Grants Awarded

Previous Grants Awarded

Since our inception, the Partnership for Better Health has awarded over $50 Million in grants. If you’re considering applying for a grant, familiarize yourself with our past grantees and programs that we have previously funded.

OrganizationProgram NameYear AwardedGrant AmountDescription
Adams-Hanover CounselingShelter Services2002-2003$49,999.00 Program will provide on-site mental health and substance abuse services at Safe Harbour, Salvation Army and Domestic Violence Services shelters.
Bosler Free LibraryConsumer Health Library2002-2003$126,500.00 Develop and maintain a health resources collection and provide health screenings/education at library sites. This grant uses several libraries in the CAHWF area.
Carlisle YMCAFit for Life2002-2003$7,760.00 These are matching funds for the YMCA to begin a new Fit for Life Program. This is an active lifestyle program to support and motivate adolescents to achieve a healthy body weight. Program focus areas are exercise, nutrition and life choices.
Comfort Care of Holy Spirit, Inc.Home Health Technology2002-2003$62,126.00 This funding will help purchase technology to report a patient's vital information from their home to a Comfort Care home care technician. The Comfort Care technician can then communicate to the patient via this technology with reminders for medication, meal, exercise and instructions to administer correct insulin dosage and injections.
CONTACT HelplineExpansion2002-2003$8,950.00 Funds will be used to expand CONTACT Helpline, a 24-hour/7 days a week information and referral service, services to parts of Franklin and Adams Counties within the Foundation's catchment area.
Cumberland County Chiefs of Police AssociationCrisis Negotiation Training2002-2003$1,000.00 Four members of the Cumberland County Crisis Negotiation Team will receive training and certification to mitigate high risk situations involving violence or weapons.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesBig Spring Senior Center2002-2003$2,000.00 The Big Spring Senior Center will initiate an Experts on Health project. This is an educational project that brings qualified professionals to the Center every month to discuss health-related issues.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesDomestic Violence Services for Cumberland & Perry County2002-2003$61,568.00 Domestic Violence services targeted at batterers and for the families at-risk of domestic violence in Cumberland and Perry County.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPERRY Families Initiative2002-2003$141,051.00 PERRY Families is a home-based treatment program for families with children at-risk of or returning from, out-of-home placement for mental health/behavioral problems.
Family & Children's ServicesCarlisle Services2002-2003$42,750.00 Funding will allow F&CS to expand Carlisle mental health services and add additional psychiatric time for children and adults.
Hospice of Central PAExpansion into Region2002-2003$112,500.00 This funding will allow Hospice to hire a home health aides to serve more patients in CAHWF's geographic territory as well as improve physicain relations and volunteer recruitment and training.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyCarlisle Area Health and Wellness Foundation Freedom Grants2002-2003$23,750.00 This one-time funding for special needs of persons with MS in Cumberland County will provide 40 families grants of $750, and 35 individuals grants of $500 for items such as durable medical equipment, air conditioners, transportation to medical appointments, respite care, and physical accommodations related to MS challenges.
Northwestern Human Services/Stevens CenterDrug & Alcohol Program and Family-Based Services2002-2003$66,250.00 D&A funding will support additional staff ($35,250). Family-Based Mental Health Services funding will provide children and families 10 hours/week of therapy in home settings to prevent out-of-home placements ($31,000).
Project SHAREKitchen Equipment and Infant Nutrition/Health2002-2003$57,959.00 This one-time funding for kitchen equipment will be used to convert the new facility's kitchen into a demonstration facility and furnish it with proper cooking equipment. Once completed, classes on basic cooking skills, canning, freezing and proper nutrition will be provided ($9,999). Funds will provide improved nutrition (formula, milk, etc.) for infants; nutrition education for at-risk children and families; and on-site RN screening, referrals and advice for parents/other adults ($47,960).
Sadler Health CenterNew Clinic2002-2003$1,150,000.00 This funding has allowed the organization to hire an Interim Director to coordinate the transition of the existing Sadler Clinic to the Sadler Health Center and to cover the costs associated with the transition. The clinic provides comprehensive health care services in downtown Carlisle. Initial Funding: $150,000. Building: $1,000,000
Safe HarbourMolly Pitcher Transition Initiative2002-2003$33,554.00 This one-time funding will allow a part-time case manager to be hired for 18 months to provide mental health and transition services for 50-75 current residents of the Molly Pitcher as it closes down. Services will address physical health, mental health, substance abuse, housing, and employment services.
Samaritan FellowshipMedical Needs2002-2003$9,900.00 Funds will be used for medical and healthcare-related expenses, such as prescriptions, vision care, dentistry and durable medical equipment.
Success by 6Health & Safety Outreach2002-2003$49,950.00 This 18-month funding will provide intensive on-site health and safety education and assistance to 48 childcare sites serving some 5,000 children in Cumberland County.
The Civic Club of ShippensburgCommunity Nurse Program2002-2003$9,878.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse Program currently provides free health services for the elderly and lower-income population. These funds will provide additional nursing hours, limited transportation and establishment of a new centrally-located office.
Tri-County Association for the BlindAdult and Children Services2002-2003$49,976.00 This proposal will provide vision screening and visual services for persons in CAHWF areas of Cumberland and Perry counties. It includes establishing two home-based offices in C/P and a survey to identify persons who are blind or visually handicapped.
United Cerebral PalsyEarly Intervention2002-2003$23,000.00 This funding serves children from birth to age 5 with developmental delays, providing physical, occupational, speech, and developmental therapy.
YWCAEncore Plus2002-2003$28,468.00 This funding will expand breast and cervical cancer education, screening and follow up support to low-income women in Cumberland and Perry counties.
Adams-Hanover CounselingShelter Services2003-2004$48,084.00 Renewal funding for program to provide on-site mental health and substance abuse services at Safe Harbor, Sadler Health Center and Domestic Violence Services shelter.
Adams-Hanover CounselingCommunity Psychiatrist2003-2004$350,000.00 Funding to initiate community psychiatry practice for the greater Carlisle area. Up to $350,000 over 3 years.
Amputee Support TeamSupport Program2003-2004$1,000.00 Assist with expenses for the Amputee Support Team meetings.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryHealth Professional Scholarships2003-2004$25,000.00 Renewal funding for scholarships for local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students will be encouraged to return to CAHWF's service area to work after graduation.
Carlisle YMCAFit for Life2003-2004$7,426.00 Renewal matching funds to enable the YMCA to continue its Fit For Life program to motivate adolescents to achieve a healthy body and active lifestyle through exercises, nutrition and life choices.
Cumberland-Perry Association for Retarded CitizensConference Sponsorship2003-2004$900.00This funding sponsored the featured speaker on the topic of Bullying at a local special education conference for teachers.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPerry Mental Health Office2003-2004$9,200.00 Start-up funds will allow the office to be opened one day a week in Perry County.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPerry Families2003-2004$131,546.00 Renewal funding for home-based treatment/support for children at risk of or returning from out-of-home placement for mental health/behavioral problems. Program includes family services also.
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry CountiesPublic Education Specialist2003-2004$9,999.00 Renewal funding will expand the Public Education Specialist position to improve the public's recognition of and response to the needs of domestic violence victims.
GaudenziaAdolescent Services Expansion2003-2004$49,900.00 This program expands based and outpatient substance abuse services for adolescents 11-18 years old in the Carlisle area.
HACC FoundationScholarships2003-2004$75,000.00 Funding for scholarships for local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students will be encouraged to return to CAHWF's service area to work after graduation.
HACC FoundationPatient Simulator2003-2004$51,579.00 Funding to purchase a state-of-the-art patient simulator for HACC's healthcare students.
Health SharePrescription Services2003-2004$9,999.00 Funding is provided for prescription assistance to qualifying clients.
Hoffman Homes for YouthInteractive Metronome Training System2003-2004$6,674.00 Assist with costs to administer the Interactive Metronome Training System. This system will benefit children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Hospice of Central PAExpansion into CAHWF Region2003-2004$112,292.00 Renewal funding will allow Hospice to hire home health aides to serve more patients in CAHWF's geographic area as well as improve physician relations and volunteer recruitment and training.
Lupus FoundationChildrens Coping Kits2003-2004$3,500.00 This grant provides partial funding for the Children's Coping Kits which were designed to educate and support children and families who suffer with Lupus with an emphasis on rural and underserved areas.
Newville Day CareStaff Support2003-2004$9,456.00 This grant will provide funding for additional staff time to enhance the health and safety curriculum and increase physical education equipment.
Northwestern Human Services/Stevens CenterOutpatient Clinical Treatment Team2003-2004$222,054.00 Funding will support the addition of a fulltime psychiatrist, physician assistant and psychiatric nurse for Cumberland and Perry counties.
Perry County Collaborative Ministry ProjectJoin Hands2003-2004$10,000.00 Join Hands currently provides support to persons and families facing daily living concerns in Perry County. These funds will facilitate access to prescribed medications for qualifying clients.
Project ShareInfant Nutrition and Health2003-2004$55,900.00 Renewal grant to provide improved nutrition (formula, milk, etc.) for infants; nutrition education for at-risk children and families; and on-site RN screening, referrals and advice for parents/other adults.
Project ShareFresh Food2003-2004$15,700.00 Funding will increase the purchase of fresh fruits, provide supplies for Project SHARE and support classes in food preparation and preservation.
Sadler Health CenterNew Clinic2003-2004$1,400,000.00 This funding has allowed the organization to hire an Interim Director to coordinate the transition of the existing Sadler Clinic to the Sadler Health Center and to cover the costs associated with the transition. The clinic provides comprehensive health care services in downtown Carlisle.
Samaritan FellowshipPrescription Plus2003-2004$8,000.00 Funds for medical and healthcare-related expenses, such as prescriptions, vision care, dentistry and durable medical equipment.
Success by 6Child Care and Pre-School Health Curriculum2003-2004$11,300.00 Funds to research and test health curricula for pre-school and child care centers.
The Civic Club of ShippensburgCommunity Nurse Program2003-2004$9,981.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse Program currently provides free health services for the elderly and lower-income population. These funds will provide additional nursing hours, limited transportation and establishment of a new centrally-located office.
Todd Baird Lindsey FoundationMedication Assistance2003-2004$9,999.00 Medication assistance program.
Todd Baird Lindsey FoundationChronic Disease Management2003-2004$9,999.00 Chronic disease management program.
Tri-County Association for the BlindAdult and Children Services2003-2004$49,983.00 Renewal funding for vision screening and visual services/support for persons in CAHWF areas in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
United Cerebral PalsyEarly Intervention2003-2004$49,000.00 Renewal funding to serve children from birth to age 5 with developmental delays by providing physical, occupational, speech and developmental therapy.
Visiting Nurse AssociationTelemedical Units2003-2004$9,950.00 Renewal grant to purchase and implement five telemedical units within CAHWF's service area.
YWCAEncore Plus2003-2004$46,092.00 Renewal funding to expand breast and cervical cancer education, screening and follow-up support to lower-income women in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
Adams-Hanover CounselingShelter Services2004-2005$18,825.00 On-site mental health and substance abuse counseling at James Wilson Safe Harbour, Sadler Health Center and the Domestic Violence Services for Cumberland and Perry Counties. Renewal for two years.
AIDS Planning Coalition of South Central PACollaboration: Steps to Getting Started2004-2005$500.00This training on collaboration was open to the region's human services.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryHealth Professional Scholarships2004-2005$25,000.00 Scholarship help for local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWF's service area to work after graduation. Renewal.
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E)Infant Formula and Adult Nutrition2004-2005$146,000.00 Infant formula, fresh fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods are provided for persons in the Carlisle area. Renewal for two years.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2004-2005$20,873.00 A comprehensive program instructs obese youth and teens with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition in order to improve both health and self-esteem.
Cumberland Valley Diabetes Education and Awareness FundDiabetes Awareness Day2004-2005$2,000.00 A local Diabetes Awareness Day featured national speakers and education for the public and providers.
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries/TresslerPerry Families Initiative2004-2005$141,217.00 Intensive counseling supports Perry County children who are at risk of out-of-home placement and their families. Renewal.
Family Health Council of Central PA, Inc. Cumberland Perry Tapestry of HealthCooking and Nutrition2004-2005$17,200.00 Funds provide cooking classes to lower-income and at-risk population to improve family nutrition.
HACC FoundationHealth Professional Scholarships2004-2005$75,000.00 Scholarships help local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWF's service area to work after graduation. Renewal.
Health Share Community PartnershipPrescription and Durable Medical Equipment2004-2005$15,000.00 Prescription drugs and durable medical equipment are provided for low-income persons in the CAHWF area. Renewal.
Hoffman Homes, Inc.Youth Fitness Center2004-2005$9,500.00 Equipment was purchased for a new Fitness Center and teen obesity program.
Holy Spirit HospitalSocial Service Pharmacy Fund2004-2005$500.00Short term prescription fund is available for indigent patients from the CAHWF area discharged by Holy Spirit Hospital.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHealth Advocate2004-2005$50,969.00 The Health Advocate program is to reduce chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity; provide community education; and improve access to health care for residents of the Hope Station area of Carlisle. In addition to community-based programs, approximately 25 high-risk residents will receive individual care plans.
Join HandsCOMPASS Pilot for Perry County2004-2005$3,000.00 Support and assistance is offered to help parents sign up for the Children's Health Insurance Program and other related programs.
Mooreland Elementary SchoolWalking Program2004-2005$1,950.00 Pedometers were purchased for some Carlisle Area School District students to encourage activity.
New Face of FitnessCollaboration: Steps to Getting Started2004-2005$19,202.00 This demonstration grant is designed to attract and retain women in an exercise program who traditionally do not feel comfortable or cannot keep up with mainstream aerobics/fitness classes. Along with activity the women aged 20-55 will receive nutritional and other health information.
Perry Human ServicesTeen and Family Support Services2004-2005$17,030.00 Services are starting for at risk youth and their families to include a new teen support group and an enhanced parent/family support group.
Sadler Health CenterOperations Grant2004-2005$750,000.00 Major funding for the health center that provides medical, dental and mental health services in the CAHWF region.
Sadler Health Center CorporationPrescription Initiative2004-2005$200,000.00 Uninsured and underinsured persons at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines will be assisted to obtain prescriptions to treat chronic, life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, asthma, COPD and hypertension as well as behavioral health needs.
Sadler Health Center CorporationOperations2004-2005$800,000.00 Financial support provided for health center operations in 2005-06, including additional funds for a capital reserve fund. Renewal.
Samaritan Fellowship, Inc.Prescriptions Plus2004-2005$8,000.00 Prescription drugs and durable medical equipment is provided for low-income persons in the Carlisle area.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Carlisle Recovery Mobilization Effort2004-2005$64,000.00 This pilot program utilizes Carlisle-area persons in recovery to create an advocacy group that will educate the public and policy makers about successful treatment of and recovery from substance abuse and alcohol addiction.
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education CenterWellness at Work2004-2005$56,612.00 This one-year pilot program will enhance employee wellness at seven locations with an emphasis on needs assessment, onsite wellness teams, customized plan development, trainings and evaluation.
Todd Baird Lindsey FoundationChronic Disease Management2004-2005$20,000.00 Home nursing visits are offered for qualifying clients. Renewal.
Todd Baird Lindsey FoundationPrescription Assistance2004-2005$12,000.00 Prescription assistance is open to qualifying clients. Renewal.
Tri-County Association for the BlindBlindness Prevention Education2004-2005$25,000.00 Final year of a grant to continue health support and education services for children and adults who are visually impaired or blind. Renewal.
United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County/Success by SixParenting Education and Prevention2004-2005$4,480.00 This grant helps to print and distribute a comprehensive parenting guide.
United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County/Success by SixPreschool Health Curriculum2004-2005$20,100.00 A comprehensive health education curriculum will be implemented along with providing supportive materials in area preschools.
West Shore ALS, Inc.LifePak 12 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillators2004-2005$50,000.00 Five LifePak 12-lead defibrillator/monitors were purchased for the CAHWF area to upgrade and standardize emergency cardiac care. The equipment allows diagnostic quality EKG transmission to the hospital via cell phone, allowing hospital staff to prepare and direct treatment before the patient arrives.
YWCA of CarlislePartners in Wellness2004-2005$15,000.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, Reiki and massage) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer.
GaudenziaAdolescent Services Expansion2004-2006$106,300.00 This program expands based and outpatient substance abuse services for adolescents 11-18 years old in the Carlisle area. Renewed for 2 years (2004-2006)
Hospice of Central PACompassionate Care for Carlisle Community2004-2006$204,327.00 Enhanced hospice services are available for western Cumberland and Perry Counties, including an office site, palliative care and staff training. Renewal for two years.
Amputee Support TeamSupport Group2005-2006$600.00Support group meetings and mailings are offered to amputees. Renewal
Bethel Christian AcademyHealth and Wellness Initiatives2005-2006$1,225.00 Pedometers, incentives and other materials are provided for students to increase regular physical activity.
Big Spring School DistrictCurrent Trends in Physical Fitness2005-2006$2,000.00 "Frisbee Friday" was a celebratory event with physical activities, nutritious snacks and healthy beverages for this middle school.
Big Spring School DistrictCurrent Trends in Physical Fitness2005-2006$2,000.00 Physical education equipment is included in a unique high school class teaching students to develop life-long fitness habits.
Boys and Girls Club of Central PATriple Play: A Game Plan for the Mind, Body and Soul2005-2006$22,000.00 The health and physical activity curriculum, Triple Play, becomes a core part of an after-school and summer program.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryHealth Professional Scholarships 2006-072005-2006$25,000.00 Scholarships help local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWFs service area to work after graduation. Renewal
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryLuella Davis Scholarship2005-2006$10,000.00 A one-time gift was added to the Carlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary scholarship fund in honor of the contributions to local healthcare made by Luella Davis, RN and the H. Robert Davis, MD family.
Carlisle Area Opportunities Industrialization CenterOral Health Education2005-2006$848.00Oral health education and dental care is improved for an at-risk population.
Carlisle Area Religious Counsil (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Regional Share2005-2006$2,000.00 The delivery of fresh produce and perishable goods to other food banks is enhanced through coordination and transportation.
Carlisle Area School DistrictThe Opera of Health2005-2006$3,500.00 This school assemble presentation helps educate students about exercise and nutrition. Bellaire Elementary School - $500 Crestview Elementary School - $500 Hamilton Elementary School - $500 LeTort Elementary School - $500 Mooreland Elementary School - $500 Mt. Holly Springs Elementary School - $500 North Dickinson Elementary School - $500
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School - True Lies with Phillip Telfer Assembly2005-2006$350.00This school assembly educated students about harmful media messages regarding drugs, alcohol and violences.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary School PTO Elementary Playground2005-2006$1,500.00 North Dickinson Elementary School PTO Elementary Playground New equipment was part of upgrading the schools outdoor playground area.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2005-2006$24,220.00 A comprehensive program instructs obese youth and teens with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition in order to improve both health and self-esteem.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2005-2006$14,700.00 After school programs instruct obese elementary students and their families in good fitness practices and sensible nutrition. Renewal
Carlisle Family YMCAYouth Fitness Center2005-2006$24,100.00 Exercise opportunities will be increased for the communitys young people by equipping a Youth Fitness Center.
Clean Air CouncilGreater Carlisle Area Diesel Difference2005-2006$25,000.00 An assessment was commissioned to identify data on local air quality and helpful strategies to address identified issues, culminating in a report to the community.
Cumberland-Perry Association for Retarded Citizens (CPARC)Prescriptions Advocate for Medicare Part D / Cumberland County2005-2006$25,000.00 Through CPARC, a temporary coordinator will work in Cumberland County for six months to assist in the provider and volunteer training, promotion and enrollment of individuals into the new government prescription program.
Cumberland-Perry Association for Retarded Citizens (CPARC)Prescription Advocate for Medicare Part D / Perry County2005-2006$10,340.00 Through CPARC, a temporary coordinator will work in Perry County for six months to assist in the provider and volunteer training, promotion and enrollment of individuals into the new government prescription program.
Cumberland-Perry Association for Retarded Citizens (CPARC)Extension of Medicare D Prescription Enrollment Advocates for Cumberland and Perry Counties2005-2006$7,128.00 An extension of services for two temporary coordinators to focus on the new Medicare D Prescription program was granted. Renewal
David & Libby Rosen Center for Healthy FamiliesCumberland/Perry Nurse Family Partnership2005-2006$145,150.00 This evidence-based program uses specially trained nurses to provide health education, coaching, referrals and support to first-time low-income pregnant women from early in the pregnancy through the childs second birthday.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPerry Families Initiative2005-2006$137,714.00 Intensive counseling supports Perry County children who are at risk of out-of-home placement and their families. Renewal
HACC FoundationHealth Professional Scholarships 2006-072005-2006$75,000.00 Scholarships help local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWFs service area to work after graduation. Renewal
Historic Carlisle, Inc.Walking Tour of Carlisle's Wayside Markers2005-2006$1,000.00 Brochures featuring a walking route for Carlisle's historical markers were printed and distributed.
Hope StationSubstance Abuse Prevention Coalition Media Education Promotion2005-2006$24,800.00 This multifaceted prevention initiative uses family-based materials, a comic strip and public service announcements to address, educate and increase public awareness of current local alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) issues.
Join HandsFamily Practice Center 2005 Health Fair2005-2006$2,000.00 Blood screenings are provided for individuals attending a community health fair in Perry County.
Join HandsEmergency Access for Prescription Medication2005-2006$25,000.00 Prescribed medication and limited medical equipment is procured for people who are under/uninsured. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterDrug and Alcohol2005-2006$55,400.00 Outpatient substance abuse treatment is provided to clients, many of whom also have mental illness.
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2005-2006$222,054.00 A team made up of a psychiatrist, physician assistant and psychiatric nurse increases access to services and reduces waiting times for residents of Cumberland and Perry counties. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterReminderPro2005-2006$4,500.00 NHS/The Stevens Center is the pilot site for installation of ReminderPro, an interactive telephone system to contact clients. In addition to reminding patients about appointments with the goal of decreasing missed appointments, ReminderPro can also conduct interactive surveys and provide informational messages.
Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit OrganizationsPANO Standards of Excellence Training2005-2006$15,000.00 CAHWF is collaborating with the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) to offer their Standards of Excellence clinics on ethics and accountability and certification to CAHWF and selected local nonprofit agencies.
Perry County Cooperative ExtensionWest Perry Prosper Team Strengthening Families2005-2006$2,000.00 An evidence-based substance abuse prevention program was implemented for young adolescents and their families. Renewal
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness2005-2006$25,000.00 Two projects are part of a broad-based community collaboration to improve overall health and wellness in the Newville area. One project funds nutrition education for elementary-age students and the other project provides after school physical activities in a multi-generational setting.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2006-07 Operations2005-2006$800,000.00 Core support for the community health center that serves thousands of area residents. Sadler provides medical and dental care, tobacco cessation programs, immunizations, HIV/STD testing and treatment, prevention/education services and a prescription assistance program. Renewal $248,000 (dental); $552,000 (medical)
Sadler Health Center CorporationRenovation2005-2006$200,000.00 Funds reserved for a major renovation and upgrade of the Sadler Health Centers physical space and telephone system, planned for 2006-07.
Sadler Health Center CorporationTobacco Coalition Initiative2005-2006$24,880.00 Awareness of the effects of tobacco use and the importance of cessation will be provided through outreach and advertising efforts, as well as classes.
South Middleton School DistrictYellow Breeches Middle School Introduction to Lifetime Fitness2005-2006$2,000.00 Increased lifetime fitness activities were introduced into physical education classes.
