Electronic Application Filing Tips

  • Save your draft application frequently to avoid losing your work by using the “save as draft” feature at the bottom of the page.
  • A copy of the application can be downloaded to your computer, which allows you to answer the questions at your leisure, and then copy and paste your answers into the application when you are ready. Note that general formatting will not transfer into the electronic version.
  • Once your application has been submitted, it is no longer available for editing.
  • The character limits are sufficient for the information that we need to evaluate your application. Whether you type directly into the text box, cut and paste or upload your answers, please adhere to these limits.
  • There are sections of the application where you need to upload files. Only Word, Excel and PDF files can be uploaded, and only one file can be uploaded per question. (Multiple documents can be combined into one file and then uploaded.)
  • We suggest converting files into PDF format before uploading to preserve formatting. If you do not have Acrobat Adobe, you can download the free Go PDF program from the Internet or use the fax-to-file feature on the grant management site to convert other file formats to PDFs.
  • Single Excel spreadsheets may be uploaded, but Excel workbooks (multi-tab spreadsheets) should not be uploaded.

Common Problems

  • Documents are not uploading or are taking a long time. After saving your work, log out of the system and log back in. Sometimes there is a delay, or there appears to be a delay, with uploads, but typically after you log back in, your uploads will be there.
  • Formatting in documents (numerical lists, bullet points, etc.) is lost after uploading. Convert documents to PDF format before uploading and the formatting will be retained.