges, finding solutions, and amplifying voices at the neighborhood level. Neighborhoods have a shared history and collective community...
Career Opportunity to Educate, Advocate, and Take Action to Improve Housing Access
New Life Community is seeking a program manager for "Community Partners for Change". The position is supported through funding from the Partnership for Better Health effective January 2023, as part of our Affordable Housing and Homelessness strategic initiative. The...
New Grants to Advance Health Equity through Collaboration
As a community foundation, the Partnership for Better Health strives to serve as a catalyst, advocate, and collaborator to establish health as a shared priority, toward ensuring that everyone has what they need for good health. Four grants of up to $15,000 each are...
2022 Champions for Better Health Awards
The 2022 Champions for Better Health Awards were held on October 27 in downtown Carlisle. Over 70 community members, volunteers, business leaders, and philanthropists came together to celebrate seven honorees whose work plays a vital role in advancing the health and...
New – Open Request for Strategic Planning Consultant
The Partnership for Better Health is seeking a seasoned consultant/team with demonstrated knowledge of strategic planning for nonprofit organizations, and a depth of expertise in the fields of community health and philanthropy. Experience with grassroots community...
New “Spark of Change” Grants
Through the leadership of our inaugural Director of Health Equity, Dr. Marcellus C. Taylor, the Partnership for Better Health is developing a full complement of health equity strategies and grants. Our introductory health equity grant is called Spark of Change. Spark...
Partnership for Better Health Distributes $630,425 in Emergency Grants to Address COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Partnership for Better Health distributed over $630,000 in emergency grants to local nonprofit organizations since April 1st. “Our goal was to ensure that local nonprofits were well prepared to respond to the threat of...
Foundation Offers Leadership Cumberland Scholarship
Ready to Advance Your Career? Full Scholarship Available The Partnership for Better Health is pleased to offer a scholarship for the 2018-19 Leadership Cumberland program. The award will go to a health care related professional working at or volunteering for a...