Special Olympics PA Area MDevelopment of Bocce Court North Middleton2005-2006$2,000.00 Support will help to construct a bocce court for those with disabilities and the public.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Behavioral Health Speakers Bureau2005-2006$10,000.00 A speakers bureau composed of persons and family members in recovery will share their own experiences in hopes of lessening stigma by increasing the understanding of addiction and mental illness and its impact on family, business and community life.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Carlisle Recovery Mobilization Effort2005-2006$71,332.00 This program utilizes Carlisle-area persons in recovery to create an advocacy group that will educate the public and policy makers about successful treatment of and recovery from substance abuse and alcohol addiction. Renewal
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Spring Recovery Jam 20062005-2006$1,485.00 Publicity and implementation costs were granted for a one-day recovery event.
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education CenterWellness at Work Year 22005-2006$78,565.00 Begun in 2005 as a pilot workplace wellness project among seven employers to improve employee health through enhanced activities and programs, continued expansion will lead to replication among three other work places. Renewal
The Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2005-2006$16,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse program currently provides free in-home health services for the elderly and lower-income population.
Todd Baird Lindsey FoundationPrescription Assistance2005-2006$16,000.00 Prescription assistance is offered to qualifying clients, most of whom are low income elderly or disabled. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention2005-2006$87,000.00 Early intervention services to children with disabilities provides therapy when it can have a great impact.
United Way of Adams CountyProject Venture2005-2006$95,627.00 A collaborative two year program with Upper Adams School District will focus on building resiliency and leadership skills to reduce alcohol and other drug use among middle school students.
United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County/Success by SixEarly Care Parenting Education2005-2006$1,500.00 Research-based parenting materials are distributed to parents of newborn babies.
Upper Adams School DistrictBendersville Elementary Nutritional Investigators2005-2006$1,630.00 Fifth and sixth grade students write an educational puppet show called Nutrition Investigators and perform it for K 4th graders in the school district.
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PAWestern Perry Community Nurse2005-2006$84,650.00 This new project offers a Community Nurse program in western Perry County and is funded by the estate of Marjorie F. Goossens.
YWCA of CarlislePartners in Wellness2005-2006$25,000.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, Reiki and massage) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer. Renewal for 2005-2006.
YWCA of CarlisleNew Face of Fitness2005-2006$1,526.00 The New Face of Fitness class was extended over the summer months.
YWCA of CarlislePartners in Wellness2005-2006$20,000.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
AIDS Community AllianceCarlisle HOPE2006-2007$40,000.00 HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs focus particularly on African-Americans in the Carlisle area and will work through the churches and peer education. Healthy People Grant
AIDS Community AllianceCarlisle HOPE2006-2007$40,000.00 HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs focus particularly on African-Americans in the Carlisle area and will work through the churches and peer education. Healthy People Grant
Big Spring School DistrictBig Spring Middle School Middle School Wellness2006-2007$1,994.00 Healthy choices for food and activity are improved through innovative middle school programming.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2007-082006-2007$25,000.00 Scholarships are offered to Foundation-area students in post-secondary healthcare programs. Renewal
Carlisle Area OIC Learning CenterCertified Nurse Aide Pre-Clinical and Clinical Training2006-2007$5,000.00 By increasing the number of class sessions, students will be better prepared and the number of qualified Certified Nurse Assistants should increase.
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Adult Nutrition Shortfall2006-2007$25,000.00 Milk, cheese and bananas are continued components of SHAREs distribution.
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Produce Expansion2006-2007$42,500.00 Fresh produce and perishable food is stored and distributed for donation to four other regional, independent food pantries to help meet the 5 A Day USDA challenge for fruits and vegetables.
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.) Adult Nutrition2006-2007$96,747.00 Families receive 1% milk, cheese and bananas as Project SHARE recipients for 2007-08. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictLeTort Elementary School Dancing for Health2006-2007$500.00A dancing instructor works with elementary school students to improve attitudes toward dancing as a form of life-long physical activity.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLeTort Elementary School Recess Physical Fitness2006-2007$1,500.00 Playground equipment increases physical activity of students during recess.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Elementary School Fueling my Body, My Healthy Body and Bullying for Students2006-2007$1,550.00 Through interactive classroom activities, second grade students increase their knowledge about nutrition and develop positive self-esteem.
Carlisle Area School DistrictPreschool Playground Equipment (McGowan Building)2006-2007$2,000.00 Playground equipment increases physical activity of preschoolers.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary School2006-2007$930.00Healthy Kids Shine A health fair emphasized the importance of increased activity and improved nutrition.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School2006-2007$2,000.00 Pump It Up Fitness Day An off-site activity day provided incentive to increase activity levels within the school student body.
Carlisle Christian AcademyHealth and Wellness Initiatives2006-2007$1,620.00 Pedometers, incentives and other materials encourage students to increase regular physical activity. Renewal
Carlisle Day CareCarlisle Early Education Center2006-2007$1,010.00 Proper equipment should help to reduce the incidence of disease through improved hand washing.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life Summer 20072006-2007$1,800.00 Instruction in good fitness practices and sensible nutrition continued throughout the summer months for obese teens and their families. Renewal
Central PA Coalition United to Fight CancerLoving Souls Cancer Education Workshop2006-2007$500.00By underwriting costs for registration, health screening and outreach, minority women from the Carlisle region attended a cancer awareness workshop.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2006-2007$16,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse program provides free in-home health services for the elderly and lower-income population. Renewal
Cumberland County American Red CrossAvian Flu Pandemic2006-2007$20,000.00 Public education regarding preparedness for the potential Avian flu pandemic is provided to residents to enhance the disaster readiness of communities, employers, families and individuals. Foundation Initiative
Cumberland County American Red CrossCarlisle Community Pool Shade Structure2006-2007$2,000.00 A shade shelter protects swimming pool patrons at a community pool from harmful UV radiation.
Cumberland Valley Habitat for HumanityAir Filtration System2006-2007$600.00A family with asthmatic children benefit from the installation of a specialized air filtration system.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPerry Families Initiative 07-082006-2007$130,000.00 Intensive counseling supports Perry County children who are at risk of out-of-home placement and their families. Renewal
Family Health Council of Central PA, Inc./Cumberland Perry Tapestry of HealthCooking Nutrition2006-2007$13,614.00 Cooking classes geared at low to moderate income families teaches economic and healthy meals. Renewal
First Presbyterian ChurchSupper in a Sack2006-2007$800.00Cooking classes are targeted specifically for families affected by diabetes.
Friends of Opossum Lake ConservancyTrail Guides and Maps2006-2007$1,230.00 Trail guides and maps are distributed so the community can fully utilize recreational activities at a local park.
Friends of South Middleton Parks, Trees and TrailsTrail Map2006-2007$1,375.00 Brochures featuring the location and description of all South Middleton Township hiking/biking trails help increase their use.
Gaudenzia, Inc.Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Expansion2006-2007$123,800.00 Access to outpatient substance abuse treatment for adolescents will be maintained as well as group education and support services for their families. Renewal
HACC FoundationScholarships 2007-082006-2007$75,000.00 Scholarships help local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWFs service area to work after graduation. Renewal
Hanover Hospital, Inc.Northeast Adams County Needs Assessment for Low-Income, At-Risk Populations2006-2007$18,000.00 The survey will focus on the Hispanic residents and measure specifically their access to care issues in Northeast Adams County. Healthy People Grant
Hanover Hospital, Inc.Seniors Aging with Grace and Energy (SAGE)2006-2007$83,200.00 This pilot program in collaboration with the Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority is to provide comprehensive, community-based training, education and support for residents of several senior residential sites to improve their health, fitness and knowledge. Programming will also be offered to the community as possible.
Hanover Hospital, Inc.SAGE Consultant2006-2007$25,000.00 Consultation will be offered by an expert on exercise and wellness programs for seniors.
Historic Carlisle, Inc. Walking Tour of Carlisles Wayside Markers2006-2007$1,000.00 Brochures feature a walking route for Carlisles historical markers. Renewal
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2007-082006-2007$106,176.00 Enhanced hospice services are available for western Cumberland and Perry Counties, including an office site, palliative care and staff training. Renewal
Join HandsAccounting Software2006-2007$350.00The ability to efficiently report financial and grant activities will be enhanced with computer software.
Join HandsFamily Practice Center 2006 Health Fair2006-2007$1,650.00 Residents receive free health screenings at a health fair in western Perry County. Renewal
Join HandsDurable Medical Equipment Lending2006-2007$18,000.00 A durable medical equipment loan program serves qualifying residents in the geographical area of western Perry County. Goossens Initiative
NHS/The Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol Program2006-2007$115,609.00 Outpatient substance abuse treatment is offered to adults in Cumberland and Perry Counties, many of whom are dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2006-2007$183,050.00 Increased availability is ensured for psychiatric services using a team made up of a psychiatrist, physicians assistant and registered nurse. Renewal
ParentWorks, Inc.Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect2006-2007$10,000.00 Prevention of child abuse and neglect is achieved through parenting classes and in-home education. Healthy People Grant
Perry County Cooperative Extension AssociationStrengthening Families2006-2007$2,000.00 This evidence-based substance abuse prevention program supports young adolescents and their families in making good decisions. Renewal
Perry Human ServicesShermans Valley Senior Housing Health & Human Services Coordinator2006-2007$10,000.00 A health coordinator for a senior housing unit is responsible for regular assessment and early referrals to appropriate medical resources. Renewal
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness2006-2007$23,467.00 Three projects are part of a broad-based community collaboration to improve overall health and wellness in the Newville area. One funds nutrition education for elementary-age students, one provides after school physical activities in a multi-generational setting and the other provides monthly community programs to promote parent involvement. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationThink Pink, Carlisle2006-2007$750.00Qualifying residents are made aware of opportunities for free mammography and general educational information on breast cancer prevention is provided to the public.
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy RX Bridge Funding2006-2007$56,500.00 Prescription assistance is provided to persons who cannot afford medications, mostly through pharmaceutical access programs. Healthy Rx also provides referrals to volunteer medical specialists. Foundation Initiative
Sadler Health Center CorporationOperations 2007-082006-2007$1,171,313.00 Core support for the community health center that serves thousands of area residents through medical and dental care, tobacco cessation programs, immunizations and a prescription assistance program. Renewal $356,052 (medical); $527,403 (dental); $180,461 (prescriptions); $107,397 (tobacco cessation)
Sadler Health Center CorporationRenovations II2006-2007$1,600,000.00 Sadler Health Centers capacity to serve the un/underinsured will be significantly enhanced through major renovations.
Sadler Health Center CorporationWestern Perry County Dental Clinic2006-2007$150,000.00 A locally-based dental clinic for uninsured or underinsured individuals and families residing in central/western Perry County will be opened. Goossens Initiative
Shippensburg Area School DistrictJames Burd Elementary School CATCH Kids Club2006-2007$350.00By implementing the CATCH Kids Club, third grade students increase their knowledge about nutrition and activity.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Carlisle Recovery Mobilization Effort2006-2007$75,000.00 This program utilizes Carlisle-area persons in recovery to create an advocacy group that educates the public and policy makers about successful treatment of and recovery from substance abuse and alcohol addiction. Renewal
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Spring Recovery Jam 20072006-2007$1,325.00 A positive social event was held to demonstrate the results of recovery from the disease of addiction. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention2006-2007$87,000.00 Early intervention services for children include a wide variety of therapies to minimize disabilities. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Focus Fitness2006-2007$135,000.00 This program offers fitness and nutrition education for persons with mental retardation and development disabilities.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyHeating Coalition Family Assistance2006-2007$20,000.00 Fuel is purchased through a local Heating Coalition which coordinates services for people in need who have exhausted or do not qualify for public-funded, home energy assistance. Healthy People Grant
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountySuccess by Six/Preschool PATHS2006-2007$18,324.00 The PATHS project will include intensive training for preschool teachers to reduce aggression and behavior problems in children while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom.
Upper Adams School DistrictBendersville Elementary Healthy Student Investigation2006-2007$1,550.00 A healthy school initiative was enhanced with a nutrition presentation and special education materials.
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PAWestern Perry Community Nurse2006-2007$84,650.00 A community nurse program in western Perry County provides care for non-acute, in-home medical needs. Goossens Initiative Renewal
West Shore Advanced Life Support Services, Inc. 12 Lead EKG Monitor/Defibrillator Mandated Upgrade2006-2007$21,540.00 Biphasic wave form upgrades for defibrillators and capnography (measurement of patients CO2) provide additional supports for prehospital care.
YWCA CarlisleNew Face of Fitness 2007-082006-2007$29,500.00 This health program is designed to attract and retain overweight and inactive women who traditionally do not or cannot keep up with mainstream aerobics/fitness classes. Renewal
AIDS Community AllianceCumberland Promise 2007-082007-2008$35,000.00 A comprehensive HIV and STD prevention program both community and faith-based strategies to provide the education, the skills and the tools to reduce the risk of HIV infection among African-Americans. Healthy People Grant Renewal.
Amputee Support Team of Central PADiabetes Seminar2007-2008$300.00People with limb loss learn the importance of blood sugar control, proper diet and ongoing foot care to minimize complications caused by diabetes.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2008-092007-2008$22,500.00 Scholarships are offered to Foundation-area students in post-secondary healthcare programs. Renewal
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Adult Nutrition 2008-092007-2008$76,800.00 Milk, cheese, bananas, oranges and orange juice are provided for SHARE clients. Renewal
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Produce Expansion2007-2008$24,000.00 Fresh produce and perishable food is offered to four other regional food pantries as well as related administrative support by SHARE. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictFitness for Life High School Seniors2007-2008$2,000.00 Using pedometers, heart rate monitors and other educational equipment, high school seniors are motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Elementary Playground Project2007-2008$2,000.00 Playground equipment helps to increase students physical activity during recess.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary Kids in Motion2007-2008$1,750.00 Students at risk of being overweight receive specialized in-school instruction and enhanced physical activity.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Milton Creagh Presentation2007-2008$2,000.00 Students and parents receive a prevention message from a nationally known motivational speaker focusing on drug and alcohol abuse.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMt. Holly Springs Elementary - Playgrounds2007-2008$2,000.00 Playground Equipment increases students physical activity during recess.
Carlisle Area School DistrictSwartz High School School Health2007-2008$324.00District-wide wellness efforts are improved with the availability and utilization of body fat analyzers.
Carlisle Area School DistrictWilson Middle School Milton Creagh Presentation2007-2008$2,000.00 Students and parents receive a prevention message from a nationally known motivational speaker focusing on drug and alcohol abuse.
Carlisle Christian AcademyNutritional/Social Wellness Initiatives2007-2008$1,210.00 Using a nutritional consultant and student/staff incentives, the school will expand the scope of food services.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life Fall 20072007-2008$12,661.00 This comprehensive program instructs overweight and obese youth and teens with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition in order to improve both health and self-esteem. Renewal.
Carlisle Family YMCAActive for Life2007-2008$13,222.00 A summer resident camp program immerses obese youth and teens in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition in order to improve both health and self-esteem.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2007-2008$13,000.00 This comprehensive program instructs obese youth and teens with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition. 2007-08 Renewal $13,000; 2008-09 Renewal $24,150
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Safe Routes to School2007-2008$70,000.00 By assessing existing conditions and surveying parents and students, a strategic plan will be developed to create a safer walking environment to entice more elementary students at three schools to walk and bicycle. Foundation Initiative.
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work Year 32007-2008$65,000.00 Begun in 2005 as a pilot, the workplace wellness project now involves a select group of employers who agree to engage in activities and educational programs to promote, support and enhance employee health and wellness in the areas of nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation. Foundation Initiative - Renewal.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2007-2008$15,200.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse program provides free in-home health services for the elderly and lower-income population. Renewal.
Clean Air Board of Central PAClean Air Advocate2007-2008$22,500.00 The Clean Air Board (CAB) coordinates a part-time staff position that will be co-managed by CAHWF and CAB. The advocate will primarily focus on policy development in local schools, formation of a stakeholders group and seeking grant opportunities. Foundation Initiative
Clean Air Board of Central PAComprehensive Traffic Study of Downtown Carlisle2007-2008$2,000.00 A comprehensive traffic study will be conducted in Carlisle to reduce truck traffic, traffic congestion, air pollution and promote connections for pedestrians and bicycles.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesPerry Families Initiative 2008-092007-2008$100,000.00 Intensive counseling supports Perry County children who are at risk of out-of-home placements and their families. Renewal
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training2007-2008$17,250.00 Through special sessions of class preparation the number of qualified Certified Nurse Assistants will increase. Renewal.
Employment Skills CenterCNA HACC Scholarships Fall 20082007-2008$5,265.00 Scholarships allow graduates of the Employment Skills Center to attend the Harrisburg Area Community Colleges Certified Nursing Aide course.
Family Health Council of Central Pa, Inc./Cumberland Perry Tapestry of Health Cooking Healthy on Purpose2007-2008$8,100.00 Cooking classes for moderate income and at-risk population help to improve family nutrition. Renewal
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2008-092007-2008$86,000.00 Access to and delivery of Hospice services are greatly improved through an office site in Carlisle, enhanced services, and staff training in palliative care. Renewal
Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg, Inc.How Building Attachments Helps Children in Care & Their Caregivers, Even Without Permanency2007-2008$400.00Scholarships were available for a seminar to enhance the understanding of attachment disorders and the available treatments for children among adoptive and foster parents and the professionals who work with them.
Join HandsEmergency Access for Prescription2007-2008$2,500.00 Support services are provided to facilitate a satellite prescription assistance program in Perry County. Renewal.
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2008-092007-2008$80,000.00 Psychiatric services for the CAHWF area utilize a clinical team including a full-time psychiatrist, nurse practitioner and registered nurse. Renewal
North Dickinson Elementary Carlisle Area School DistrictByrnes Health Center Field Trip2007-2008$1,000.00 Through interactive classroom activities, elementary students increase their knowledge about dental health, emotional health and general wellness.
Oak Flat Elementary School Big Spring School DistrictOak Flat Walks Across the Continents Challenge2007-2008$2,000.00 By participating in a school-wide walking program, students increase their daily physical activity levels.
ParentWorks, Inc.Parent Education and Child Abuse2007-2008$7,000.00 Prevention of child abuse and neglect is achieved through parenting classes and in-home education. Healthy People Grant Renewal.
Perry Human ServicesShermans Valley Senior Housing Health & Human Services Coordinator2007-2008$8,000.00 A health coordinator for a senior housing unit schedules health presentations and is responsible for regular assessment and early referrals to appropriate medical resources. Renewal.
Planned Parenthood of the Susquehanna ValleyPerry County Express Clinic2007-2008$40,000.00 PPSV will provide a number of reproductive health services, including pregnancy tests, contraceptive prescription refills and some other treatment and counseling to residents of western Perry County. Healthy People Grant.
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness 2007-082007-2008$16,250.00 Two projects are part of a broad-based community collaboration to improve overall health and wellness in the Newville area: nutrition education for elementary-age students and after school physical activities in a multi-generational setting. Renewal.
Sadler HealthThink Pink, Carlisle2007-2008$500.00Breast cancer educational information and free mammography opportunities are made available to qualifying residents. Renewal.
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2007-2008$206,242.00 Nurse-Family Partnership is an evidence-based program that teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health/development and parenting skills.
Shippensburg Area School DistrictWellness and Outdoor Fitness Trail2007-2008$4,000.00 An outdoor fitness trail is equipped to increase students physical activity after school and during physical education classes. Intermediate School $2,000; James Burd Elementary $2,000
South Middleton School District/Yellow Breeches Middle SchoolBike Rally2007-2008$500.00Elementary and middle school students are encouraged to be physically active by receiving bicycle safety education and supervised trail riding practice.
St. Joseph Health Ministries FoundationFluoridation Campaign2007-2008$25,000.00 Education and information is provided to the public and policy makers in support of the use of fluoridation of public water systems as part of a state-wide coalition. Foundation Initiative.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Carlisle Recovery Mobilization Effort 2008-092007-2008$68,690.00 The Carlisle area recovery community is mobilized to advocate for changes in public attitude, improvements in public policy and reduction of stigma regarding addiction and recovery. Renewal
The Center for Youth and Community Development/Collaborating for YouthProject Venture Upper Adams School District2007-2008$29,000.00 A collaborative program builds resiliency and leadership skills to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse use among middle school students in the Upper Adams School District. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention 2007-082007-2008$87,000.00 Early intervention services for children include a wide variety of therapies to minimize disabilities. Renewal.
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Focus Fitness 2007-082007-2008$55,800.00 This program offers fitness and nutrition education for persons with mental retardation and development disabilities. Renewal.
United Way of Carlisle &Heating Coalition Family Assistance2007-2008$10,000.00 A local Heating Coalition coordinates services for people in need who do not qualify for public-funded, home energy assistance. Healthy People Grant - Renewal.
United Way of Carlisle &Success by Six/Preschool PATHS II2007-2008$11,820.00 The PATHS Project provides intensive training for preschool teachers to reduce aggression and behavior problems in children while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom. Renewal.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyChildren Do Come with Directions Parenting Guide, 2nd Edition2007-2008$2,000.00 Parents will benefit from the distribution of educational brochures entitled Children Do Come with Directions.
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PAWestern Perry Community Nurse2007-2008$84,650.00 A Home Care/Community Nurse program in western Perry County offers non-acute support. Goossens Initiative Renewal
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness 2007-082007-2008$16,100.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer or in remission. Renewal.
YWCA CarlisleNew Shape of Fitness 2008-092007-2008$30,400.00 This health program is designed to attract and retain overweight and inactive women who traditionally do not or cannot keep up with mainstream aerobics/fitness classes. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationOperations 2008-092007-2009$900,000.00 Core support for the community health center that serves thousands of area residents through medical and dental care, tobacco cessation programs, immunizations and a prescription assistance program. Renewal $270,964 (medical); $387,910 (dental); $220,025 (prescriptions); $21,101 (tobacco cessation)
AIDS Community AllianceCumberland Promise 2008-092008-2009$35,000.00 A comprehensive prevention program that uses both community and faith-based strategies to provide the education, the skills and the tools to reduce the risk of HIV and STD infection among the Carlisle African-American community. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Bellaire ElementaryUsing Stability Balls Instead of Class Chairs2008-2009$1,400.00 Use of stability balls to enhance learning, improve attention and reduce class disruption will be monitored.
Big Spring Inner Church Council/Big Spring Food Bank5-A-Day Challenge2008-2009$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
Bosler Memorial LibraryConsumer Health Database2008-2009$17,200.00 Bosler Memorial Library, in partnership with Cumberland County library system, offers patrons access to consumer health-related databases free of charge. Healthy People Grant
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationWorkplace Diabetes Initiative2008-2009$25,000.00 The Diabetes Initiative is an innovative program involving individuals with diabetes and the coordinated efforts of employers, local healthcare providers (including pharmacists, physicians, and health educators) and health insurers to enable employees to better manage their disease. Foundation Initiative
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationPost Partum Adjustment (PPA) Support Group Pilot2008-2009$11,000.00 PPA is addressed through a support group, materials and training. Initiative
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2009-102008-2009$22,500.00 Students in post-secondary healthcare programs ranging from nurses aide to registered nursing receive scholarships. Renewal
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)Adult Nutrition 2009-102008-2009$76,800.00 Milk, cheese, bananas, oranges and orange juice are provided for SHARE clients. Renewal
Carlisle Area Religious Council (Project S.H.A.R.E.)5-A-Day Challenge2008-2009$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional pantry. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary - FOODPLAY2008-2009$1,050.00 FOODPLAY Elementary students participate in a research-based assembly encouraging healthy eating and exercise habits.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMt. Holly Springs Elementary FOODPLAY2008-2009$900.00Elementary students participate in a research-based assembly encouraging healthy eating and exercise habits.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary PTO Byrnes Health Center Field Trip2008-2009$2,000.00 Through interactive classroom activities, elementary students increase their knowledge about dental health, emotional health and general wellness. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictAsthma Prevention2008-2009$500.00An Asthma Prevention Program will reduce the number of rescue inhaler doses.
Carlisle Family YMCAFuture Fitness Initiative2008-2009$1,990.00 Students participating in YMCA classes have an opportunity to use computer-based technology to exercise and be active.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2008-2009$33,600.00 Obese youth and teens are instructed with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition. Renewal
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work Sustenance Funding2008-2009$25,000.00 Temporary funding to sustain workplace wellness activities until the beginning of the next project year. Eight employers continue to engage in activities to promote, support and enhance employee health in areas of nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Safe Routes to School2008-2009$15,000.00 Implementation of Strategies Big Spring, Hamilton and Mooreland elementary schools create a safer walking and biking to school. Initiative Renewal
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work Sustenance Funding2008-2009$25,000.00 Employers engage in activities to enhance employee health around nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation. Initiative Renewal
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work Year 2009-102008-2009$65,000.00 Initiative Renewal
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 2008-092008-2009$16,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse program provides free in-home health services for non-acute needs of the elderly and lower-income population in the Shippensburg area. Renewal
Clinical Outcomes Group, Inc.Project Fresh-Head Start2008-2009$44,600.00 By providing training and technical assistance, a local Head Start program can institute policies designed to decrease tobacco use and exposure to second hand smoke among low income populations.
Cumberland Valley Rails-To-Trails Council, Inc.Helmets for Kids2008-2009$2,000.00 By participating in scheduled safety classes, families are encouraged to ride bicycles for exercise and earn bicycle helmets for the children.
Employment Skills CenterHealth Care Training and Employment2008-2009$20,000.00 New populations of certified nurse aides are trained and employed addressing health-care industry shortages, enhancing delivery of healthcare, and lifting participants from poverty and dependence to employment and self sufficiency. Renewal
Employment Skills CenterEMT Training Project2008-2009$2,000.00 This pilot recruits, trains and places new Emergency Medical Technicians into employment.
Gaudenzia, Inc.Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment2008-2009$65,900.00 The project maintains improved access to outpatient substance abuse treatment for adolescents and their families. Renewal
HACC FoundationScholarships 2008-092008-2009$119,250.00 Scholarships help local students who are pursuing post-high school degrees in healthcare-related fields. Students are expected to return to CAHWFs service area to work after graduation. Renewal for three semesters.
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2009-102008-2009$80,000.00 Hospice services are extended through an office in Carlisle with expanded services. Renewal
Join HandsFamily Practice Center 2008 Health Fair2008-2009$1,500.00 Residents received free screenings at a health fair in western Perry County. Renewal
Join HandsFood Bank/5-A-Day Challenge2008-2009$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
Mt. Holly Church of God/Mt. Holly Food Bank5-A-Day Challenge2008-2009$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterDrug and Alcohol 2008-102008-2009$114,309.00 Outpatient substance abuse treatment is offered to adults, many of whom are uninsured or under-insured and dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2009-102008-2009$76,000.00 Psychiatric services utilize a clinical team including a full-time psychiatrist, nurse practitioner and registered nurse. Renewal
Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers AssociationPMHCA Advocacy2008-2009$51,775.00 Advocacy provides individuals, families and mental health professionals with skills for treatment and recovery.
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness 2008-092008-2009$17,270.00 This broad-based community collaboration improves overall health and wellness in the Newville area. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationThink Pink, Carlisle2008-2009$500.00Breast cancer educational information and free mammography opportunities are made available to qualifying residents. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationComprehensive Health Care2008-2009$199,878.00 A team of healthcare providers serves the un/underinsured and provides a quality driven medical home. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx2008-2009$232,148.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2008-2009$112,133.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and child health/development. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health2008-2009$464,554.00 Dental services are provided at no or low cost to the un/underinsured. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationTobacco Cessation2008-2009$117,287.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking. Renewal
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Carlisle Recovery Mobilization Effort 2009-102008-2009$76,011.00 Advocacy and education reduce addiction related stigma through services to assist with recovery, including buprenorphine coordination. Renewal
The Kings Kettle Food Bank5-A-Day Challenge2008-2009$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
The Salvation ArmyMy Brothers Table2008-2009$20,000.00 Food service equipment is purchased to maintain soup kitchen services for homeless and low-income families and individuals. Healthy People Grant
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention 2008-092008-2009$70,000.00 Early intervention services include a wide variety of therapies and supports for children from birth through five years of age who experience or are at risk for developmental delays. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Life-Fit 2008-092008-2009$118,000.00 This program offers fitness and nutrition education for persons with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention 2008-092008-2009$70,000.00 A wide variety of therapies support children from birth through five years of age who have or are at risk for developmental delays. Renewal
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyHeating Coalition Family Assistance 2008-092008-2009$10,000.00 A local Heating Coalition coordinates services for people in need who do not qualify for publicly-funded home energy assistance. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Upper Adams School DistrictBendersville Elementary All About Me2008-2009$1,650.00 A healthy school initiative is enhanced with a nutrition presentation and special education materials.
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PA, Inc.Western Perry Community Nurse2008-2009$84,650.00 A Home Care/Community Nurse program in western Perry County offers non-acute support. Goossens Initiative Renewal
West Perry School DistrictMilton Creagh Presentation2008-2009$2,000.00 Students and parents receive a prevention message from a nationally known motivational speaker focusing on drug and alcohol abuse.
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness 2008-092008-2009$18,500.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
YWCA CarlisleSafe Dates2008-2009$5,270.00 A nationally approved and research-based SAFE DATES sexual violence prevention program is presented for the Big Spring Area Middle School seventh grade class. Healthy People Grant
YWCA CarlisleNew Shape of Fitness 2009-102008-2009$29,700.00 An exercise and education program targets overweight and inactive women. Renewal
AIDS Community AllianceNo Stigma, Know Status HIV Testing2009-2010$6,300.00 The threat of AIDS will be reduced by encouraging individuals to access HIV rapid testing and learn their HIV status. Healthy People Grant
Big Spring School District/High SchoolStability Balls in the Classroom2009-2010$450.00High school students pilot the use of stability balls in the classroom to enhance learning and physical conditioning.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness Foundation Support Group for Postpartum Adjustment (PPA)2009-2010$7,680.00 PPA is addressed through a support group, materials and training in coordination with the Carlisle Regional Medical Center. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Carlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary Scholarships2009-2010$23,400.00 Provides scholarships for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictGo Girls Go-2009-2010$1,000.00 Crestview Elementary Through this afterschool program, girls will increase knowledge about nutrition and prepare to complete a two mile run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictGo Girls Go2009-2010$1,000.00 Lamberton Middle School Through this afterschool program, girls will increase knowledge about nutrition and prepare to complete a two mile run.
Carlisle Day CareCarlisle Early Education Center2009-2010$1,900.00 Hand washing equipment for two classrooms should reduce the incidence of disease. Healthy People Grant
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2009-2010$18,260.00 Obese youth and teens are instructed with their families in activity, good fitness practices and sensible nutrition. Renewal
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work 2010-112009-2010$65,000.00 Employers engage in activities to enhance employee health around nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 2009-102009-2010$20,500.00 Free in-home health services addresses non-acute needs of the elderly and lower-income population. Renewal
Clinical Outcomes Group, Inc.Project Fresh-Head Start2009-2010$40,000.00 With training and technical assistance, Head Start will institute policies to decrease tobacco use and exposure to second hand smoke. Renewal
Cumberland County American Red CrossGeneration Give Back2009-2010$2,500.00 Training materials support health education through a volunteer youth program. Healthy People Grant
Cumberland Valley Rails to Trails CouncilRail Trail Extension2009-2010$25,000.00 Land will be acquired for the trail from Newville to Carlisle to increase access and opportunities for physical activity. Foundation Initiative
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT2009-2010$1,800.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive instruction in healthy lifestyles as part of a comprehensive youth development summer program.
Domestic Violence ServicesAMEND2009-2010$12,000.00 By participating in this educational process, men who batter their partners will become non-violent in their family relationships. Healthy People Grant
Downtown Carlisle AssociationBiddle Mission Park Walking Path2009-2010$8,500.00 A walking trail around the perimeter of Biddle Mission Park will increase opportunities for close to home activity and serve as a link to other trails. Foundation Initiative
Employment Skills CenterEMT Training & Employment2009-2010$5,000.00 Medical Technicians are trained to help address healthcare shortages. Renewal
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment2009-2010$37,000.00 Certified nurse aides are trained and employed to address a shortage and enhance delivery of healthcare. Renewal
Gaudenzia, Inc.Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment2009-2010$66,000.00 The project maintains improved access to outpatient substance abuse treatment for adolescents and their families. Renewal
HACC FoundationNursing and Allied Health Scholarships2009-2010$87,000.00 Scholarships help students pursue degrees in healthcare-related fields and are expected to return to CAHWFs region to work upon graduation. Renewal
Healthy Lifestyles FoundationCross PA Health Ride and Kids Fitness Days2009-2010$1,000.00 Health promotion materials are provided for local school students in conjunction with a state-wide obesity awareness campaign.
Hope StationCancer Awareness Workshop2009-2010$500.00Through outreach and a nutrition education/demonstration, the Hope Station area receives cancer education and support.
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2010-112009-2010$79,600.00 Hospice care is extended through an office in Carlisle with expanded services. Renewal
Maranatha CarlisleFinancial Management Service2009-2010$7,500.00 Individuals with behavioral health challenges benefit from financial management services and spending plan guidance. Healthy People Grant
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2010-112009-2010$80,000.00 Psychiatric services utilize a clinical team including a full-time psychiatrist, nurse practitioner and registered nurse. Renewal
North Dickinson Elementary School PTOByrnes Health Center Field Trip2009-2010$970.00Through interactive classroom activities, students will learn about dental health, drug and alcohol prevention, and general wellness. Renewal
Perry Human ServicesProfessional Training Day with Robert Ackerman2009-2010$1,200.00 Training focuses on parents, school and human service leaders awareness of strategies to foster resiliency among high-risk youth and encourage their own self-care.
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness 2009-102009-2010$13,700.00 This broad-based community collaboration improves overall health and wellness in the Newville area. Renewal
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult Nutrition-Access and Education2009-2010$80,000.00 CAHWF Funding will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days and the Carlisle Farm Stand. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationComprehensive Health Care 2009-2010$297,894.00 A team of healthcare providers serves the un/underinsured and provides a quality driven medical home. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx2009-2010$229,936.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2009-2010$118,541.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and child health/development. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health2009-2010$532,245.00 Dental services are provided at no or low cost to the un/underinsured. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationTobacco Cessation2009-2010$70,403.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking. Renewal
Safe Harbour, Inc.Safe Harbours Healthy Moves2009-2010$10,000.00 This demonstration grant will provide structured fitness classes for qualifying individuals.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2009-2010$76,011.00 Advocacy, education and buprenorphine care will reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery. Renewal
The Center for Youth and Community DevelopmentProject Venture Upper Adams School District2009-2010$24,900.00 A collaborative program builds resiliency and leadership skills to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse use among middle school students. Renewal
The Mental Health Association of the Capital RegionStrategic Planning Process, Board of Directors2009-2010$1,000.00 Development of a comprehensive strategic plan helps the MHA to expand its educational reach.
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Early Intervention 2009-102009-2010$35,000.00 A wide variety of therapies support children from birth through five years of age who have or are at risk for developmental delays. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Life-Fit 2009-102009-2010$20,000.00 Persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities receive fitness and nutritional aid. Renewal
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyProject Connect2009-2010$1,500.00 Low income and elderly populations are linked with health, human service and home heating providers at this event.
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness 2009-102009-2010$18,500.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
YWCA CarlisleEarly Start Eat Smart2009-2010$2,000.00 At-risk preschool children and their families will receive presentations and information to encourage healthy food choices.
YWCA CarlisleNew Shape of Fitness2009-2010$30,400.00 An exercise and education program targets overweight and inactive women. Renewal
Big Spring Inter Church CouncilFood Bank 5-A-Day Challenge2010-2011$4,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships2010-2011$22,500.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictHigh School - Bullied-Teaching Tolerance2010-2011$2,000.00 Adolescent behavioral health improves through student and teacher trainings that promote tolerance and prevent negative outcomes tied to student harassment.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2010-2011$1,000.00 Through this afterschool program, girls increase knowledge about nutrition and prepare to complete a two mile run. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School STAR Group2010-2011$510.00Students organize and participate in a lunchtime walking club to increase their daily physical activity.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHigh School Bullied-Teaching Tolerance2010-2011$2,000.00 Student and teacher trainings by Jamie Nabozny are aimed at promoting tolerance and preventing student harassment.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2010-2011$1,000.00 Afterschool program for teenage girls offers nutritional education and prepares teens to complete a two-mile run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School STAR Group2010-2011$510.00Students organize and participate in a lunchtime walking club to increase their daily physical activity.
Carlisle Family YMCA7th Grade Initiative2010-2011$2,000.00 Good mental and physical health is promoted by offering free Y memberships with special programming to all 7th grade youth in Carlisle and S. Middleton School Districts.
Carlisle Family YMCAOne West Penn Wellness Part II2010-2011$9,058.00 A customized wellness programming targets seniors in a residential community to promote improved nutrition and increased activity. Foundation Initiative
Carlisle Family YMCA7th Grade Initiative2010-2011$2,000.00 Good mental and physical health is promoted through a free Y membership program for all 7th grade youth in Carlisle and South Middleton School Districts.
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2010-2011$17,570.00 Overweight youth and family members receive instruction on ways to improve physical activity and nutrition. Renewal
Carlisle Family YMCAOne West Penn Wellness Part II2010-2011$9,058.00 A customized wellness program for seniors in a residential community promotes good nutrition and physical fitness. Foundation Initiative
Carlisle Regional Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (CRANA)Wellness at Work 2011-122010-2011$70,000.00 Workplaces support employee health through nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation programs. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Inc. Cumberland Perry Families Based Mental Health Services2010-2011$2,000.00 Two staff members providing home-based mental health services to needy families receive field laptops to streamline home-based intake, progress planning and data reporting.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Inc.Cumberland Perry Family Based Mental Health Services2010-2011$2,000.00 Mental health workers receive field laptops to streamline home-based intake and data reporting.
Central Pennsylvania Youth BalletCarlisleFIT2010-2011$2,000.00 Start-up costs are provided to launch a community program promoting healthy lifestyles through dance.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 20112010-2011$16,000.00 Free in-home health services addresses non-acute needs of the elderly and lower-income population. Renewal
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 20112010-2011$16,000.00 Free in-home health services address the non-acute needs of low-income, older adults. Renewal
Dickinson College CONNECT2010-2011$2,000.00 Summer program for middle school students promotes healthy lifestyles and positive youth development. Renewal
Domestic Violence ServicesAMEND2010-2011$9,000.00 By participating in this educational process, men who batter their partners should become non-violent in their family relationships. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Domestic Violence ServicesAMEND2010-2011$9,000.00 Men with histories as domestic abusers receive training on the development of nonviolent family relationships. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment2010-2011$25,000.00 Certified nurse aides are trained and employed to address a shortage and enhance delivery of healthcare. Renewal
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment2010-2011$12,000.00 To support a strong pipeline of health professionals, nurse aides become trained, certified and employed. Renewal $25,000; Renewal
HACC FoundationScholarships 2011-122010-2011$87,000.00 Scholarships assist students pursuing educational degrees in healthcare-related fields. Renewal
Hope StationKids Café2010-2011$1,600.00 Children participating in Hope Stations after-school program receive nutrition education and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2011-122010-2011$79,600.00 Hospices Carlisle office is expanded to provide care for area residents. Renewal
Maranatha CarlisleFinancial Management Service2010-2011$7,500.00 Individuals with behavioral health challenges benefit from financial management services and spending plan guidance. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Maranatha Carlisle Financial Management Service2010-2011$7,500.00 Individuals with behavioral health needs receive financial management services and spending plan guidance. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Mt. Holly Springs Church of GodFood Pantry2010-2011$4,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
Mt. Holly Springs Church of God Food Pantry2010-2011$4,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterDrug and Alcohol 20112010-2011$57,000.00 Outpatient treatment serves un/underinsured adults, many being dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2011-122010-2011$80,000.00 Mental health services are provided to under- and uninsured individuals. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterDrug and Alcohol 20112010-2011$57,000.00 Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services are provided to the under- and uninsured. Renewal
Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers AssociationPMHCA Advocacy2010-2011$6,000.00 Dr. Sandra Bloom trains mental health advocates, consumers and leaders on fostering systems change and improvement in the ways that human services are delivered.
Perry Human ServicesPerry County 2011 Youth Survey (PAYS)2010-2011$1,980.00 Human service providers and schools in Western Perry County conduct the Pennsylvania Youth Survey to assess and address youth risk behaviors.
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness 2010-112010-2011$12,700.00 This broad-based community collaboration improves overall health and wellness in the Newville area. Renewal
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.Newville Community Wellness 2010-112010-2011$12,700.00 This broad-based community collaboration supports health and wellness in the Newville area. Renewal
Project SHARE Shippensburg Produce Outreach2010-2011$3,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult Nutrition-Access and Education2010-2011$80,000.00 Healthy foods are distributed through the Carlisle Farm Stand. Renewal
Project SHARE of CarlisleShippensburg Produce Outreach2010-2011$3,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are offered at a regional food pantry.
Sadler Health Center CorporationComprehensive Health Care2010-2011$341,291.00 Primary care services are offered in a medical home setting and regardless of patients ability to pay. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx2010-2011$223,096.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services from specialists. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2010-2011$138,188.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and healthy child development. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health2010-2011$468,176.00 Dental services are provided to the under- and uninsured. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationTobacco Cessation2010-2011$72,724.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationIntegrated Behavioral Health Specialist2010-2011$40,000.00 Sadler will begin providing integrated behavioral healthcare to patients through brief interventions and referrals. Strategic Goal
Sadler Health Center CorporationWest Perry Dental Clinic2010-2011$60,000.00 Dental clinic provides care for un/underinsured individuals living in Central and Western Perry County. Goossens Initiative Renewal
Salvation ArmySuper Cupboard2010-2011$2,000.00 Family nutrition is improved by teaching basic cooking and food shopping skills to frequent users of emergency food services.
South Middleton School District/Boiling Springs High SchoolSADD Club Speaker2010-2011$1,000.00 Motivational speaker, Mike Donahue, educates students about drug and alcohol abuse, choices, tolerance and respect.
Streett Charitable FoundationCamp Koala2010-2011$2,000.00 Participation in the National Alliance for Grieving Childrens conference helps camp directors build organizational capacity and knowledge of best practices.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2010-2011$77,560.00 Education, advocacy and buprenorphine care promotes recovery and reduces the stigma associated with addiction. Renewal
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesHealth and Safety Fair for CPARC Residential Staff2010-2011$400.00As part of a Health and Safety Fair, staff members and clients of CPARC receive health education.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesHealth and Safety Fair for CPARC Residential Staff2010-2011$400.00CPARC staff and clients receive health education through a Health & Safety Fair.
The Center for Youth and Community Development Project Venture Upper Adams School District2010-2011$24,900.00 Collaborative program builds resiliency and leadership skills designed to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse among middle school youth. Renewal
The Kings Kettle Food Bank5-A-Day Challenge2010-2011$1,000.00 Fresh produce and healthy food is offered to a regional food pantry. Renewal
The Kings Kettle Food Bank5-A-Day Challenge2010-2011$1,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry. Renewal
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Respite2010-2011$5,000.00 Primary caregivers for a person with a disability receive support through respite care scholarships. Healthy People Grant
United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, Inc.Respite2010-2011$5,000.00 Primary caregivers for individuals with disabilities receive respite care scholarships. Healthy People Grant
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyChildren Do Come with Directions Parenting Guide, 3rd Edition2010-2011$2,000.00 This guidebook provides parents and guardians of young children with standard child health, safety, nutritional and developmental recommendations. Renewal
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County Children Do Come with Directions Parenting Guide, 3rd Edition2010-2011$2,000.00 Guidebook provides parents and guardians of young children with standard child health, safety, nutritional and developmental recommendations. Renewal
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PAWestern Perry Community Nurse2010-2011$84,650.00 Home Care/Community Nurse program in Western Perry County offers non-acute support. Goossens Initiative Renewal
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness 2010-112010-2011$18,500.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) benefit persons diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
YWCA CarlisleNew Shape of Fitness 2011-122010-2011$24,280.00 An exercise and education program promotes wellness among women who are overweight. Renewal
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness 2010-112010-2011$18,500.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) support individuals diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
Big Spring Inter Church CouncilBig Spring Area Food Bank2011-2012$4,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry. Renewal
Big Spring School DistrictPractice Makes Perfect, Improving Youth Nutrition & Activity2011-2012$33,582.00 Schools implement a variety of proven policy, program and environmental change strategies to improve youth nutrition and physical activity. Strategic Goal
Big Spring School DistrictMount Rock Elementary Fitness Frenzy2011-2012$900.00Elementary school students become more active through an incentive-based program.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationPA Coalition for Oral Health Initiatives2011-2012$3,000.00 Practices and policies that increase access to oral health services and prevention education support vulnerable Pennsylvanians. Foundation Initiative
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness Foundation Wellness at Work 2012-132011-2012$60,000.00 Workplaces support employee health through nutrition, activity and tobacco cessation programs. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2012-132011-2012$19,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictImproving Youth Nutrition & Activity2011-2012$28,083.00 Schools implement a variety of proven policy, program and environmental change strategies to improve youth nutrition and physical activity. Strategic Goal
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary Stability Balls Incorporation2011-2012$750.00Fifth grade class seeks to increase engagement of special needs youth through the use of stability balls.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHigh School/Center for Careers and Technology Early Childhood Education and Preschool2011-2012$2,000.00 Playground equipment is purchased to increase students physical activity during school time.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2011-2012$1,000.00 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutritional education and prepares teens to complete a two-mile run. Renewal
Carlisle Area School DistrictOperation Lunchline Assembly & Summer Fitness Fun2011-2012$2,000.00 Classroom instruction, an interactive large group assembly and take home activities promote good nutrition and physical activity in grades K-5.
Carlisle Area School District Bellaire ElementaryHealthy Habits Snack Time2011-2012$855.00Second grade students learn to make healthy food choices and healthy snacks.
Carlisle Area School District Lamberton Middle SchoolGo Girls Go2011-2012$1,000.00 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to complete a two-mile run. Renewal
Carlisle Area School District North Dickinson Elementary PTOByrnes Health Center Field Trip2011-2012$630.00Through interactive classroom activities, students learn about dental health, drug and alcohol prevention, and general wellness. Renewal
Carlisle Area School District North Dickinson Elementary PTOLife Skills Swimming Lessons2011-2012$730.00Students in Life Skills Class learn basic water skills by participating in individualized swimming lessons.
Carlisle Area School District/Hamilton ElementaryStability Balls Incorporation2011-2012$750.00A fifth grade class strives to increase the engagement of special needs youth through the use of stability balls.
Carlisle Family YMCA7th Grade Initiative2011-2012$1,100.00 Good mental and physical health is promoted through a free Y membership program for all 7th grade youth in Carlisle and South Middleton School Districts. Renewal
Carlisle Family YMCAFit for Life2011-2012$17,079.00 Overweight youth and family members receive instruction on ways to improve physical activity and nutrition. Renewal
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2011-2012$16,000.00 Free in-home health services address the non-acute needs of low-income, older adults. Renewal
Cumberland Valley Grange 2104Container Gardening Pizza in a Pot2011-2012$2,000.00 Two educational gardening workshops and container gardening supplies support individuals using the Kings Kettle food bank in learning about ways to grow healthy foods.
Cumberland Valley Rails to Trails CouncilRail Trail Extension Phase II2011-2012$24,500.00 Planning grant supports the expansion of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail from Newville to Carlisle. Foundation Initiative Renewal
Cumberland Valley School District/Monroe ElementaryGirls Running Club2011-2012$300.00Through an after-school club, students learn about nutrition and improve their running skills.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT2011-2012$2,000.00 Summer program for middle school students promotes healthy lifestyles and positive youth development. Renewal
Domestic Violence ServicesAMEND2011-2012$12,000.00 Men with histories as domestic abusers receive training on the development of nonviolent family relationships. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment2011-2012$30,000.00 To support a strong pipeline of health professionals, nurse aides become trained, certified and employed. Renewal
Family Health Council/Cumberland Perry Tapestry of HealthEat This Way2011-2012$1,000.00 Classes for high school students promote good nutrition and proper serving sizes, and healthy choices.
HACC FoundationScholarships 2012-132011-2012$73,000.00 Scholarships assist students pursuing educational degrees for careers in healthcare. Renewal
Hospice of Central PACare Carlisle Community 2012-132011-2012$69,880.00 Hospices Carlisle office is expanded to provide care for area residents. Renewal
Jewish Healthcare FoundationPA Healthcare Funders Collaborative2011-2012$3,500.00 The PA Healthcare Funders Collaborative organizes a group of health funders to work together towards effective solutions. Foundation Initiative
Join HandsDurable Medical Equipment Lending2011-2012$18,000.00 A durable medical equipment loan program serves qualified residents in western Perry County. Goossens Initiative Renewal
LeTort Regional AuthorityLRA Website Upgrade2011-2012$1,450.00 The LeTort Regional Authority website is redesigned to promote the LeTort nature trail and activities related to the regional trail network.
Maranatha CarlisleFinancial Management Service2011-2012$7,500.00 Individuals with behavioral health needs receive financial management services and spending plan guidance. Healthy People Grant Renewal
Mt. Holly Springs Church of GodFood Pantry 5-A-Day Challenge2011-2012$4,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2012-132011-2012$85,000.00 Mental health services are provided to under- and uninsured individuals. Renewal
NHS/The Stevens CenterDrug and Alcohol 20122011-2012$57,000.00 Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services are provided to the under- and uninsured. Renewal
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult Nutrition Access & Education2011-2012$70,000.00 Healthy foods are distributed through the Carlisle Farm Stand. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationIntegrated Behavioral Health Specialist2011-2012$38,416.00 Sadler will begin providing integrated behavioral healthcare to patients through brief interventions and referrals. Strategic Goal Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationTobacco Cessation2011-2012$97,455.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health2011-2012$466,201.00 Dental services are provided to the under- and uninsured. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationComprehensive Health Care2011-2012$264,945.00 Primary care services are offered in a medical home setting and regardless of patients ability to pay. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx2011-2012$211,504.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services from specialists. Renewal
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2011-2012$136,654.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and healthy child development. Renewal
Streett Charitable Foundation, Inc.Camp Koala 20122011-2012$2,000.00 Through camp scholarships grieving children build skills to manage their grief in healthy ways.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2011-2012$77,560.00 Education, advocacy and buprenorphine care promotes recovery and reduces the stigma associated with addiction. Renewal
Summer Program for YouthSPY2011-2012$900.00The Summer Program for Youth camp expands to develop a focus on nutrition education, local foods and physical activity.
The Center for Youth and Community DevelopmentProject Venture Upper Adams School District2011-2012$24,900.00 Program builds resiliency and leadership skills designed to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse among middle school youth. Renewal
Upper Adams School District/Bendersville ElementaryGo Girls Go2011-2012$1,000.00 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to complete a two-mile run.
Visiting Nurse Association of Central PAWestern Perry Community Nurse2011-2012$84,650.00 Community Nurse program in Western Perry County offers home health care and non-acute support to older adults. Goossens Initiative Renewal
West Perry School DistrictNourishing Excellence, Improving Youth Nutrition & Activity2011-2012$43,294.00 Schools implement a variety of proven policy, program and environmental change strategies to improve youth nutrition and physical activity. Strategic Goal
YWCA CarlisleEarly Start Eat Smart2011-2012$2,000.00 At-risk preschool children and their families will receive information to encourage healthy food choices. Renewal
YWCA CarlislePartners in Wellness2011-2012$16,000.00 Education and complementary therapeutic services (yoga, massage and Reiki) support individuals diagnosed with cancer. Renewal
YWCA CarlisleNew Shape of Fitness2011-2012$24,000.00 Exercise and education program promotes health and wellness among women who are overweight. Renewal
Big Spring School DistrictMount Rock Elementary School/Fitness Frenzy2012-2013$2,000.00 Elementary school students are motivated to be more physically active through an incentive-based program.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.The LEAF Project (Leadership Education And Farming)2012-2013$20,000.00 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking and hunger relief service to heighten youths' awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.Sweet Meriam's Farm Preschool Program2012-2013$35,000.00 Preschool children engage in hands-on experiences in the classroom and garden to learn about the importance of agriculture, the value of local produce and the benefits of healthy eating habits.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationWellness at Work (8)2012-2013$45,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationPennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health2012-2013$3,000.00 This collaboration of oral health care advocates and experts will promote better dental care across the state.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2013-142012-2013$10,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLeTort Elementary/New Playground Structure2012-2013$2,000.00 Support replacement of aged and worn playground structure with a new structure that offers more opporutnities for physical activity.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary/Life Skills Swim Lessons2012-2013$728.00Students in Life Skills Class learn basic water skills by participating in individualized swimming lessons.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Elementary/Operation Lunch Line Assembly2012-2013$1,300.00 Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary/Operation Lunch Line Assembly2012-2013$850.00Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictBellaire Elementary/Operation Lunch Line2012-2013$850.00Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School/Go Girls Go2012-2013$1,000.00 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to participate in a community walk/run event.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Elementary School/Go Girls Go2012-2013$1,000.00 By participating in an afterschool program, students will increase knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary/Byrnes Health Center Field Trip2012-2013$630.00Through interactive classroom activities, elementary students will increase their knowledge about healthy living and general wellness.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.ArtWorks! CONNECT/CALC Collaboration2012-2013$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on stress management and healthy expression as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Carlisle C.A.R.E.S.CPR training classes2012-2013$500.00A local shelter will improve its capacity to handle emergency situations through CPR training classes.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Carlisle Victory Circle Community Connections Program2012-2013$2,000.00 This afterschool program will empower students to realize and engage in activities that will prepare them to be successful in school and in life.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 20132012-2013$16,000.00 Free in-home health services address the non-acute needs of low-income, older adults.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Cumberland Valley Rail Trail - Carlisle Extension: Phase 12012-2013$65,000.00 Engineering and construction of an underpass and section of trail to support Phase I of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail extension from Newville to Carlisle.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT-CALC COLLABORATION2012-2013$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Eastern Regional Conference Churches of GodMt. Holly Springs Church of God 5-A-Day Challenge2012-2013$2,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment 2012-142012-2013$52,500.00 To support a strong pipeline of health professionals, nurse aides become trained, certified and employed.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2012-2013$50,000.00 To provide scholarships for area HACC students in nursing and related healthcare studies programs.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilCarlisle Circulator Bus2012-2013$6,000.00 This demonstration grant will provide transportation services to low income individuals needing acess to health care and human services in the greater Carlisle area.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station Kid's Cafe2012-2013$2,000.00 Children at Hope Station will receive nutritional education and healthy beverages as part of the healthy snacks and meals provided during this after-school program. RENEWAL
Hospice of Central PennsylvaniaCare for the Carlisle Community2012-2013$58,800.00 Access to and delivery of Hospice services are greatly improved by funding an office site in Carlisle.
Jewish Healthcare FoundationPennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative2012-2013$3,000.00 Through collaboraing and networking this initiative advances a unified voice among funders working acorss Pennsylvania.
Join Hands MinistryEquipment Request2012-2013$1,638.00 Frontline staff will receive a desk top computer to improve clients' access to apply for health and human service programs.
NHS Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol 2013-142012-2013$57,000.00 Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services are provided to the under- and uninsured.
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2012-2013$85,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult Nutrition 2013-142012-2013$80,000.00 Healthy food is purchased and distributed.
Sadler Health Center CorporationPerfecting Patient Care2012-2013$2,000.00 Through hands-on training, this medical practice will improve it's standard operating procedures to deliver better health care services.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Comp. Health Care2012-2013$334,337.00 Primary care services are offered in a medical home setting and regardless of patients ability to pay.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Oral Health2012-2013$360,567.00 Sadler serves as a dental home for the region's un/underinsured through the provision of comprehensive oral health services. Renewal
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Behavioral Health2012-2013$93,274.00 Sadler serves as a medical home for the region's un/underinsured through the provision of comprehensive health services including primary care, dental care, prescription assistance, Nurse Family Partnership, tobacco cessation and behavioral health services.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Healthy Rx2012-2013$211,119.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services from specialists.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Tobacco and Health Education2012-2013$91,286.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking.
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse Family Partnership 2013-142012-2013$139,910.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and healthy child development.
Sadler Health Center CorporationWest Perry Dental Clinic2012-2013$40,000.00 Provides dental care for un/underinsured clients through the West Perry Dental Clinic.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2012-2013$77,560.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the Greater Carlisle Area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
The Carl and Emily Weller Center for Health EducationAdolescent Depression Awareness Program2012-2013$8,000.00 High school students, their teachers and parents are educated about adolescent depression, to enable teens to seek appropriate intervention and treatment.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Project Venture2012-2013$24,900.00 Program builds resiliency and leadership skills designed to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse use among middle school youth.
The Foundation for Enhancing CommunitiesGrace@Home Education Materials2012-2013$2,000.00 By providing promotional materials Grace@Home will educate the public about keys to success for aging in place.
Big Spring School DistrictMount Rock Elementary School/Fitness Frenzy2012-2013$2,000.00 Elementary school students are motivated to be more physically active through an incentive-based program.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.The LEAF Project (Leadership Education And Farming)2012-2013$20,000.00 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking and hunger relief service to heighten youths' awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.Sweet Meriam's Farm Preschool Program2012-2013$35,000.00 Preschool children engage in hands-on experiences in the classroom and garden to learn about the importance of agriculture, the value of local produce and the benefits of healthy eating habits.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationWellness at Work (8) 2013-20142012-2013$45,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Carlisle Area Health & Wellness FoundationPennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health2012-2013$3,000.00 This collaboration of oral health care advocates and experts will promote better dental care across the state.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships 2013-142012-2013$10,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLeTort Elementary/New Playground Structure2012-2013$2,000.00 Support replacement of aged and worn playground structure with a new structure that offers more opporutnities for physical activity.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary/Life Skills Swim Lessons2012-2013$728.00Students in Life Skills Class learn basic water skills by participating in individualized swimming lessons.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Elementary/Operation Lunch Line Assembly2012-2013$1,300.00 Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHamilton Elementary/Operation Lunch Line Assembly2012-2013$850.00Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictBellaire Elementary/Operation Lunch Line2012-2013$850.00Promote good nutrition and physical activity with elementary school students through an interactive large group assembly and subsequent classroom activities.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School/Go Girls Go2012-2013$1,000.00 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to participate in a community walk/run event.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Elementary School/Go Girls Go2012-2013$1,000.00 By participating in an afterschool program, students will increase knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson Elementary/Byrnes Health Center Field Trip2012-2013$630.00Through interactive classroom activities, elementary students will increase their knowledge about healthy living and general wellness.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.ArtWorks! CONNECT/CALC Collaboration2012-2013$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on stress management and healthy expression as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Carlisle C.A.R.E.S.CPR training classes2012-2013$500.00A local shelter will improve its capacity to handle emergency situations through CPR training classes.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Carlisle Victory Circle Community Connections Program2012-2013$2,000.00 This afterschool program will empower students to realize and engage in activities that will prepare them to be successful in school and in life.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 20132012-2013$16,000.00 Free in-home health services address the non-acute needs of low-income, older adults.
Cumberland County Chiefs of Police AssociationCrisis Negotiation Training2012-2013$1,000.00 Four members of the Cumberland County Crisis Negotiation Team will receive training and certification to mitigate high risk situations involving violence or weapons.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Cumberland Valley Rail Trail - Carlisle Extension: Phase 12012-2013$65,000.00 Engineering and construction of an underpass and section of trail to support Phase I of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail extension from Newville to Carlisle.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT-CALC COLLABORATION2012-2013$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Eastern Regional Conference Churches of GodMt. Holly Springs Church of God 5-A-Day Challenge2012-2013$2,000.00 Fresh produce and other healthy foods are made available at a regional food pantry.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment 2012-142012-2013$52,500.00 To support a strong pipeline of health professionals, nurse aides become trained, certified and employed.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2012-2013$50,000.00 To provide scholarships for area HACC students in nursing and related healthcare studies programs.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilCarlisle Circulator Bus2012-2013$6,000.00 This demonstration grant will provide transportation services to low income individuals needing acess to health care and human services in the greater Carlisle area.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station Kid's Cafe2012-2013$2,000.00 Children at Hope Station will receive nutritional education and healthy beverages as part of the healthy snacks and meals provided during this after-school program. RENEWAL
Hospice of Central PennsylvaniaCare for the Carlisle Community2012-2013$58,800.00 Access to and delivery of Hospice services are greatly improved by funding an office site in Carlisle.
Jewish Healthcare FoundationPennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative2012-2013$3,000.00 Through collaboraing and networking this initiative advances a unified voice among funders working acorss Pennsylvania.
Join Hands MinistryEquipment Request2012-2013$1,638.00 Frontline staff will receive a desk top computer to improve clients' access to apply for health and human service programs.
NHS Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol 2013-142012-2013$57,000.00 Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services are provided to the under- and uninsured.
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2012-2013$85,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult Nutrition 2013-142012-2013$80,000.00 Healthy food is purchased and distributed.
Sadler Health Center CorporationPerfecting Patient Care2012-2013$2,000.00 Through hands-on training, this medical practice will improve it's standard operating procedures to deliver better health care services.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Comp. Health Care2012-2013$334,337.00 Primary care services are offered in a medical home setting and regardless of patients ability to pay.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Oral Health2012-2013$360,567.00 Sadler serves as a dental home for the region's un/underinsured through the provision of comprehensive oral health services. Renewal
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Behavioral Health2012-2013$93,274.00 Sadler serves as a medical home for the region's un/underinsured through the provision of comprehensive health services including primary care, dental care, prescription assistance, Nurse Family Partnership, tobacco cessation and behavioral health services.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Healthy Rx2012-2013$211,119.00 Pharmaceutical assistance leverages free prescriptions and donated medical services from specialists.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Tobacco and Health Education2012-2013$91,286.00 Tobacco cessation classes and education help people to quit smoking.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2013-14 Nurse Family Partnership2012-2013$139,910.00 An evidence-based program teams nurses with first-time mothers to improve pregnancy outcomes and healthy child development.
Sadler Health Center CorporationWest Perry Dental Clinic2012-2013$40,000.00 Provides dental care for un/underinsured clients through the West Perry Dental Clinic.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2012-2013$77,560.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the Greater Carlisle Area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
The Carl and Emily Weller Center for Health EducationAdolescent Depression Awareness Program2012-2013$8,000.00 High school students, their teachers and parents are educated about adolescent depression, to enable teens to seek appropriate intervention and treatment.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Project Venture2012-2013$24,900.00 Program builds resiliency and leadership skills designed to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse use among middle school youth.
The Foundation for Enhancing CommunitiesGrace@Home Education Materials2012-2013$2,000.00 By providing promotional materials Grace@Home will educate the public about keys to success for aging in place.
Downtown Carlisle AssociationButcher Tot Lot Park Improvement2013-2014$5,000 Support the acquistion of playground equipement as part of an overall park improvement project in a Carlisle community park.
Bison FoundationCenter for Careers and Technology/Health Careers Academy2013-2014$12,200 Medical equipment is provided to support a new health career curriculum.
West Perry School DistrictPROSPER Strengthening the Family/Middle School2013-2014$2,000 PROSPER is an evidence-based substance abuse prevention program for young adolescents and their families.
Project SHARE of CarlisleDouble Up Food Bucks2013-2014$2,000 Collaborative project between Project SHARE and Farmers on the Square that features an incentive program to match dollars used from food access programs for low-income customers to buy food at the Farmer's Market.
NHS Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol Program 2013-142013-2014$85,000 NHS Stevens Center provides oupatient subtance abuse treatment services to individuals who are under- and uninsured.
The Salvation ArmySuper Cupboard2013-2014$2,000 Educate frequent users of emergency food services by including a combination of food assistance, nutrition education, food preparation and basic living skills.
Partnership for Better HealthPatient Centered Medical Home2013-2014$25,000 Local primary care practices will change their approach to delivering and organizating primary care treatment by participating in training to adopt the "Patient Centered Medical Home" model.
Eastern Regional Conference Churches of GodMt Holly Springs Church of God 5-A-Day Challenge2013-2014$2,000 Funding is used to support the purchase of fresh produce and perishable foods for people using emergency food services.
West Perry High SchoolSustainable Food Supplies2013-2014$2,000 Expand access to the use of the greenhouse facilities during the school year to provide more students with nutritional education and agricultural opportunities.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station Kid's Cafe program2013-2014$2,000 Children at Hope Station will receive nutritional education and healthy beverages and snacks as part of their after-school program.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry Counties“ Demystifying Autism”2013-2014$1,200 A day-long seminar provides education about the autism spectrum disorder to families, professionals and community members.
Camp KoalaFall Family Support Groups2013-2014$1,000 Through family support groups grieving individuals gain skills to manage their grief in a healthy way.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNew Playground Equipment - Younger Users2013-2014$2,000 Support expansion of school playground to include equipment for younger elementary students grades K-2.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Project Venture On Site Training2013-2014$2,000 On site training for school staff will be provided to implement the evidence based program, Project Venture.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse 2013-142013-2014$16,000 The Shippendburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
Cumberland County Chiefs of Police AssociationCrisis Negotiation Training 20142013-2014$1,000 Four members of the Cumberland County Crisis Negotiation Team will receive training and certification to mitigate high risk situations involving violence or weapons.
Sadler Health Center CorporationMarketplace Navigator2013-2014$2,000 Program materials are provided to a local Marketplace Navigator who will help individuals make informed decisions regarding health plan selection.
Union Fire Co. No. 1Project "Save a Child"2013-2014$2,000 "10 year" smoke alarms are distrubuted to lower income families in the Carlisle area.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgTriple Play2013-2014$2,000 The Triple Play program demonstrates how eating smart, keeping fit and forming positive relationships add up to a healthy lifestyle.
Maranatha-CarlisleFinancial Management Services2013-2014$7,500 Individuals with behavioral health challenges will have their finances managed regularly by Maranatha to ensure that their basic needs are met and they avoid the loss of medical services.
YWCA CarlisleWorking on Wellness (WOW)2013-2014$2,000 Nutrition and physical activity program component added to existing economic advancement and personal growth program for women.
South Central Pennsylvania Sickle Cell CouncilSickle Cell Outreach2013-2014$5,000 Resources are provided for Sickle Cell trait testing and follow-up counseling to affected families.
Carlisle CARESStaff Training Classes2013-2014$500A local shelter will improve its capacity to handle emergency situations through CPR training classes.
Reel RecoveryPennsylvania Retreat for Men with Cancer2013-2014$2,000 Men coping with cancer are provided with the opportunity to attend a free fly fishing retreat and participate in directed conversations to learn a new set of skills and build a network of support.
Carlisle Area School DistrictNorth Dickinson - Byrnes Health Center Field Trip (mini grant)2013-2014$630Through interactive classroom activities, elementary students will increase their knowledge about healthy living and general wellness. RENEWAL
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.LEAF Project (Leadership Education And Farming)2013-2014$25,000 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking and hunger relief service to heighten youth's awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Community Connections Program2013-2014$2,000 This afterschool program will empower students to realize and engage in activities that will prepare them to be sucessful in school and in life.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Behavioral Health (2014-15)2013-2014$95,212 The Behavioral Health (BH) Program provides initial consultations, short-term counseling, and referral to longer-term mental health or substance treatment.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Nurse-Family Partnership (2014-15)2013-2014$214,279 Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) introduces first-time parents to nurses, who deliver the support first-time moms need to have a healthy pregnancy and become knowledgeable parents.
Partnership for Better HealthHealth Care Market Analysis - Perry County2013-2014$20,000 Engage research consultants to conduct a market analysis that will
generate a clearer understanding of the demand for specific health services in Perry County, including a focus on health services for residents who lack adequate health insurance.
Partnership for Better HealthSimply Moving2013-2014$690Free walking program that introduces participants to local parks and trails and the numerous opportunities that are available for recreation and physical activity.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle 2014 - 20152013-2014$77,560 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the Greater Carlisle Area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult and Child Nutrition (2014-2015)2013-2014$60,000 Funding from the foundation is used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days.
Downtown Carlisle AssociationHeberlig Palmer Park2013-2014$13,000 To support the development of an asphalt walking trail and the installation of natural playscapes at the Heberlig Palmer Park.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Medical (2014-15)2013-2014$383,909 Sadler’s medical program provides high-quality care to thousands of adults and children in the Partnership service area.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Oral Health (2014-15)2013-2014$468,672 Dental offices in Carlisle and Loysville (Perry County) offer comprehensive primary dental care and referrals.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Community Education and Tobacco Cessation (2014-15)2013-2014$97,816 This program provides education and services for tobacco cessation, diabetes management, nutrition, asthma management to improve health status.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2015 Healthy Rx (2014-15)2013-2014$254,714 Healthy Rx provides prescription assistance, low-cost medications, clinical consultation, durable medical equipment, Medicare Part D counseling, medication therapy, and patient education.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarship 20142013-2014$10,000 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs. RENEWAL
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team 2014 - 20152013-2014$85,000 Mental health services are provided to under- and uninsured individuals. RENEWAL
Carlisle Area School DistrictGo Girls Go2013-2014$1,000 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to participate in a community walk/run event. RENEWAL
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.Sweet Meriam's Farm Preschool Program2013-2014$25,000 Preschool children engaged in hands-on experience in the classroom and garden to learn about the improtance of agriculture, the value of local produce and the benefits of healthy eating habits.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2013-2014$1,000 After-school program for teenage girls offers nutrition education and trains teens to participate in a community walk/run event. RENEWAL
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment Project 2014 - 20152013-2014$43,470 To support a strong pipeline of health professionals, nurse aides become trained, certified and employed. RENEWAL
Hospice of Central PennsylvaniaCare for the Carlisle Community 2014 - 20152013-2014$9,000 Access to and delivery of Hospice services are greatly improved by funding an office site in Carlisle.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2013-2014$10,000 To provide scholarships for area HACC students in nursing and related healthcare studies programs.
Camp KoalaCamp Koala 20142013-2014$1,000 Through camp scholarships grieving children build skills to manage their grief in healthy ways.
Big Spring School DistrictImproving Youth Nutrition and Activity: Part 22013-2014$10,000 To support the expansion of the SPARK initiative throughout Big Spring School District and the continuation of the 5210 campaign.
Carlisle Area School DistrictImproving Youth Nutrition and Activity: Part 22013-2014$10,000 To support the expansion of the CATCH program within the Carlisle Area School District's elementary schools and the continuation of the 5210 campaign.
West Perry High SchoolImproving Youth Nutrition and Activity: Part 22013-2014$8,200 To support West Perry School District's efforts to sustain the 5210 campaign and to expand their utilization of their greenhouse through the production of additional crops and provision of additional educational programs and opportunities.
Big Spring Inter Church CouncilFruit & Vegetable Provisions2013-2014$2,000 Provede funding for fresh produce and healthy food to qualifying participants.
Dickinson CollegeCamp DIG: A hands-on environmental education camp for kids2013-2014$700To provide scholarship support for local, low-income children to attend the environmental education summer camp know as Camp DIG (Discover, Inquire, Grow).
The Foundation for Enhancing CommunitiesPennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health 2014-152013-2014$3,000 This collaboration of oral health care advocates and experts will promote better dental care across the state.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work (9) 2014-20152013-2014$15,000 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Upper Adams Project Venture2013-2014$24,900 Project Venture is a nationally recognized youth development program that is proven to preven alcohol, tobacco and other substance abuse use among middle school youth. RENEWAL
Jewish Healthcare FoundationPennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative2013-2014$3,000 Through collaboraing and networking this initiative advances a unified voice among funders working acorss Pennsylvania.
The Mental Wellness Awareness Association, Inc.Adult Mental Health First Aid Training2013-2014$320Participants of this class will learn the early signs and symptoms of mental health problems to assist other with obtaining prompt, appropriate care.
Special Olympics Pennsylvania Area MSpecial Olympics PA - Area M Bocce Ball Court Expansion2013-2014$2,000 To support the installation of a new Bocce Ball Court to train and prepare local Special Olympic athletes for competitions
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT/CALC Collaboration2013-2014$1,800 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.CONNECT/CALC Summer Program for Teens2013-2014$1,900 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry Counties Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness
2014-2015$500Prevention messages are distributed to local restaurant patrons consuming alcohol in coordination with National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and Shippensburg
Triple Play 2014-2015 2014-2015$2,000.00 The Triple Play program demonstrates how eating smart, keeping fit and forming positive relationships add up to a healthy lifestyle.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.
The LEAF Project’s strategic planning process 2014-2015$2,000.00 To support LEAF’s engagement in a strategic planning process for the purpose of program planning, evaluation and sustainability.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. LEAF Project (Leadership Education And Farming)2014-2015$25,000.00 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking and hunger relief service to heighten youth's awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Carlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary Scholarships 2015-16 2014-2015$10,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in post-secondary healthcare programs. RENEWAL
Carlisle Area School District
Go Girls Go2014-2015$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School District Aquatic Safety Swim Lessons 2014-2015$550.00To provide three sessions of swim/water safety instruction to 2nd graders attending LeTort Elementary.
Carlisle Area School District
EMT Scholarships2014-2015$2,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare local students of need for a career in emergency medical services.
Carlisle Area School District
New Recess Equipment and Playground Safety Mats2014-2015$1,450.00 To purchase new recess equipment for each grade level and to purchase two new rubber safety mats to go under two pieces of the school's playground equipment.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc. CONNECT/CALC Summer Program for Middle School Students FY 2014-15
2014-2015$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, a-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on stress management and healthy expression as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.
Carlisle Victory Circle Community Connections Program 2014-2015$2,000.00 This afterschool program will empower students to realize and engage in activities that will prepare them to be successful in school and in life.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.
PROJECT REACH2014-2015$12,000.00 To support the implementation of an after-school program for children in grades 4-7 that promotes academic success, physical activity through dance, and wise choices regarding nutrition and the use of tobacco and other drugs.
Civic Club of Shippensburg Shippensburg Community Nurse 2014-15
The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of underinsured elderly and low-income individuals.
CONTACT Helpline
211 Marketing Campaign
2014-2015$15,000.00 CONTACT Helpline will launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to increase awareness of the 2-1-1 information and referral phone number in Central Pennsylvania
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc. Extension of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail from Rt. 233 eastward to Mt. Rock Road
2014-2015$25,000.00 To support the completion of the trail expansion from Rt. 233 to Mt. Rock Road in the Newville community.
Diakon Youth Services Aggression Replacement Therapy for At-risk Youth 2014-2015$2,000.00 This multimodal intervention will provide the ability to positively alter the behavior of chronically aggressive at-risk-teen-age students.
Dickinson College 2015 Migrant Farm Labor Health Outreach2014-2015$3,345.00 Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers in Upper Adams Country.
Employment Skills Center
Nurse Aide Training and Employment 2014-2015$57,000.00 To recruit, train and prepare individuals for careers in the high demand field of health care as Certified Nurse Aides.
Harrisburg Area Community College Foundation Healthcare Scholarships 2014-2015$25,000.00 To provide scholarships for area HACC students in nurse aide training.
Healthy Steps Diaper Bank Critical Diaper Need
2014-2015$2,000.00 By forming partnerships with local organizations, the diaper bank will provide diapers to families in need.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood Council Kid's Cafe2014-2015$2,000.00 Children at Hope Station will receive nutritional education and healthy beverages and snacks as part of their after-school program.
The Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania Camp Kydnie - A Camp for Kids with Kidney Disease 2014-2015$1,400.00 Scholarships for a summer camp experience emphasizing a healthy lifestyle. Staffing is very specialized with medical doctors able to accommodate children with kidney disease and on dialysis.
NHS Stevens Center
Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Program2014-2015$57,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides outpatient substance abuse treatment services to individuals who are under- and uninsured.
NHS Stevens Center
Comprehensive Clinical Team 2014-20152014-2015$85,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties.
Partnership for Better Health
Healthy Items for Migrant Workers2014-2015$2,915.00 Over-the-counter pharmacy items (such as toothpaste, ibuprofen, sunscreen, and soap) will be distributed at migrant worker camps in Upper Adams County. Education for the use of items will accompany the distribution through Spanish speaking nurses and college students.
Partnership for Better Health
Make It a Healthy Summer! Youth Scholarships 2014-2015$7,850.00 This scholarship program provides summer camp scholarship money to children with economic need in all areas of the foundation’s geographic region.
Partnership for Better Health
Simply Moving Walking Initiative 2014-152014-2015$1,444.00 Free walking program that introduces participants to local parks and trails and the numerous opportunities that are available for recreation and physical activity.
Partnership for Better Health
Wellness at Work 2015-16 (Year 10)2014-2015$15,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation
Understanding the Barriers to Outdoor Recreation 2014-2015$8,000.00 To support the assessment of state parks and forests located within foundation’s service area for the purpose of identifying and addressing barriers to accessing outdoor recreation.
Playworks Recess Implementation2014-2015$49,500.00 Through on-site training and consultation, school staff will discover new ways to incorporate inclusive activities and opportunities for play at recess.
Project SHARE of Carlisle
Double Up Food Bucks2014-2015$2,000.00 Collaborative project between Project SHARE and Farmers on the Square that features an incentive program to match dollars used from food access programs for low-income customers to buy food at the Farmer’s Market
Project SHARE of Carlisle Adult and Child Nutrition 2015-162014-2015$60,000.00 Funding from the foundation will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days.
Sadler Health Center CorporationFY2016 Medical (2015-16)
2014-2015$979,209.00 Program operating funds for 2015-16
Sadler Health Center Corporation FY2016 Nurse-Family Partnership (2015-16)
2014-2015$250,791.00 Program operating funds for 2015-16
Safe Harbour Inc.
Life Skills2014-2015$4,500.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive life skills program to provide residents with the skills needed to live independently in the community.
The Salvation Army
The Super Cupboard 2014-152014-2015$2,000.00 Educate frequent users of emergency food services by including a combination of food assistance, nutrition education, food preparation and basic living skills.
Shippensburg University Foundation
Shippensburg Summer Lunch Program2014-2015$2,000.00 The Summer Lunch Program strives to improve the quality of life for children residing in the Shippensburg community by providing free lunch and healthy living education.
South Middleton School District
SPARK PE AND FITNESS FOR LIFE 2014-20152014-2015$22,250.00 To support South Middleton School District's efforts to improve students' overall physical fitness through the implementation of the SPARK PE program and the Fitness for Life program as part of the district's physical education curriculum.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc. RASE of Carlisle2014-2015$78,000.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
Todd Baird Lindsey Foundation Dental Care Assistance
2014-2015$10,000.00 Specialty dental care is provided for qualifying residents
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County Success By 6 "Getting Ready for Kindergarten Calendar"2014-2015$750.00To support the printing and distribution of daily activity calendars to help parents, caregivers and teachers prepare children for kindergarten and to ensure learning readiness.
Civic Club of ShippensburgCommunity Nurse Program (2 Years)2015-2016$34,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
Center for Independent Living of Central PaDisability and Senior Inclusive Fitness2015-2016$1,000.00 To support the purchase of equipment for the implementation of a 5-tiered fitness program and circuit training for individuals with disabilities and the aging community.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of York & Adams CountiesSMART Program2015-2016$2,000.00 To support a school-based after-school mentoring program that matches elementary school students with local high school and college volunteers in Adams County.
Historic Carlisle, Inc.Historic Carlisle, Inc. Wayside Marker Brochure Printing Project2015-2016$1,000.00 To support the expansion and reproduction of the walking brochure that features Carlisle’s historic wayside markers.
Central Penn College Education FoundationScholarships for Health Care Students2015-2016$5,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in rural areas who are pursuing healthcare careers.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2015-2016$5,100.00 This community and school based program will empower high school students to improve healthy lifestyle choices and decrease at-risk behavior.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Health Coalition Consultant2015-2016$20,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote action plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
New Life CommunityLifeCycle Carlisle2015-2016$2,000.00 To support the acquisition of tools and equipment needed to operate the Earn-A-Bicycle program and the bicycle maintenance workshops.
West Perry School DistrictPROSPER Strengthening the Family/Middle School2015-2016$2,000.00 PROSPER is an evidence-based substance abuse prevention program for young adolescents and their families.
Partnership for Better HealthSimply Moving Walking Initiative 2015-162015-2016$1,486.00 To support the Carlisle Parks and Recreation Department's facilitation of a free walking series in the fall and spring.
Cumberland County Historical SocietyCCHS Pocket Park Natural History Scavenger Hunt Program2015-2016$2,000.00 To support the installation of a green history-themed pocket park to facilitate outdoor education opportunities and light exercise.
Employment Skills CenterEmployment Skills Center Basic Carpentry Pilot Program2015-2016$1,400.00 To support the provision of workplace skills training and basic carpentry training to 10 disadvantaged young adults for the purpose of constructing raised planters to house herbs and edible vegetation.
Project SHARE of CarlisleDouble Up Market Bucks2015-2016$2,000.00 Collaborative project between Project SHARE and Farmers on the Square that features an incentive program to match dollars used from food access programs for low-income customers to buy food at the Farmer’s Market.
Diakon Youth ServicesFlight Program Health & Wellness Initiative2015-2016$736.00To support the acquisition of a YMCA Family Membership to expand opportunities for physical activity for at-risk young adults involved in Diakon’s Flight Program.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilKid's Cafe2015-2016$2,000.00 Children at Hope Station will receive nutritional education and healthy beverages and snacks as part of their after-school program.
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health2015-2016$361,936.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Bison FoundationLamberton and Wilson MS Fitness Centers2015-2016$50,000.00 Cardio and fitness equipment is purchased to outfit the Fitness Centers at Lamberton and Wilson Middle Schools.
Gaudenzia, Inc.Enhancing Treatment Options for Substance Abuse2015-2016$100,000.00 Match money is provided allowing Gaudenzia to expand detoxification and short-term residential rehabilitation.
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse-Family Partnership2015-2016$250,791.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx2015-2016$103,600.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Sadler Health Center CorporationBehavioral Health2015-2016$69,073.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team (2 Years)2015-2016$186,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties.
NHS Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol Program (2 Years)2015-2016$114,000.00 NHS Stevens Center provides outpatient substance abuse treatment services to individuals who are under- and uninsured.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2015-2016$78,000.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery. (Renewal)
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult and Child Nutrition and Education2015-2016$69,000.00 Funding from the foundation will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment Program2015-2016$60,000.00 To recruit, train and prepare individuals for careers in the high demand field of health care as Certified Nurse Aides.
Carlisle Area School DistrictEMT Scholarships2015-2016$2,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare qualifying students of need for a career in emergency medical services.
Pressley RidgeAdams County Trauma Assessment Project2015-2016$10,000.00 By assessing exposure to trauma and adverse childhood experiences, Adams County social service providers will have information to form a collaborative approach to improve health needs of the community.
The Salvation ArmyMy Brother's Table2015-2016$20,000.00 To support the Salvation Army’s food program that is designed to reduce hunger and meet the nutritional needs of individuals who are homeless and those who are food insecure.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Greenhouse2015-2016$25,000.00 To support the construction of a multi-purpose greenhouse to serve as an educational space for LEAF youth, visiting community groups, and to extend the growing season
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT: The Summer Collaboration2015-2016$2,000.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program
Summer Program for YouthSwimming Program Component2015-2016$1,900.00 To provide payment for the cost of pool admission and pool bags for SPY youth during the 8-week summer youth program
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work2015-2016$15,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
The Kidney Foundation of Central PennsylvaniaCamp Kydnie: A Camp for Kids with Kidney Disease2015-2016$1,500.00 Scholarships for a summer camp experience emphasizing healthy lifestyle. Staffing is very specialized with medical doctors able to accommodate children with kidney disease and on dialysis.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictElementary School Physical Education Equipment2015-2016$2,000.00 To support the purchase of playground and physical education equipment and stress relief materials for grades K-4.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCarlisle High School Herd 1002015-2016$1,500.00 To support the implementation of the student enrichment program that is designed to acclimate 100 9th grade students to the high school experience and environment.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2015-2016$20,000.00 To provide scholarships for area HACC students in nurse aide training.
Dickinson CollegeMigrant Farm Labor Health Outreach2015-2016$3,000.00 Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers in northern Adams county.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictBermudian Springs School District Cardio Room Project2015-2016$25,000.00 To support the construction of a fully functioning cardio room at the Bermudian Springs High School.
Downtown Carlisle AssociationHeberlig Palmer Park Renovation2015-2016$25,000.00 To support the acquisition of the following park amenities: slide and climbing structures, cargo net, and playground and landscape mulch.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Summer Lunch Program2015-2016$2,000.00 To improve the quality of life for children residing in the Shippensburg community by providing free lunch and healthy living education during the summer program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2015-2016$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to compete in a 5K run.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryScholarships (2 Years)2015-2016$20,000.00 Educational scholarships are provided for eligible students pursuing post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Area School DistrictStanding Strong2015-2016$1,950.00 Evidence based programs will be offered to students and parents to encourage healthy choices and reduce the risk of early substance use initiation.
The Salvation ArmyThe Super Cupboard2015-2016$2,000.00 To support programming for frequent users of emergency food services that focuses on a combination of food assistance, nutrition education, food preparation and basic living skills.
Diakon Youth ServicesFlight Program Access Initiative2015-2016$28,100.00 To support the implementation and expansion of a comprehensive life skills program for at-risk young males between the ages of 17-24 who have aged out of child welfare or juvenile justice systems.
Hometown Development CorporationCarlisle Works2015-2016$30,000.00 Carlisle Works is a training and local hiring program that provides skilled training and employment opportunities for unemployed and underemployed residents primarily of the Borough of Carlisle’s northwest quadrant.
Healthy Steps Diaper BankCritical Diaper Need2015-2016$4,000.00 By forming partnerships with local organizations, the diaper bank will provide diapers to families in need
Safe Harbour Inc.Life Skills2015-2016$4,500.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive life skills program to provide residents with the skills needed to live independently in the community.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictPlayground Equipment/Storage2015-2016$2,000.00 To support the acquisition of a fitness station, concrete corn hole station and a ball storage container for our playground equipment to enhance opportunities for physical activity for the students and community at large.
Carlisle Area School DistrictSwim/Water Safey Instruction2015-2016$750.00To provide four sessions of swim/water safety instruction to 2nd graders attending LeTort Elementary School.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictWalking to Help the World2015-2016$2,000.00 To support the purchase of wrist band pedometers to engage students in a step challenge that promotes increased physical activity and results in contributions to a UNICEF hunger initiative.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Project2015-2016$25,000.00 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking and hunger relief service to heighten youths’ awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! Youth Scholarships2015-2016$8,000.00 This scholarship program provides summer camp scholarship money to children with economic need in all areas of the foundation’s geographic region.
Partnership for Better HealthCommunity Dashboard2015-2016$10,000.00 Create a community resource that will be an objective, data-driven information source on key indicators of education, economic, health and human service issues.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionCumberland County Youth Mentoring Opportunities2016-2017$5,000.00 To support the expansion of Big Brothers Big Sisters matches and mentoring opportunities in Cumberland County.
Carlisle CARESCARES Supportive Services2016-2017$15,000.00 Homeless shelter interventions are provided to increase access to physical and behavioral health services.
Carlisle Area Religious CouncilBiddle Mission Labyrinth Project2016-2017$8,000.00 To support the installation of a labyrinth (circular patterned path) at Biddle Mission Park for recreational and restorative use by park patrons.
American Lung Association of PennsylvaniaTobacco Cessation Resources for Disparate Populations2016-2017$9,450.00 To support the expansion of tobacco cessation services, resources and marketing strategies to serve the LGBT and Hispanic/Latino communities.
Central Penn College Education FoundationScholarships for healthcare students2016-2017$10,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in rural areas who are pursuing healthcare careers.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2016-2017$5,100.00 This community and school-based program will empower students to improve healthy lifestyle choices and decrease at-risk behaviors.
Maranatha-CarlisleFinancial Management2016-2017$20,000.00 Individuals with behavioral health challenges will have their finances managed to ensure that basic needs are met and there is no loss of medical services.
Diakon Youth ServicesFlight Program Access Initiative2016-2017$45,000.00 To support a comprehensive life skills program for at-risk youth who have aged out of the welfare or juvenile justice system.
Safe Harbour Inc.Life Skills2016-2017$4,500.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive life skills program to provide residents with the skills needed to live independently in the community.
Healthy Steps Diaper BankCritical Diaper Need2016-2017$10,000.00 By forming partnerships with local organizations, the diaper bank will provide diapers to families in need.
Partnership for Better HealthPA SNAP Pilot2016-2017$15,000.00 Developing a pilot project that will improve the nutritional quality of food purchases and the health of SNAP participants in Pennsylvania
Carlisle Family YMCAMulti-Purpose Gym2016-2017$100,000.00 This two-year renovation grant will provide additional space for children’s activities and exercise.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachThanksgiving Turkeys2016-2017$1,000.00 To support the purchase of produce, dairy products and/or poultry for food pantry recipients in the Shippensburg area.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Mighty Milers2016-2017$500.00To support the purchase of incentives for Crestview Elementary School students and their family members for the Mighty Milers walk/run program.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyKindergarten Calendars2016-2017$750.00To support the printing and distribution of daily activity calendars to help families prepare children for Kindergarten and to ensure learning readiness.
South Middleton School DistrictNursing and EMT Scholarships2016-2017$2,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare qualifying students for a career in medical services.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLetort Elementary New Basketball Systems2016-2017$2,000.00 To support the replacement of two basketball systems and the relocation of one basketball system on the LeTort Elementary playground.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgTriple Play Program2016-2017$2,000.00 To support the purchase of fresh fruits, lesson materials and sports equipment to benefit the youth involved in the Triple Play Program at the Boys & Girls Club.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Summer Lunch Program2016-2017$5,000.00 To improve the quality of life for children residing in the Shippensburg community by providing free lunch and healthy living education during the summer program.
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkMedicaid Consumers as Advocates for Quality Care to Improve Patient Activation2016-2017$45,000.00 Community outreach is provided to identify, enroll, educate and advocate for uninsured Medcaid consumers.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilStrengthening Parent Skills2016-2017$25,000.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive strategic planning process for Hope Station.
Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging CoalitionStrengthening Health Capacity of Agencies Serving Older Adults2016-2017$7,000.00 Behavioral health training on varied topics benfitting older adults.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Elementary School - Go Girls Go2016-2017$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
The Kidney Foundation of Central PennsylvaniaCamp Kydnie2016-2017$1,500.00 Scholarships for a summer camp able to accommodate children with kidney disease.
Summer Program for YouthSwimming and Safety Program2016-2017$1,900.00 To provide payment for the cost of pool admission for SPY youth and the purchase of safety kits during the 8-week summer youth program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2016-2017$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT: The Summer Collaboration2016-2017$3,500.00 At-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Dickinson CollegeMigrant Farm Labor Health Outreach2016-2017$4,000.00 Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers.
Project SHARE of CarlisleCumberland Fresh Match Dollars2016-2017$2,000.00 An incentive program that enables low-income customers to buy food at the Farmer’s Market.
Gaudenzia, Inc.Trauma-informed Care Training2016-2017$4,119.00 Clinicians receive training to improve their knowledge base of trauma informed care and the effects that it has on addiction.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHerd 1002016-2017$1,500.00 To support the implementation of the student enrichment program that is designed to acclimate 100 plus 9th grade students to the high school experience and environment.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHealth Careers Academy Scholarships - EMT and CNA2016-2017$5,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare qualifying students for a career in the medical field.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Artful Aging2016-2017$2,500.00 To support the facilitation of a 46-week pilot art program that is designed to positively impact the social, cognitive and physical functioning of seniors residing in a nursing home setting.
Sadler Health Center CorporationDental Program 2017-182016-2017$361,936.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17.
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse Family Partnership 2017-182016-2017$250,791.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17.
Sadler Health Center CorporationBehavioral Health & Tobacco Cessation/Education 2017-182016-2017$46,001.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx 2017-182016-2017$99,550.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle (2017-2019)2016-2017$156,000.00 A recovery program designed to use advocacy and education to reduce the stigma associated with addiction.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment Program (2017-2019)2016-2017$136,000.00 To recruit, train and prepare individuals for careers in the high demand field of health care as Certified Nurse Aides.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult and Child Nutrition and Education2016-2017$60,000.00 Funding from the foundation will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days and to support the organization’s strategic planning and capacity building efforts.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2016-2017$89,920.00 Scholarships for area HACC students are provided for nurse aide training.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Project Youth Leadership Program2016-2017$45,000.00 A farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking, and hunger relief service.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Health Consultant2016-2017$20,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
HAMILTON HEALTH CENTER INCPerry County Community Health Center2016-2017$150,000.00 Start-up funds are provided for a community health center in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2017-182016-2017$15,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Cumberland County Bar Association FoundationDrug Treatment Court Support Service2016-2017$25,000.00 Funds are provided to Treatment Court participants for emergency and transitional needs.
Partnership for Better HealthCumberland Co Housing Authority - Special Needs Fund2016-2017$25,000.00 This project will provide assistance to individuals and families served by the Homeless and Specials Needs Department.
Partnership for Better Health Make It a Healthy Summer! 2017 2016-2017$10,000.00 This scholarship program provides summer camp scholarship money to children with economic need in all areas of the foundation’s geographic region.
American Lung Association of PennsylvaniaTobacco Cessation Resources for Disparate Populations2016-2017$9,450.00 To support the expansion of tobacco cessation services, resources and marketing strategies to reach and serve the LGBT and Hispanic/Latino communities.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionCumberland County Youth Mentoring Opportunities2016-2017$5,000.00 To support the expansion of Big Brothers Big Sisters matches and mentoring opportunities in Cumberland County.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgTriple Play Program2016-2017$2,000.00 To support the purchase of fresh fruits, lesson materials and sports equipment to benefit the youth involved in the Triple Play Program at the Boys & Girls Club.
Carlisle Area Religious CouncilBiddle Mission Labyrinth Project2016-2017$8,000.00 To support the installation of a labyrinth (circular patterned path) at Biddle Mission Park for recreational and restorative use by park patrons.
Carlisle Area School DistrictActive Engagement for the Innovative Classroom2016-2017$1,516.00 To support the implementation of innovative seating and classroom strategies that encourage movement, enhance students focus and participation and improve classroom behavior.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Mighty Milers2016-2017$500.00To support the purchase of incentives for Crestview Elementary School students and their family members for the Mighty Milers walk/run program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLetort Elementary New Basketball Systems2016-2017$2,000.00 To support the replacement of two basketball systems and the relocation of one basketball system on the LeTort Elementary playground.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Elementary School - Go Girls Go2016-2017$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2016-2017$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHerd 1002016-2017$1,500.00 To support the implementation of the student enrichment program that is designed to acclimate 100 plus 9th grade students to the high school experience and environment.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHealth Careers Academy Scholarships - EMT and CNA2016-2017$5,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare qualifying students for a career in the medical field.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Artful Aging2016-2017$2,500.00 To support the facilitation of a 46-week pilot art program that is designed to positively impact the social, cognitive and physical functioning of seniors residing in a nursing home setting.
Carlisle CARESCARES Supportive Services2016-2017$15,000.00 Homeless shelter interventions are provided to increase access to physical and behavioral health services.
Carlisle Family YMCAMulti-Purpose Gym2016-2017$100,000.00 This two-year renovation grant will provide additional space for children’s activities and exercise.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2016-2017$5,100.00 This community and school-based program will empower students to improve healthy lifestyle choices and decrease at-risk behaviors.
Central Penn College Education FoundationScholarships for healthcare students2016-2017$10,000.00 Scholarships are provided for eligible students in rural areas who are pursuing healthcare careers.
Cumberland County Bar Association FoundationDrug Treatment Court Support Service2016-2017$25,000.00 Funds are provided to Treatment Court participants for emergency and transitional needs.
Diakon Youth ServicesFlight Program Access Initiative-20172016-2017$45,000.00 To support the implementation and expansion of a comprehensive life skills program for at-risk youth between the ages of 17-24 who have aged out of the welfare or juvenile justice system.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT: The Summer Collaboration2016-2017$3,500.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Dickinson College2017 Migrant Farm Labor Health Outreach— Upper Adams County2016-2017$4,000.00 Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide Training and Employment Program (2017-2019)2016-2017$136,000.00 To recruit, train and prepare individuals for careers in the high demand field of health care as Certified Nurse Aides.
Gaudenzia, Inc.Trauma-informed Care Training2016-2017$4,119.00 Clinicians receive training to improve their knowledge base of trauma informed care and the effects that it has on addiction.
HAMILTON HEALTH CENTER INCPerry County Community Health Center2016-2017$150,000.00 Start-up funds are provided for a community health center in Perry County.
Harrisburg Area Community College FoundationHealthcare Scholarships2016-2017$89,920.00 Scholarships for area HACC students are provided for nurse aide training.
Healthy Steps Diaper BankCritical Diaper Need2016-2017$10,000.00 By forming partnerships with local organizations, the diaper bank will provide diapers to families in need.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood Council“Strengthening Parent Skills”,2016-2017$25,000.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive strategic planning process for Hope Station.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Project Youth Leadership Program2016-2017$45,000.00 LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking, and hunger relief service to heighten youths’ awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Maranatha-CarlisleFinancial Management2016-2017$20,000.00 Individuals with behavioral health challenges will have their finances managed regularly by Maranatha to ensure that basic needs are met and there is no loss of medical services.
PA Coalition for Oral HealthPA Coalition for Oral Health2016-2017$2,000.00 The PA Coalition for Oral Health advances policies and practices to improve the health of our most vulnerable populations.
Partnership for Better HealthPA SNAP Pilot2016-2017$15,000.00 To support the preliminary phase of developing a pilot project that will help to improve the nutritional quality of food purchases and the health of SNAP participants in Pennsylvania
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20172016-2017$10,000.00 This scholarship program provides summer camp scholarship money to children with economic need in all areas of the foundation’s geographic region.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Health Consultant2016-2017$20,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2017-18 (Year 12)2016-2017$15,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Partnership for Better HealthCumberland Co Housing Authority - Special Needs Fund2016-2017$25,000.00 This project will provide assistance to individuals and families served by the Homeless and Specials Needs Department.
Partnership for Better HealthBuilding Collaborative Systems that Improve Access to Affordable Housing2016-2017$139,800.00 To support collaborative efforts that advance the creation of more effective systems designed to improve access to affordable housing and reduce the occurrence of homelessness in our region.
Partnership for Better HealthStrategic Communications Plan to Address the Opioid Epidemic2016-2017$44,000.00 To support a communications campaign to address the opiate epidemic in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging CoalitionStrengthening Health Capacity of Agencies Serving Older Adults2016-2017$7,000.00 Behavioral health training on varied topics is provided to older adults, professionals who work with aging populations and other health and human service professionals.
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkMedicaid Consumers as Advocates for Quality Care to Improve Patient Activation2016-2017$45,000.00 Community outreach is provided to identify, enroll, educate and advocate for uninsured Medcaid consumers.
Project SHARE of CarlisleCumberland Fresh Match Dollars2016-2017$2,000.00 Collaborative project between Project SHARE and Farmers on the Square featuring an incentive program that enables low-income customers to buy food at the Farmer’s Market with additional funds that are matched to food access program purchases.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult and Child Nutrition and Education2016-2017$60,000.00 Funding from the foundation will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days and to support the organization’s strategic planning and capacity building efforts.
Sadler Health Center CorporationDental Program 2017-182016-2017$361,936.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17.
Sadler Health Center CorporationNurse Family Partnership 2017-182016-2017$250,791.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17.
Sadler Health Center CorporationBehavioral Health & Tobacco Cessation/Education 2017-182016-2017$46,001.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx 2017-182016-2017$99,550.00 Program operating funds for 2016-17
Safe Harbour Inc.Life Skills2016-2017$4,500.00 To support the implementation of a comprehensive life skills program to provide residents with the skills needed to live independently in the community.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachThanksgiving Turkeys2016-2017$1,000.00 To support the purchase of produce, dairy products and/or poultry for food pantry recipients in the Shippensburg area.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Summer Lunch Program2016-2017$5,000.00 To improve the quality of life for children residing in the Shippensburg community by providing free lunch and healthy living education during the summer program.
South Middleton School DistrictNursing and EMT Scholarships2016-2017$2,000.00 Providing scholarships to train and prepare qualifying students for a career in medical services.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2016-2017$156,000.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
Summer Program for YouthSwimming and Safety program summer 20172016-2017$1,900.00 To provide payment for the cost of pool admission for SPY youth and the purchase of safety kits during the 8-week summer youth program.
The Kidney Foundation of Central PennsylvaniaCamp Kydnie - A Camp for Kids with Kidney Disease2016-2017$1,500.00 Scholarships for a summer camp experience emphasizing healthy lifestyle. Staffing is very specialized with medical doctors able to accommodate children with kidney disease and on dialysis.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyDistribution of Getting Ready for Kindergarten Calendars2016-2017$750.00To support the printing and distribution of daily activity calendars to help parents, caregivers and teachers prepare children for Kindergarten and to ensure learning readiness.
PA Coalition for Oral Health
PA Coalition for Oral Health
2016-2017$2,000.00 The PA Coalition for Oral Health advances policies and practices to improve the health of our most vulnerable populations.
Partnership for Better Health
Building Collaborative Systems that Improve Access to Affordable Housing
2016-2017$139,800.00 To support collaborative efforts that advance the creation of more effective systems designed to improve access to affordable housing and reduce the occurrence of homelessness in our region.
Partnership for Better Health
Strategic Communications Plan to Address the Opioid Epidemic
2016-2017$44,000.00 To support a communications campaign to address the opiate epidemic in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)Eat Smart Play Hard2017-2018$5,000.00 To support the provision of the Eat Smart Play Hard nutrition program at accessible satellite locations in Northern Adams County.
Amethyst FoundationJr Tracker & Wilderness Survival Summer Camp2017-2018$2,200.00 To support the outreach and inclusion of Perry County youth (ages 10-17) in a weeklong summer camp that immerses youth in nature and provides instruction on survival skills.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionCarlisle Bigs In Blue2017-2018$10,000.00 Mentoring services are expanded to include police officers matched with local middle school children.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of York & Adams CountiesCommunity Mentoring Program2017-2018$2,500.00 To support the expansion of the community mentoring program via additional Big/Little matches in northern Adams County.
Camp KoalaChildren's Grief Support Group at CRMC2017-2018$1,000.00 Through support groups, grieving children gain skills to manage their grief in a healthy way.
Capital Resource Conservation and Development, Inc.South Central PA Harvest Hub: Communicating the Benefits of Local Food2017-2018$3,500.00 To support the development of a marketing program to expand outreach and increase the quantity of local food that Harvest Hub transports to local schools.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryCarlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary Scholarship Program2017-2018$5,000.00 The Carlisle Healthcare Auxiliary provides educational scholarships for eligible students who are pursuing post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Area School DistrictGarden Club2017-2018$3,400.00 To support the purchase of tools and supplies that will enhance the management and maintenance of the Lamberton garden plot.
Carlisle Area School DistrictLamberton Middle School Go Girls Go2017-2018$1,000.00 By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Area School DistrictSwim/Water Safety Instruction for LeTort 2nd Graders2017-2018$800.00To provide four sessions of swim/water safety instruction to 2nd graders attending LeTort Elementary School.
Carlisle Area School DistrictHerd 1002017-2018$1,792.00 To support the implementation of the student enrichment program that is designed to acclimate 100 plus 9th grade students to the high school experience and environment.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Inc.CPR Training2017-2018$2,000.00 To support the provision of CPR/AED training to 50 faculty/staff at the St. Patrick's campus prior to the beginning of the 2018-19 school year.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse Program2017-2018$36,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
Cumberland County Chiefs of Police AssociationCrisis Negotiation Seminar2017-2018$1,000.00 Members of the Cumberland County Crisis Negotiation Team will receive training and certification to mitigate high risk situations involving violence or weapons.
Cumberland Goodwill Fire Rescue EMS Inc.Cardiac Monitor Replacements2017-2018$40,000.00 To support the acquisition of new cardiac monitors that are essential to provide optimal Advanced Life Support (ALS) services.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Cumberland Valley Rail Trail - Greason Road Project2017-2018$55,000.00 To support the completion of pre-construction design elements associated with the installation of a two-mile trail expanse at Greason Road
Cumberland Youth Cycling DevelopmentCumberland Youth Cycling Development2017-2018$3,500.00 To support the operation of a local Mountain Biking Team that provides middle and high school students from Carlisle, South Middleton and Big Spring School Districts with an opportunity to participate in this after-school program activity.
Dickinson CollegeMigrant Farm Labor Health Outreach2017-2018$4,000.00 Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers.
Dickinson CollegeBicycle Safety Education Program2017-2018$500.00To support the acquisition of helmets, bicycle lights and locks for distribution at the Northside Bicycle Ride event in Carlisle.
Dickinson CollegeCollaborative Assessment of Patient Activation Measure (PAM) between Sadler Health Center (SHC) and Dickinson College2017-2018$2,700.00 Students will conduct patient surveys and in-depth interviews to provide context and evidence for the Patient Activation Measure.
Dickinson CollegeCONNECT: The Summer Collaboration2017-2018$3,500.00 Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Drew Michael Taylor FoundationExpansion of Grief Education and Support Programs2017-2018$3,800.00 A variety of additional support programs for grief and loss issues are provided for professionals and community members.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run Carlisle Area Expansion2017-2018$3,000.00 To support the training of additional coaches at Hamilton Elementary and the expansion of this afterschool program into LeTort Elementary to engage young girls in programming that focuses on being physically active and living a healthy lifestyle.
Hamilton Health Center INCPerry County Dental Services2017-2018$100,000.00 Startup funds for dental services at Newport community health center in Perry County.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilMake It a Health Summer! - Carlisle2017-2018$10,000.00 Qualifying children in the Shippensburg area are able to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilProject Manager2017-2018$5,000.00 To provide match funding to support the hiring of a Project Manager at Hope Station to assist with fundraising activities, grant writing and the implementation of the organization's strategic plan.
Hospice of Central PennsylvaniaInspiring Community Conversations: Advance Care Planning2017-2018$2,800.00 An event is held to spark conversation about end-of-life wishes and advance care planning.
Join Hands MinistryPerry County Food Bank Education Addition2017-2018$50,000.00 To expand and renovate the Perry County Food Bank facility to help meet the health, wellness, nutrition, and educational needs of their customers.
Katie's Place of ShippensburgKatie's Place Health and Safety Renovations2017-2018$50,000.00 To support the upgrading of restroom facilities to be ADA compliant and accessible to all current and future nonprofit and client patrons of Katie's Place.
LivingWell InstituteLivingWell NatureRx2017-2018$4,000.00 To support the implementation of the Nature Rx program which is a program designed to introduce both care providers and the general public to the health benefits of outdoor, nature-based interventions.
Merakey FoundationCommunity Playground to Promote Health, Fitness & Skill Development2017-2018$20,000.00 To build a school and community playground suitable for children, young adults, and adults and those with disabilities at the Merakey Autism School Carlisle.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Northern Adams County Mobile Food Access2017-2018$30,000.00 To support the purchase and activation of a Mobile Trailer Pantry (MTP) to provide local, fresh food to food insecure individuals living in Northern Adams County.
NHS Stevens CenterOutpatient Drug and Alcohol Program2017-2018$114,000.00 Merakey Behavioral Health provides outpatient substance abuse treatment services to individuals who are under- and uninsured.
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2017-2018$186,000.00 Merakey Behavioral Health provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties. (Renewal, formerly known as NHS Stevens Center)
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Consultant 20182017-2018$20,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2018-19 (Year 13)2017-2018$15,000.00 Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
Penn State University Better Kid Care ProgramCooking up Success2017-2018$560.00To support the purchase of program incentives to be awarded to SNAP recipients completing all 9 lessons of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP).
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkConsumers Activated for Health System Transformation2017-2018$47,000.00 Community outreach is provided to identify, enroll, educate and advocate for uninsured consumers as well as new and previous enrollees to increase their patient activation.
Perry County Family Center, Inc.Make It A Healthy Summer!2017-2018$8,000.00 Qualifying children in Perry County are able to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Perry Human ServicesOunce of Prevention2017-2018$1,000.00 Two drug and alcohol prevention publications will be distributed throughout Perry County.
Pinnacle Health HospitalsUPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership2017-2018$205,649.25 To provide services and support the expansion of Nurse Family Partnership in Cumberland and Perry Counties under the program umbrella of UPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership.
Project SHARE of CarlisleAdult and Child Nutrition and Education program2017-2018$65,000.00 Funding from the foundation will be used to purchase healthy food for regular distribution days.
Sadler Health Center CorporationBehavioral Health & Tobacco Cessation/Education 2018-192017-2018$38,333.00 Program operating funds for 2018-19
Sadler Health Center CorporationDental Program 2018-192017-2018$318,504.00 Program operating funds for 2018-19
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx 2018-192017-2018$82,955.00 Program operating funds for 2018-19
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationMake It A Healthy Summer!2017-2018$9,400.00 Qualifying children in the Shippensburg area are able to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Shippensburg University FoundationHealthy Shippensburg2017-2018$64,200.00 To support the hiring of a consultant to serve as a Community Health Mobilizer to coordinate health-focused activities associated with the newly formed "Healthy Shippensburg Coalition".
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Naloxone Community Trainings2017-2018$5,000.00 Provide Community-Based Training on the Safe Application of Naloxone.
Summer Program for YouthSwimming program2017-2018$2,400.00 To provide payment for the cost of pool admission for SPY youth and the purchase of safety kits during the 8-week summer youth program
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Make It A Healthy Summer!2017-2018$4,000.00 Qualifying children in the northern Adams County area are able to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
The Food TrustIncreasing Healthy Food Access in Central PA2017-2018$45,000.00 To support the expansion of SNAP incentive programs into grocery retail setting in the foundation's service area to improve the nutritional quality of food purchases and the health of SNAP participants in the local area.
The Mental Wellness Awareness Association, Inc.Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings2017-2018$1,450.00 Class participants will learn the early signs and symptoms of mental health problems to assist others with obtaining prompt, appropriate care.
The Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral HealthChampions for Oral Health2017-2018$2,000.00 Advance policies and practices to improve oral health for most vulnerable populations.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyParenting Guide, 4th Edition2017-2018$3,000.00 To support the printing and distribution of the "Children Do Come with Directions, A Guide for Parents" pre-school resource tool.
American Heart Association, Inc.Mission: Lifeline Stroke Systems of Care2018-2019$25,000.00Mission: Lifeline Stroke will establish a system for optimal care by: promoting regional collaboration, establishing protocols, providing clinical education and training resources, and developing focused measures to ensure that stroke patients are triaged efficiently and receive optimal care regardless of where they seek treatment.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryCarlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary Scholarship Program2018-2019$5,000.00The Carlisle Healthcare Auxiliary provides educational scholarships for eligible students who are pursuing post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.The CALC Collaborative: Teens Addressing Mental Illness Through Art2018-2019$3,000.00Carlisle Arts Learning Center's “ARTiculate” program is intended to bring students from all economic and racial backgrounds together, to empower them to utilize their voices, and to, through the process, give them a sense of self confidence and a way to express the struggles that they are experiencing.
Diakon Child Family and Community MinistriesResource Family Recruitment and Retention2018-2019$72,730.00The Resource Family Recruitment and Retention Project will provide for targeted outreach to recruit new resource families and retain families for Diakon Adoption and Foster
Dickinson College2019 Migrant Farm Labor Health Outreach— Upper Adams County2018-2019$4,000.00Using Spanish speaking students from Dickinson College, health items will be distributed to migrant laborers.
Employment Skills CenterHealthcare Training and Pathways to Careers2018-2019$157,100.00Employment Skills Center will work with partners to further develop and create entry-level healthcare training programs that will assist with meeting a critical need for direct care workers. ESC will build upon its existing Nurse Aide Training program and will enhance its offerings by adding two pilot programs; Caregivers 101 and Clinical Assistant training at satellite locations.
Partnership for Better HealthHamilton Health Center of Perry County/Contact to Care2018-2019$44,190.00Hamilton Health Center of Perry County, in partnership with the United Way's Contact to Care program, utilizes a Community Health Worker to support uninsured and underinsured individuals in navigating the healthcare system, identify and overcome barriers to care, and choosing and utilizing a primary care home, in Western Perry County.
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests FoundationLittle Buffalo State Park ADA Dock2018-2019$20,000.00To support the acquisition and installation of an ADA dock at Little Buffalo State Park.
Pinnacle Health HospitalsUPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership2018-2019$90,000.00To provide services and support the expansion of Nurse Family Partnership in Cumberland and Perry Counties under the program umbrella of UPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership.
Sadler Health Center CorporationOral Health 2019-202018-2019$275,071.00Program operating funds for 2019-20
Sadler Health Center CorporationHealthy Rx 2019-202018-2019$66,360.00Operating Grant 2019-20
Sadler Health Center CorporationBehavioral Health & Tobacco Cessation/Education 2019-202018-2019$30,664.00Program operating funds for 2019-20
Someone To Tell It ToCreating a Caring Culture for Healthcare Settings2018-2019$1,650.00Someone To Tell It To will complete development of the "Creating a Caring Culture for Healthcare Settings" training curriculum for healthcare and other caring profession managers that teaches compassionate listening, caring for caregivers, and building culturally-sensitive communities that promote healthy communication as a means to create strong social and physical environments.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2018-2019$158,000.00RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyGetting Ready For Kindergarten Calendar2018-2019$750.00To support the printing and distribution of daily activity calendars to help parents, caregivers and teachers prepare children for Kindergarten and to ensure learning readiness.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)healing heARTS Program2018-2019$5,000.00To support the implementation of an expansive creative arts program that focuses on the health and healing benefits of myriad creative arts disciplines.
Amethyst FoundationJr Tracker & Wilderness Exploration Summer Camps2018-2019$5,000.00To support the outreach and inclusion of Perry County youth (ages 10-17) in a two-week summer camp that immerses youth in nature and provides instruction on survival, craft and life skills.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictSecond Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary School Students2018-2019$5,000.00To support the purchase of the Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for the Bermudian Springs Elementary School.
Bermudian Springs School DistrictSecond Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Middle School Students2018-2019$5,000.00To support the purchase of the Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for the Bermudian Springs Middle School.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionGrow BIG . . . Grow Well: BBBSCR's Health and Wellness Initiative2018-2019$25,000.00Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region (BBBSCR) plans to develop a professionally guided health and wellness curriculum with questions, goals and surveys that address the common health issues the “Littles” face – poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and/or safe places to exercise, no or limited access to preventative health care, limited safeguards regarding drug and alcohol consumption and exposure to violence and trauma. Following the pilot phase of the project, BBBSCR plans to integrate the curriculum into their standard mentoring process to ensure the sustainability of the expanded service.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of York & Adams CountiesCommunity Mentoring Program2018-2019$5,000.00To support the expansion of the community mentoring program via additional Big/Little matches in northern Adams County.
Camp KoalaCamp Koala Support Group for grieving children2018-2019$1,000.00Through support groups, grieving children gain skills to manage their grief in a healthy way.
Carlisle Area School DistrictCrestview Mighty Milers2018-2019$1,000.00The Crestview Mighty Milers Program is a walk/run program that is open to all students grades 1-5 and their families. The Mighty Milers is free program affiliated with the New York Road Runners Club.
Carlisle Area School DistrictGo Girls Go2018-2019$1,000.00By participating in this afterschool program, students will increase their knowledge about nutrition, the benefits of physical activity and will train to complete a 5K run.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Artful Aging2018-2019$3,800.00Artful Aging is a facilitated art program that is designed to positively impact the social, cognitive and physical functioning of seniors residing in two nursing home settings that are serving as pilots for the project.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.CONNECT: The Summer Collaboration2018-2019$3,500.00Through interactive activities, at-risk middle school students receive specific instruction on nutrition and physical activity as part of a comprehensive Healthy Lifestyles youth development summer program.
Carlisle Community CoalitionCarlisle Summer Basketball League2018-2019$5,000.00To support the re-establishment of a 6-week Summer Basketball League in Carlisle for youth 14 and under.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Inc.SPS Playground2018-2019$5,000.00To support the renovation of the existing playground at Saint Patrick School. This includes the removal of rotting wooden borders and decomposing mulch and the installation of new age-appropriate equipment that will replace outdated, unsafe equipment.
Cumberland County Library System FoundationSTAR - Service to Adult Readers2018-2019$5,000.00The Cumberland County Library System's STAR Program recruits and trains volunteers to meet with homebound adults (mostly elderly) at least once/month. The volunteer identifies the patron’s reading preferences, then goes to the patron’s local public library to check out (and return) books for them. In addition to providing the patron with reading materials and stimulation, the visits also serve as an intermission in the isolation that homebound residents often experience. The STAR coordinator position has been elevated to a full-time position to meet the increasing demand for this service.
Dickinson College2019 Bicycle Safety Education Program for Carlisle’s Northside Neighborhood2018-2019$500.00To support the acquisition of helmets, bicycle lights and locks for distribution at the Northside Bicycle Ride event in Carlisle.
Drew Michael Taylor FoundationContinued Expansion of Grief Education and Support Programs2018-2019$2,940.00Expansion of a variety of support programs for grief and loss issues are provided for professionals and community members.
Episcopal HomeAging and Family Group Decision Making2018-2019$30,000.00Facilitate Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) for aging individuals with their family, friends and others, to identify strengths and develop plans for the individuals to live in place.
Friends of Spring TownshipLynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park2018-2019$100,000.00To support the construction of a trail system and the installation of playground equipment at the Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park (LSDMP).
Girls on the Run Capital AreaCarlisle Schools Girls on the Run - Renewal2018-2019$2,500.00To engage young girls in programming that focuses on being physically active and living a healthy lifestyle at Hamilton and LeTort Elementary schools in Carlisle School District.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run Shippensburg Area2018-2019$5,000.00To support the implementation of the Girls on the Run program in schools and sites in western Cumberland County to engage young girls in programming that focuses on being physically active and living a healthy lifestyle.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station's Afterschool Program, Enhancing Reading Skills2018-2019$5,000.00The program, known as Enhancing Reading Skills, will encourage students from Bellaire and/or Hamilton Elementary Schools to embrace the ability to read and develop language skills. Beginning in October 2018, the three-day learning experience each week will center around creative ways to build a love for reading by introducing challenging and supportive reading projects.
James Burd Elementary SchoolCommunity Build2018-2019$5,000.00To support the renovation of the playground at James Burd Elementary School in the Shippensburg Area School District provide students with additional opportunities for creative play and to increase opportunities for play for students with physical limitations.
Join Hands MinistryPerry County BackPack Program2018-2019$5,000.00The Perry County BackPack Program is a feeding program facilitated through the Perry County and Central PA Food Banks that focuses on meeting the hunger needs of children in Perry County over the weekends when school resources are not available. The program currently reaches 480 youth across the county and this year’s goal is to reach 500 youth.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Project: Renewal Grant2018-2019$25,000.00LEAF is a farm-based youth employment program that engages youth in the meaningful work of farming, cooking, and hunger relief service to heighten youths’ awareness of nutrition and food systems.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20192018-2019$20,000.00The Partnership will provide scholarships for children to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Perry County Council of the ArtsCollaboration with Cumberland Perry ARC for Art Workshop Series and Exhibition Engaging Perry County's Creators with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities2018-2019$1,500.00To support PCCA's implementation of its “From A to X: Art Creation to eXhibit” program in Perry County for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Project SHARE of CarlisleEnglish Second Language Pilot Program2018-2019$3,138.00Project SHARE is joining forces with the Employment Skills Center (ESC) to pilot an off-site “English Second Language” (ESL) Class to food insecure, low income adults to improve English language proficiency; providing an opportunity to obtain an important skill for working, living, and learning in our community.
Shippensburg University FoundationHound Packs – Shippensburg Area School District2018-2019$5,000.00Hound Packs is a program that provides weekend backpacks filled with nutritious food for children and their families who experience food insecurity in the Shippensburg Area School District. Students from the 3 elementary schools, the intermediate school, the middle school and high school are eligible to participate. Last year 75 students were served and the goal for 2018-19 is to expand reach to 100 students.
Shippensburg University FoundationHealthy Shippensburg2018-2019$64,200.00To support the Community Health Mobilizer's efforts to coordinate health-focused activities and systems change strategies under the direction of the Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition.
Summer Program for YouthStrengthening Kids; Body and Mind2018-2019$5,000.00To support the role of SPY's Kitchen Manager in relation to meal and snack preparation and nutrition education and to offset transportation costs during the 8-week summer program for at-risk youth.
YWCA CarlisleG.R.A.N.D.S. (Gratitude. Resilience. Attitude. Nurture. Develop. Support.): A support group for families impacted by the opioid crisis.2018-2019$2,000.00G.R.A.N.D.S. (Gratitude. Resilience. Attitude. Nurture. Develop. Support.) is a support group for families impacted by the opioid crisis. This community-wide support group will help address the increasing societal concern of grandparents and other family members raising children when a parent has either been incarcerated or died due to opioid overdose.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry Human Services/Too Good for Drugs2018-2019$377.62Too Good for Drugs is an evidence based curriculum that empowers teens to meet the challenges of middle school life and prepares them for high school by addressing more complex emotions and situations. The curriculum will be offered to 7th graders in West Perry School District
Partnership for Better HealthPerry Human Services - Strengthening Families/Middle School2018-2019$2,000.00Strengthening Families (SFP) is an evidenced based program that has been proven to reduce alcohol and substance abuse, juvenile delinquency and aggressive behavior while increasing youth resilience and parenting skills. This seven week program provides a family meal each week, free child care for siblings, a youth session, parent session and a family session.
Partnership for Better HealthHousing Systems Change2018-2019$345,000.00The Partnership has a three-year plan for continued funding and strategic support of local housing efforts. The plan includes ongoing engagement of a technical assistance consultant; training for core providers; implementation of the road map; and direct services support. The overall goal is to reduce homelessness in our region and increase access to affordable housing.
Partnership for Better HealthStrategic Communications Plan to Address the Opioid Epidemic in South Central PA2018-2019$40,000.00To address the opioid crisis, the Partnership is focusing on public awareness issues—understanding addiction as a disease, communicating the story of the opioid crisis as it evolves, and helping families and people with addiction find resources for treatment.
Partnership for Better HealthWorkforce Development & Sustainable Wages2018-2019$6,000.00Contract for consultation focused on the core goals of the Cumberland County Workforce Development & Sustainable Wages Task Force. Primary services will include meeting facilitation, strategy development and coalition building.
Carlisle CARESTraining2018-2019$1,600.00Community CARES will provide training and development resources for its staff members to equip them to better serve the homeless population.
Carlisle Family YMCAHere for All. Here for Good. Capital Campaign2018-2019$50,000.00This one-year grant will support a completely new Child Care Center in Phase 2.
Central Pennsylvania ConservancyLetort Spring Garden Preserve Management Plan2018-2019$5,000.00To support the implementation of a strategic planning process that will result in a comprehensive Management Plan for the 35-acre Letort Spring Garden Preserve.
Downtown Carlisle AssociationFarmers On The Square Strategic Planning2018-2019$2,500.00To support the engagement of facilitator to guide a planning process that will result in a new strategic plan that builds the organization's capacity to sustain and grow the market for the benefit of local farmers and local consumers.
Episcopal HomeEpiscopal Home Flooring Project2018-2019$25,000.00To support the installation of new flooring in the personal care facility to ensure the health and safety of residents.
LEAF Project Inc.The LEAF Project: Developing Professionals2018-2019$5,000.00To support LEAF's participation in two external capacity building opportunities and one internal planning retreat to enhance program planning, farming methods, fundraising strategies and administrative proficiencies.
Maranatha-CarlisleCommunications and Marketing Strategy2018-2019$42,460.00To provide funding to support the expansion of outreach and marketing for Maranatha through the newly created Development and Communications Manager position.
Partnership for Better HealthNew Life Community Convergence2018-2019$50,000.00This grant supports capital improvements to New Life Community as a hub in the community for recovery support, bicycle transportation, mentoring, counseling, youth development, student ministry, and education on a daily basis.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2019-2020 (Year 14)2018-2019$15,000.00Workplaces implement wellness programming focusing on nutrition, physical activity and tobacco cessation through the provision of program activities, policy development and environmental changes.
YWCA CarlislePad Pantry2018-2019$5,000.00A "Pad Pantry" will be constructed and stocked within the walls of the agency and provide, on an as needed basis, products to young girls and women that they otherwise would not be able to afford or regularly secure on their own.
Community CARESMedication Accountability and Risk Management2018-2019$17,000.00Carlisle CARES will improve controls and procedures for the safeguarding of medication and for assuring medication accountability by the residents.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of HarrisburgLeader in ME2018-2019$4,000.00The St. Patrick's School is initiating a multi-year campaign to build stronger leaders among our faculty, staff, parents and students through the implementation of the Leader in Me curriculum. This curriculum is a nationally-recognized and lauded program designed to create a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. This grant will support the training of 25 staff members.
Action Sports ProjectMTB initiative2019-2020$1,000.00Provide wilderness first aid training and standard first aid training for four coaches for an intermural mountain biking team in the Cumberland Valley.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)Healing HeARTS Program2019-2020$5,000.00To support the implementation of programming that uses creative arts as a catalyst to mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
Adams Regional EMSSafety for EMS Responders2019-2020$18,719.00To support the purchase of a LUCAS compression CPR device to enhance the quality of care for cardiac patients in northern Adams County and to reduce the first responders’ risk of exposure to COVID-19.
Amethyst FoundationJr Tracker & Wilderness Exploration Summer Camps2019-2020$5,000.00To support the outreach and inclusion of Perry County youth (ages 10-17) in a two-week summer camp that immerses youth in nature and provides instruction on survival, craft and life skills.
Bendersville Community Fire CompanyCOVID-19 Relief Grant for EMS Equipment2019-2020$4,800.00To support the purchase of two new AEDs, two “First In” Medical Supply Response Bags, two Oxygen Bags and two No Contact Thermometers to ensure that the Bendersville Fire Company is equipped with medical equipment that meets industry standards and minimizes the risk of exposure for first responders and their patients.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionGrow BIG . . . Grow Well: BBBSCR's Health and Wellness Initiative2019-2020$25,000.00To support BBBSCR’s implementation of the Grow BIG...Grow Well health and wellness curriculum as part their standard mentoring process and program model.
Big Spring Inter Church CouncilWalk In Freezer2019-2020$5,000.00To support the purchase of a walk-in freezer and cooler to enhance the Big Spring Area Food Bank's capacity to store frozen and refrigerated items.
Big Spring Senior CenterIntuitive Art Residency Program2019-2020$4,200.00To support the facilitation of a 15-week art program at the Big Spring Senior Center that is designed to enhance the seniors' quality of life, self-expression, social engagement and sense of well-being.
Big Spring Senior CenterZumba Gold and Yoga Programs for Seniors2019-2020$2,225.00The Big Spring Senior Center offers Zumba Gold and Yoga exercise programs to near-elderly & seniors 50 years and older in the Big Spring community on a weekly basis and at locations in the Borough of Newville.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgBoys and Girls Club of Chambersburg and Shippensburg2019-2020$10,000.00To support BGCCS's allocation of scholarships to up to 18 children for participation in 108 weeks of summer camp and to offset the cost of hiring additional staff to meet the COVID-19 related requirements regarding staff:child ratios.
Bridge of Hope Harrisburg AreaRental Assistance for COVID-19 Affected Families2019-2020$1,600.00Provide rental assistance to families impacted by the coronavirus in central Cumberland County
Carisle Tool LibraryWorkshop Program Coordinator2019-2020$5,000.00To support the coordination and provision of educational programming focused on skill building in the areas of gardening, utilization of trade/construction tools, home repair and self-sufficiency.
Carlisle Area Family Life CenterFormula for our Little Ones2019-2020$2,014.00Provide formula to families in need due to COVID-19.
Carlisle Area Healthcare AuxiliaryCarlisle Area Healthcare Auxiliary Scholarship Program2019-2020$5,000.00The Carlisle Healthcare Auxiliary provides educational scholarships for eligible students who are pursuing post-secondary healthcare programs.
Carlisle Area Midget FootballCarlisle Area Midget Football Grant Application.2019-2020$1,815.00Provide scholarship support for 11 children participating in the Carlisle Midget Football and Cheerleading Program.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Carlisle Arts Learning Center "We Are Warriors" Project2019-2020$3,200.00The “We Are Warriors” collaborative project is dedicated to educating individuals and their loved ones living with anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders about mental health resources. It is also dedicated to creating community conversations and breaking stigmas associated with mental health disorders.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Summer Camp Scholarships for elementary and middle school summer camps2019-2020$2,600.00To support the provision of scholarships to 3 CALC campers, to cover the cost of program materials for 2 CALC campers and to cover the cost of stipends for 3 CALC camp counselors.
Carlisle CARESChildren and Youth Enrichment and Childcare Co-Pay Program2019-2020$4,480.00Provide access for minor children of families who are staying in the Community CARES Emergency Shelter, to enroll in community programs, camps, activities, and short-term child care.
Carlisle CARESHealthy Outcomes2019-2020$47,289.00This project will strengthen CARES' ability to provide stabilizing and healthy supports and resources for its clients to improve their health outcomes.
Carlisle CARESHomeless Prevention2019-2020$20,000.00Provide rent and/or mortgage assistance for those that are homeless or at risk of homelessness due to COVID-19.
Carlisle CARESEmergency Shelter Operations - COVID-19 Response2019-2020$24,866.00Additional resources to help community CARES respond to some of the unique challenges resulting from COVID-19.
Carlisle Family YMCASeal SwimSafe Drowning Detection System2019-2020$5,000.00The YMCA is purchasing an electronic monitoring system to provide an added layer of safety, especially for novice youth swimmers participating in the YMCA programs.
Carlisle Family YMCAChild Care and Summer Day Camp COVID Supplies Assistance2019-2020$6,500.00Purchase personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies for child care and day camp programs
Carlisle Fire & Rescue ServicesCOVID-19 Emergency Protective Equipment2019-2020$5,000.00To support the purchase of 12 conversion kits to transform firefighting breathing masks into COVID-19 compliant N95 protective masks to ensure the safety of first responders and individuals receiving their services.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2019-2020$5,000.00To support the implementation of the Character and Career Development Program for at-risk Middle and High School students in the Carlisle Area School District.
Central Pennsylvania Food BankHealthy Food for Families: Transforming BackPacks to School Pantries2019-2020$100,000.00To support the transformation of weekend food supply back pack programs to school pantries within four Perry County school districts.
Central Pennsylvania Food BankCentral Pennsylvania Food Bank's COVID-19 Response2019-2020$25,000.00Funding from Partnership for Better Health supported CFFB's efforts to assemble and distribute prepacked boxes of healthy shelf stable food, bags of produce, dairy, and meats free of charge to charitable food partner agencies in the foundation's service area. With your support, we distributed more than 2100 Crisis Response Boxes to partners in the PBH territory since between May 1 and August 31.
Central Perry Community Senior Citizen's Center, INCStronger Together—Senior Meal Delivery Services2019-2020$8,000.00To support the senior center's ability to transform its traditional in-house services into safe home delivery services to meet the needs of their isolated and homebound seniors.
Charles Bruce FoundationBooks for Kids Without Them2019-2020$2,745.00Through the Homeless Education Program and local shelters, provide books to children experiencing homelessness and opportunities to meet the authors and/or illustrators.
Christ Among NeighborsHousing Assistance COVID-19 - Western Cumberland County2019-2020$2,000.00Rental assistance for individuals and families affected financially by COVID-19.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2019-2020$40,000.00The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
CONTACT HelplinePA 211 and Emotional Support Listening2019-2020$4,060.00Individuals who need assistance reach out to CONTACT directly by calling the two hotlines, PA211 Health and Human Services Information and Referral and the Emotional Listening Support. Individuals also text their zip code to 898211 for assistance and search the PA211: GET HELP online database for community resources. The grant enabled us to answer the increase hotlines’ call volume by increasing staff hours and providing community individuals with virtual training courses.
Cumberland Goodwill Fire Rescue EMS Inc.COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan2019-2020$25,000.00To support the acquisition of personal protective equipment, safety planning and operational costs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Cumberland Valley Rail Trail Council - Trail Resurfacing Phase 22019-2020$50,000.00To support the resurfacing of 3 miles of stone dust trail from Oakville Road to the Newville trailhead.
Cumberland Youth Cycling DevelopmentCumberland Youth Cycling Development - Year 22019-2020$7,000.00To support the two-year operation of a local Mountain Biking Team that provides middle and high school students from Carlisle, South Middleton and Big Spring School Districts with an opportunity to participate in this after-school program activity.
Diakon Child Family and Community MinistriesTelehealth for Family Life Services2019-2020$8,684.00Deliver virtual behavioral health and substance abuse recovery services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Diakon Lutheran Social MinistriesCumberland Crossings PPE2019-2020$9,540.00Purchase personal protective equipment (PPEs) and install two isolation, negative pressure rooms for Cumberland Crossings, a continuous care long-term care facility
Duncannon Emergency Medical Services, Inc.Mitigation of COVID-19 Effects on Ambulance Service2019-2020$13,750.00To provide payroll support to Duncannon EMS first responders and to assist with the purchase of PPE and COVID-19 treatment supplies.
Farmers on the SquareLocal Farmer Support & Project Share; Market Safety Project during COVID-192019-2020$16,435.00To support Farmers on the Square's efforts to acquire local produce from local farmers, to compensate the farmers for their products, to distribute those products to Project SHARE and to ensure the sanitation and safety of the FOTS patrons and vendors.
Gaudenzia, Inc.COVID-19 Protective Equipment and Cleaning2019-2020$2,500.00Provide a safe and clean environment for outpatient substance use disorder treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilThe Cyberspace Job Readiness and Employment Initiative2019-2020$5,000.00To provide bridge funding to support the relaunch of Cyberspace which ensures free access to technology resources for residents living in the Northside of Carlisle.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station Development Project2019-2020$25,000.00To support the creation and implementation of an operational and capacity building plan that coincides with Hope Station's strategic plan.
Hospice of Central PennsylvaniaCOVID-19 Care Team2019-2020$5,000.00Hospice of Central PA received $5,000 in program funding from the Partnership for Better Health to provide a dedicated team restricted to caring for hospice patients who are diagnosed as positive for COVID-19 or awaiting COVID-19 test results. The majority of the program budget is tied to the cost of personal protective equipment and providing an hourly differential for the nurses and aides who make a commitment to this care team. HCP’s COVID-19 care team will provide specialized end-of-life care for these patients, and caregivers, and will require a 14-day quarantine before caring for other patients.
In Him Christian WellnessMental Health Walk-In Clinic2019-2020$5,000.00Operate a walk-in mental health clinic at New Life Community Church for at-risk clients that currently lack access to these services.
In Him Christian WellnessMental Health Connections2019-2020$5,400.00Provide mental health services virtually to those with financial needs.
Join Hands MinistryPerry County BackPack Program2019-2020$5,000.00The Perry County BackPack Program is a feeding program facilitated through the Perry County and Central PA Food Banks that focuses on meeting the hunger needs of children in Perry County over the weekends when school resources are not available.
Join Hands MinistryPerry County - COVID-19 Housing Assistance2019-2020$14,400.00Provide housing, auto and utility assistance for at least 18 households in Perry County.
Keystone Human ServicesEmergency Support for Head Start Families2019-2020$4,600.00Support the health and well-being of the children and families enrolled in Capital Area Head Start in Perry County..
Landisburg EMS Inc.Covid-19 Vehicle and Equipment Decontamination and Communications2019-2020$17,517.00To support the Landisburg EMS with the purchase of an Aeroclave portable decontamination system for their ambulance units and work areas following exposure to COVID-19 and other biological and infectious diseases. Two portable radios will also be purchased to ensure reliable and immediate communication during emergency calls.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF's COVID 19 Program Adaptations2019-2020$12,454.00The LEAF Project’s mission is to cultivate youth leaders from diverse backgrounds through
meaningful work in the food system. Each year, LEAF hires approximately 25 youth, ages 14-18, into seasonal and year-round leadership positions raising food for our community, managing farm and food ventures, and developing their own vocational skills.

When the impact of the pandemic became apparent in early March, we didn’t know what this year would bring. While we quickly transitioned our spring youth internship into a virtual program that involved youth learning leadership, education and farming/cooking skills through a virtual interface and materials delivered to youth’s homes, the summer program remained a question mark for months.
Maranatha-CarlisleFinancial Literacy Program2019-2020$10,000.00Maranatha-Carlisle will design and implement a multi-week course to educate participants on topics such as establishing a budget, balancing a checkbook, shopping on a budget, and community resources to gain financial stability, which is a factor in a person's ability to maintain housing and access healthy foods.
Maranatha-CarlisleNew Account Manager2019-2020$26,976.00To support the creation of a new account manager position at Maranatha to address the growth in clients needing financial management assistance.
Merakey FoundationBridging the Digital Divide: Remote Access for Low Wealth Families at Merakey Autism Center Carlisle2019-2020$6,292.00To support the purchase of equipment and technology resources for Merakey’s 6-week Extended School Year Summer Program at Merakey Autism Center Carlisle.
Millerstown Senior Citizens Center, Inc.Millerstown Area High Risk Seniors COVID 19 Assistance2019-2020$6,575.00To support Millerstown Senior Center's distribution of grocery store gift cards to low-income senior households for the purchase of groceries and essential supplies during the COVID-19 crisis. Grant funds will also be used to restore the Center Manager's hours to coordinate the project and perform additional outreach to homebound seniors.
National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve LivesImproving Outcomes for Children of Caregivers with Substance Use Disorders2019-2020$99,690.00Evidence-based parenting support will be provided to caregivers in recovery from substance use disorders to prevent negative outcomes for their children and decrease the risk of caregiver relapse.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Expanding Northern Adams County Mobile Food Pantry Program2019-2020$30,000.00To support the expansion of New Hope Ministries' Mobile Food Pantry services into the Gardners community in northern Adams County.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Emergency Assistance for Families in Northern Adams County2019-2020$25,000.00Meet the increased needs of newly under- and unemployed adults in Northern Adams County who are impacted by COVID-19 and seeking assistance with food, shelter, employment and utilities.
New Life CommunityNew Life Community- Community Care & Compassion (Focusing on Our Neighborhoods)2019-2020$14,250.00Provide housing, utilities, transportation, and food assistance to those in need in North East Carlisle and Mount Holly Springs.
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2019-2020$186,000.00Merakey NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry counties.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Consultant 2020-20212019-2020$24,000.00Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthLeadership Development for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 2019-2020$16,000.00Enhance the leadership skills of individuals who have an interest and capacity to become more engaged in community initiatives and decision making. By focusing on community-based leadership development for people that have been traditionally underrepresented, the program will empower and elevate more individuals to address the practices, policies, systems and attitudes that affect health inequities in our communities.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20202019-2020$20,000.00The Partnership will provide scholarships for children to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Partnership for Better HealthPolicy Advocacy2019-2020$45,000.00Through a Request for Proposals in 2019, a consultant has been engaged to assist the Partnership for Better Health and its Community Policy and Engagement Committee in developing a systematic approach to build the policy advocacy capacity of the foundation and its partner organizations in the geographic region.
Partnership for Better HealthMen's Recovery House2019-2020$100,000.00Provide up to $100,000 in grant funding to launch the opening of a new men’s recovery house that supports individuals in their journey towards a healthy, sober lifestyle.
Partnership for Better HealthWorkforce Development & Sustainable Wages2019-2020$3,000.00Contract for consultation focused on the core goals of the Cumberland County Workforce Development & Sustainable Wages Task Force. Primary services will include meeting facilitation, strategy development and coalition building.
Partnership for Better HealthCCFSA - S.U. CLUS Backbone Support2019-2020$25,000.00Funding supports S.U.'s Center for Land Use and Sustainability's (CLUS) role as the administrator and coordinator of the Cumberland County Food System Alliance (CCFSA).
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2020-2021 (Year 15)2019-2020$15,000.00To support and assist local businesses and nonprofits with workplaces wellness activities, strategies and policy development.
Pennsylvania Elks Major ProjectsProviding for the Basic Needs of Persons with Disabilities2019-2020$3,360.00Provide basic needs to persons with disabilities through the Home Service Program
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkBeHeard BeHealthy Central PA2019-2020$49,500.00Community engagement to identify, enroll, educate and advocate for uninsured consumers as well as new and previous enrollees, including through BeHeard, BeHealthy PA infrastructure.
Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Women's NetworkCapacity Building and Strategic Planning2019-2020$9,998.00To provide funding support to PAIRWN to engage in a strategic planning process that will enable them to expand their services to immigrant and refugee women residing in central and western Cumberland County.
Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers' AssociationPMHCA Virtual Connection Line2019-2020$20,000.00The Virtual Connection line employed Certified Peer Support Specialists to provide warm line services using a Zoom platform to be used in the same manner as a traditional warm line.
Perry County Council of the ArtsCollaboration with Cumberland Perry ARC - Years 2 and 32019-2020$3,000.00To provide two-year funding support of PCCA's “From A to X: Art Creation to eXhibit” program in Perry County for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Perry Human ServicesStrengthening Families West Perry Middle School2019-2020$4,104.00Strengthening Families (SFP) is an evidenced based program that has been proven to reduce alcohol and substance abuse, juvenile delinquency and aggressive behavior while increasing youth resilience and parenting skills. This seven week program provides a family meal each week, free child care for siblings, a youth session, parent session and a family session.
Perry Human ServicesOunce of Prevention2019-2020$2,000.00Four drug and alcohol prevention publications will be distributed through Perry County.
Perry Human ServicesExpanding Telehealth Services for Perry Human Services2019-2020$1,500.00Enhance tele-health services through web-based technology. Purchased three webcams and microphones for 3 counselors to do virtual counseling appointments. Prior to the grant that we received, we were only able to conduct tele-health over the phone. Having the web cams and mics allowed us to expand what services we offer to our consumers. We were also able to purchase an infrared thermometer so our organization was able to comply with Department of Health recommendations of taking temperatures of staff and consumers who come into the office on an as needed basis to maintain safety of our staff and organization. We also purchased a new lap top for our prevention specialist as most of the services conducted in the schools will be virtual. This allows each prevention specialist to have their own lap top for zoom meetings, virtual lessons and creating virtual programs that they are working on. Prior to this we had 1 lap top which was shared which made it challenging.
Project SHARE of CarlisleProject SHARE Emergency COVID-19 Response2019-2020$25,000.00To support Project SHARE's COVID-19 driven program modifications that will enable them to continue with a no-touch drive-thru distribution model at its main distribution site and the Farmstand. Project SHARE will also continue its partnership with CASD and SMSD to ensure that students have access to healthy, nutritious food during the summer through the Weekend Power-pack program. With altered operations and new equipment, Project SHARE will continue the gleaning program to ensure the distribution of local fruits and vegetables.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipReins of Rhythm Bully Prevention and Intervention2019-2020$5,000.00The Pony Tales program will help students K-8 identify bullying behaviors, develop self awareness, and discover meaningful solutions to conflict using Equine Assisted Learning.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipYouth Summer Programming: COVID-19 Cleaning and Scholarships2019-2020$10,000.00Provide for COVID-19 personal protection for participants of weekly riding and horsemanship lessons through supplies and staff cleaning, as well as financial assistance for participants.
Sadler Health Center CorporationSadler Health Center 2020-212019-2020$472,096.00Program operating funds for 2020-2021
Sadler Health Center CorporationCOVID-19 Telehealth Fee Waiver Funding2019-2020$25,000.00Sadler will provide telehealth visits for existing patients (at sliding fees), plus total fees for a limited number of new patients who have lost employer health insurance.
Safe Harbour Inc.Emergency Support & Safe Quarantine for Shelter Residents2019-2020$24,780.00Prepare and provide shelter and resources in the case of a positive COVID-19 case in a Safe Harbour resident, including quarantine off site and the deep cleaning of shelter areas affected.
Sam's Spoons FoundationSockit2Lyme2019-2020$2,625.00To support the purchase and distribution of 500 Sockit2Lyme kits to elementary school age children in the region.
Samaritan Fellowship, Inc.COVID-19 Shelter and Rental Assistance2019-2020$20,000.00Provide shelter and rental assistance for financially struggling families or individuals.
Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical ServicesProtective Gear & Equipment for Safe COVID-19 Response2019-2020$14,071.00To support the purchase of personal protective equipment and medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shippensburg Area School DistrictSustaining Families Due to Lost Wages2019-2020$6,000.00To support the Shippensburg Area School District's efforts to provide bridge funding support to Shippensburg area families who have recently lost wages and are waiting for financial assistance through local or state funding and/or assistance from community resources.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachCapacity Building for Distribution of Emergency Food & Care Items2019-2020$23,900.00To support the purchase of a commercial freezer, food, diapers, and personal care items to enable SPO to better respond to their client needs during the COVID-19 crisis.
Shippensburg University FoundationHound Packs – Shippensburg Area School District2019-2020$5,000.00Hound Packs is a program that provides weekend backpacks filled with nutritious food for children and their families who experience food insecurity in the Shippensburg Area School District.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Community Resource Coalition - Hound Packs Expansion2019-2020$13,469.00To support the extension of the school-based weekend Hound Packs program to ensure that food insecure students and their families in the Shippensburg community have access to healthy, nutritious food and essential protective and disinfecting supplies throughout the summer.

SpiriTrust LutheranSpiriTrust Lutheran LIFE COVID-19 Response2019-2020$6,000.00Provide personal protective equipment, medical supplies and mileage reimbursement for in-home care providers.
St Patrick SchoolClassroom Fruit and Vegetables2019-2020$5,000.00To provide bridge funding to Saint Patrick School to support the purchase of fruits and vegetables for the remainder of the school year and to support the development of a marketing strategy to solicit donations or in-kind support to sustain the healthy snack initiative.
St Patrick SchoolWater fountain replacement2019-2020$4,000.00To support the replacement of 2 existing water fountains with new refillable water bottle stations to eliminate the sale and disposal of plastic individual water bottles and to promote the use of personal refillable water bottles and greater water consumption by students, staff and school visitors.
STCC Park and RecSTCC Summer Camp2019-2020$10,000.00To support STCC’s program scholarship activity and to offset the costs associated with the sanitization and decontamination of common areas and equipment and the costs associated with maintaining staff capacity to meet the required staff to child ratios.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.Rental Assistance for RASE Women in Recovery2019-2020$5,400.00Provide safe, structured recovery housing for women in the Carlisle region. Funds from grant were used to fund intakes of new women and provide rent for residents.
Summer Program for YouthStrengthening Kids; Body and Mind2019-2020$5,000.00To support the role of SPY's Kitchen Manager in relation to meal and snack preparation and nutrition education and to offset transportation costs during the 7-week summer program for at-risk youth
Summer Program for YouthSummer Program for Youth COVID-19 Supplies2019-2020$6,300.00To support SPY's purchase of medical supplies, cleaning services, outdoor play equipment, social distancing equipment and kitchen supplies to ensure the safety of campers and to meet the COVID-19 related operational guidelines for summer camps.
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education CenterBullying Prevention and Intervention2019-2020$2,500.00Byrnes Health Education Center will provide the LearntobeHealthy online health education to Upper Adams School District grades 7 - 12 to address mental health and bullying.
The Food TrustIncreasing healthy food access in Central PA2019-2020$15,000.00To support the continuation of the existing Food Bucks programs at the Shermans Dale IGA and Butcher's Farm Market, planning with Weis Markets to expand the Food Bucks program to new retail locations and the exploration of a Food Bucks Rx model with healthcare providers in the region.
The Harbor Church of the Nazarene Inc.Emergency Rental Assistance for Men in Recovery2019-2020$2,500.00Support rental assistance for unemployed residents of the Lighthouse men's recovery house.
The Kidney Foundation of Central PennsylvaniaPatient Emergency COVID-19 Assistance Fund2019-2020$2,000.00Support the Patient Emergency Assistance Program for dialysis patients, who have lost household income, with transportation to dialysis appointments, nutritional supplements, medications, and related basic needs.
The Salvation ArmySuper Cupboard2019-2020$2,000.00To support the purchase of program and kitchen supplies for participants of the Super Cupboard educational and skill building classes.
The Salvation ArmyCOVID-19 Thrift Store Relief2019-2020$20,409.00Provide emergency assistance to clients for household and clothing items while the Thrift Store is closed due to COVID-19 and assist with operational expenses for the Thrift Store.
Thornwald HomeThornwald Home Wellness Program for Older Adults & Staff in Long-term Care2019-2020$5,000.00To support the implementation of Wellness Programming for older adults living in the Thornwald personal care and nursing residence.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Positive Solutions for Families2019-2020$4,500.00To support the implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program and the Positive Solutions for Families Program via five early childhood education centers within the foundation's service area.
UPMC Pinnacle FoundationNurse Family Partnership Program Cumberland and Perry Counties2019-2020$120,000.00To provide services of Nurse Family Partnership in Cumberland and Perry Counties under the program umbrella of UPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership
Valley Youth House Committee, Inc.Emergency Funding Independent Living Program for Perry County Young Adults2019-2020$8,180.00Provide assistance to independent living young adult program participants residing in Perry County for food, transportation, mental health counseling, and Internet connectivity during the pandemic.
Vigilant Hose Company 1COVID-19 Operational & Equipment Support2019-2020$16,000.00To provide funding to Vigilant Hose Company #1 to support the purchase of essential equipment and offset operational costs during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
West End Fire and Rescue Company No.3Replacement of Critical Equipment During the COVID-19 Pandemic2019-2020$19,000.00To support the purchase of a new hose system that meets the standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). First responders will be equipped with a new hose system that will enable them to respond effectively and efficiently to crisis response calls.
West Shore Advanced Life Support Services, Inc.Geisinger EMS Infectious Patient Response2019-2020$25,000.00To support the purchase of six Verathon GlideScope Go video laryngoscopy systems to enable EMS providers to engage advanced life-saving measures safely (from a distance), specifically during intubations, decreasing the risk of COVID-19 exposure and other infection risks, protecting both patients and providers. Overall, this investment will protect EMS/Paramedics allowing the safe and accurate placement of an endotracheal tube, when necessary, from a distance, while also protecting patients from the trauma such a procedure can inflict if done incorrectly. This advanced equipment improves the accuracy and safety of intubation, which in turn can enhance patient stabilization and response times.
YWCA CarlisleHealthy Relationships Project2019-2020$15,616.00The Healthy Relationships Project (HRP) is an initiative is to create healthy community environments where people practice healthy relationships free from violence and abuse. It is designed specifically for students in alternative education.
Action Sports ProjectMTB Initiative2020-2021$3,500.00 Support the operational costs for intermural mountain biking program for approximately 6 to 8 student participants from Perry and Central Cumberland Counties.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)Kids Dinner Club2020-2021$2,400.00 Support the implementation of a virtual after-school program for at at-risk youth that focuses on nutrition education, kitchen safety, meal preparation and family meal engagement.
Adams Regional EMSCOVID PPE For EMS2020-2021$4,792.00 Support the company's efforts to outfit Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics with a mask and a fitted reusable respirator to provide full protection during their shifts.
Amethyst FoundationChildren's Nature Program2020-2021$4,315.00 Provide low-income Perry County youth ages 5-8 an opportunity to participate in outdoor nature-based programming that focuses on gardening, healthy foods and calming techniques.
Bendersville Community Fire CompanyCOVID Relief Grant for Washing and Dryer System2020-2021$7,500.00 Support the purchase of a commercial washer and dryer system to enhance and expedite the decontamination of first responder gear.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionGrow Big . . Grow Well: BBBSCR's Health and Wellness Initiative2020-2021$25,000.00 To support BBBSCR’s implementation of the Grow BIG...Grow Well health and wellness curriculum as part of their standard mentoring process and program model.
Big Spring Senior CenterIntuitive Art Residency Program Theme: The Art of Curiosity2020-2021$4,215.00 To support the facilitation of a 15-week art program that is designed to enhance the seniors' quality of life, self-expression, social engagement and sense of well-being.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgPandemic Programs2020-2021$10,000.00 Support operational costs and the acquisition of PPE for the new all-day program for youth during out-of-school time and hybrid school schedules.
Branch Creek Place Senior Center & MoreCOVID-19 PPE, Operating Support & Senior Meal Supplies2020-2021$10,000.00 Support the purchase of PPE and meal supplies and provide operational support to enable Branch Creek Place to continue providing drive through meals to seniors living in the Shippensburg area.
Bridge of Hope Harrisburg AreaRental Assistance For COVID-19 Affected Family2020-2021$1,600.00 Provide rental assistance to families impacted by the coronavirus in central Cumberland County
Bridge of Hope Harrisburg AreaRental Assistance for Homeless Families2020-2021$2,400.00 Provide rental assistance to families impacted by the coronavirus in central Cumberland County
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.ArtWorks! - Outreach to Youth During COVID-192020-2021$2,200.00 Support the provision of individualized material kits for each student and the assignment of additional staff and the utilization of additional space to create safe, socially distanced work areas for students.
Carlisle CARESSneeze Shields for Emergency Shelter Residents2020-2021$3,960.00 Provide sneeze shields for emergency shelter.
Carlisle CARESEmergency Shelter Hotel Assistance2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide hotel assistance to individuals and families experiencing homelessness when they have no other options for emergency overnight shelter.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2020-2021$5,000.00 To support the implementation of the Character and Career Development Program for at-risk Middle and High School students in the Carlisle Area School District.
Carlisle YWCACarlisle Kids Camp2020-2021$50,000.00 Provide on-site educational supervision and enrichment to children grades K through 5 enrolled in Carlisle Area School District during COVID-19.
Center for Advanced School Teaching and LearningMeeting Basic Needs of Students with Disabilities2020-2021$1,500.00 Provide food and/or hygiene kits to families of students within Capital Area Intermediate Unit programs in Perry County, Western and Central Cumberland Counties, Northern Adams County, and Greater Shippensburg area.
Central Perry Community Senior Citizen's Center, INCStronger Together - Senior Meal Delivery Services2020-2021$9,356.00 To support the purchase of PPE, disinfecting supplies and meal supplies to enable the Senior Center to safely provide both in-house meals and meal delivery services to area seniors.
Champions for ChildrenHousing Assistance2020-2021$9,600.00 Provide rental assistance to 12 families impacted financially by COVID-19.
Charles Bruce FoundationBooks for Kids Without Them2020-2021$2,745.00 Through the Homeless Education Program, provide books to children experiencing homelessness and opportunities to interact the authors and/or illustrators.
Cheryl Kay FoundationHome Care Project2020-2021$5,000.00 Provide five one-time CareGifts for home care services for persons with financial need in Northern Adams County, Western and Central Cumberland Counties, Perry County, and greater Shippensburg area.
Christ Among NeighborsHousing Assistance2020-2021$5,000.00 Housing assistance for individuals and families that are financially affected by COVID-19
Claremont Nursing and Rehab CenterResident Engagement during COVID-192020-2021$3,090.00 Purchase additional tools to use with its interactive system for simulated motion to encourage activity and movement supported by therapy.
CONTACT HelplinePA211 and Emotional Support Listening Hotlines2020-2021$6,440.00 Support CONTACT Helpline with increased staff hours.
Cumberland County Historical SocietyTwo Mile House & UPMC Walking Trail Extension2020-2021$2,300.00 To support the installation of property and trail access signage, completion of the trail connector with the UPMC Pinnacle-Carlisle trail and the purchase of table and chairs for patron use and trail respite.
Cumberland Goodwill Fire Rescue EMS Inc.Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-192020-2021$10,000.00 Support the purchase of N-95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, and gowns for first responders to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cumberland Youth Cycling DevelopmentCarlisle Pumptrack2020-2021$50,000.00 Support the construction of a dirt-based bicycle pumptrack at Valley Meadows Park in Carlisle for cycling team training and community recreation.
Deliverance Temple Inc. / Oasis of Love ChurchDeliverance Temple Inc (Oasis of Love Church - COVID-19 Hot Meal Program)2020-2021$10,000.00 Support the operation of the weekly community hot meals program through the purchase of gloves and meal supplies to feed food insecure families in the Shippensburg community.
Diakon Child Family and Community MinistriesKeeping Students Safe Initiative2020-2021$5,250.00 Maintain a safe and clean environment for the youth served in the day treatment program.
Diakon Child Family and Community MinistriesProtecting Youth in Day Treatment2020-2021$10,000.00 Maintain a safe and clean environment for the youth served in the Day Treatment program, as well as purchase technology equipment for virtual learning if program closes due to COVID-19.
Dickinson CollegeCarlisle Community Action Network’s (CAN) Community Health Campaign2020-2021$5,000.00 The Carlisle Community Action Network (CAN) will improve the health of Carlisle and surrounding communities by launching a public health campaign regarding COVID-19 prevention measures.
Duncannon Emergency Medical Services, Inc.PPE and Operating Support2020-2021$10,000.00 To provide assistance with operational costs and to support the purchase of decontamination and air filtration equipment to ensure the safety of first responders and their patients.
Duncannon Emergency Medical Services, Inc.PPE & Operating Support During COVID-192020-2021$10,000.00 Provide assistance with operational costs and support the purchase of PPE that ensures the safety of first responders and patients.
Employment Skills CenterSuccess Academy for Women and Girls2020-2021$5,000.00 Support supplies, training equipment, and certification fees for the Success Academy, a program designed for women and girls to gain job training, employment skills, and confidence.
Farmers on the SquareSpring Market - COVID-19 Market Provisions2020-2021$9,525.00 Support Farmers on the Square's efforts to acquire produce from local farmers, to compensate the farmers for their products, to distribute those products to Project SHARE, to provide PPE to patrons and vendors and to ensure the safe use of Fresh Match coupons through the exchange of sanitized laminated coupons.
Farmers on the SquareWinter Market2020-2021$9,965.00 To support Farmers on the Square's efforts to acquire produce from local farmers, to compensate the farmers for their products, to distribute those products to Project SHARE and to provide on-line and call-in ordering to allow for curbside pickup services.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilReentry Coalition2020-2021$5,000.00 To support the acquisition of a strategic planning consultant to guide the work of the Reentry Coalition.
In Him Christian WellnessMental Health Services for Front-Line Workers2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide mental health support to frontline workers during COVID-19.
JFT Recovery and Veterans Support ServicesCOVID-19 Basic Needs Program2020-2021$9,811.00 Provide food, hygiene items, and clothing items to program participants financially impacted by COVID-19.
JFT Recovery and Veterans Support ServicesCOVID-19 Basic Needs Program 20212020-2021$10,000.00 Provide food and hygiene items to program participants financially impacted by COVID-19.
Join Hands MinistryCOVID-19 Rapid Response for Rural Poor Outreach and Empowerment2020-2021$10,000.00 COVID-19 Rapid Response for Rural Poor Outreach and Empowerment through Join Hands Ministry provide rental and household expense assistance to approximately 21 families in Perry County. The goal was to aid six families with their Automobile expenses up to $500 each family for a subtotal of $3000, ten families with their Utilities expenses up to $300 each family for a subtotal of $3,000 and five families with their Rental Assistance up to $800 each family for a subtotal of $4,000, at a grand total of $10,000.
Join Hands MinistryRural Poor Outreach and Empowerment2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide rental, auto and household expense assistance to approximately 21 families in Perry County.
Keystone Human ServicesCOVID-19 Relief for Head Start Families2020-2021$5,000.00 Support the health and well-being of the children and families enrolled in Capital Area Head Start in Central Cumberland and Perry counties.
Landisburg EMS Inc.COVID-19 Communications Equipment2020-2021$6,806.00 Support the purchase of communication equipment and electronic devices to ensure reliable and immediate communication during increased volume of emergency calls and to create opportunities for paperless signatures and document exchanges.
Landisburg EMS Inc.COVID-19 Stryker LifePack 15 Monitor2020-2021$10,000.00 To support the purchase of a Stryker LifePak Monitor and Defibrillator System that will enhance the company's advanced life support services and enable first responders to render aid with limited patient contact and exposure.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF's COVID 19 Program Adaptations2020-2021$4,720.00 Support the purchase of PPE for youth and staff, materials to build an outdoor kitchen to support outdoor operations, the purchase of a chest freezer to store prepared soups and preserved foods and the purchase of durable boxes for safe transport of food/produce to hunger relief agencies.
LEAF Project Inc.An Equity Analysis of the LEAF Project2020-2021$5,000.00 To support LEAF'S completion of an equity analysis to assess and enhance LEAF's accessibility and inclusivity with respect to produce distribution, youth recruitment and advancement and organizational culture.
Maranatha-CarlisleNew Account Manager #22020-2021$18,902.00 To support the creation of a new account manager position at Maranatha to address the growth in clients needing financial and case management assistance.
Masland & AssociatesCOVID-19 Vaccine Storage2020-2021$2,958.40 Purchase freezer and refrigerator for vaccine storage in order to serve approximately 8,000 patients against COVID-19.
Merakey FoundationBridging the Digital Divide: Technology for Individuals Supported by Merakey Adult Behavioral Health2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide face-to-face remote telehealth access for outpatient behavioral health patients.
Millerstown Senior Citizens Center, Inc.COVID-19 Support Project2020-2021$5,219.00 This grant was intended to support the purchase of PPE, cleaning supplies, hot meals and sources of protein and meats for low-income and health compromised seniors, and to assist the center in covering expenses for additional cleaning and sanitation services. The grant was meant to provide an already depressed population, emotionally and financially, with hope and encouragement that their senior center cares about their needs.
Millerstown Senior Citizens Center, Inc.Millerstown Seniors COVID Safety and Outreach2020-2021$7,230.00 Support the purchase of hot meals and sources of protein/meats for low-income seniors, the purchase of cleaning supplies and additional cleaning services, and the installation of an operable window at the center for ventilation.
New Life CommunityGet Moving- Health & Wellness2020-2021$3,000.00 Support the facilitation of whole person wellness group activities and individualized wellness plans for low-income community members.
New Life CommunityCommunity Care & Compassion--Focusing on Our Neighborhoods 20212020-2021$7,900.00 Provide housing assistance and bicycle transportation to those in need in North East Carlisle and Mount Holly Springs.
Newburg United Methodist ChurchNewburg Community Classroom2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide a community classroom for academically-challenged students in the secondary levels of Shippensburg Area School District.
Operation Warm, Inc.New Soles for Kids in Perry County2020-2021$5,000.00 Provide 250 pairs of shoes to low-income children, ages toddler through approximately age eight, residing in Perry County.
Operation Warm, Inc.Warm Up Perry County2020-2021$9,900.00 Provide new coats to 450 low-income children and youth in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthWorkforce Development & Sustainable Wages2020-2021$5,000.00 Incorporate and expand upon the core goals of the Cumberland County Workforce Development & Sustainable Wages Task Force. Primary services will include meeting facilitation, strategy development, coalition building, plan development, and healthcare training facility task force.
Partnership for Better HealthOne West Penn Senior Housing Sewer Replacement Water Supply2020-2021$10,000.00 Carlisle Senior Housing Associates will provide a supply of bottled water to residents of One West Penn for the duration of the sewer system replacement.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2021-2022 (Year 16)2020-2021$15,000.00 Support the recruitment of local employers to implement wellness activities and policy strategies that enhance the work environment and increase wellness opportunities for area employees.
Partnership for Better HealthPolicy Advocacy2020-2021$16,500.00 Continue the policy advocacy efforts of the Community Policy and Engagement Committee to increase the advocacy capacity of partner organizations.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20212020-2021$20,000.00 The Partnership will provide scholarships for children to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Consultant 2021-20222020-2021$24,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthCCFSA - S.U. CLUS Backbone Support-Year Two2020-2021$25,000.00 Funding supports S.U.'s Center for Land Use and Sustainability's (CLUS) role as the administrator and coordinator of the Cumberland County Food System Alliance (CCFSA).
Partnership for Better HealthPiloting a Co-Responder Initiative to Meet Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Needs2020-2021$75,000.00 Pilot a model that combines the expertise of police and mental health specialists who co-respond together to emergency 911 calls that involve psychiatric, drug and alcohol issues.
Peyton Walker FoundationStrengthening the Chain of Survival2020-2021$5,000.00 Explore policy options for improving access to EKGs during pre-participation sports physical and well child visits in order to detect heart conditions that may lead to cardiac arrest.
Project SHARE of CarlisleTraffic Control for Drive-thru Distributions2020-2021$3,823.00 To offset costs associated with securing safety officers for traffic control services for monthly Drive-thru food distributions and for weekly Farmstand distributions.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipReins of Rhythm Horse Powered Reading Program2020-2021$5,000.00 Provide Horse Powered Reading program to help students develop reading fluency and gain social-emotional skills through Equine Assisted Learning.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipYouth Development Fall & Winter Programming2020-2021$9,992.00 Provide operational support for youth outreach and development program in a clean and safe environment.
Sadler Health Center CorporationCleaning for Infection Control2020-2021$10,000.00 To assist with costs associated with daily disinfecting and cleaning services for infection control.
Sadler Health Center CorporationCovid-19 Vaccination Clinic2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide evening and/or Saturday Covid-19 vaccine clinic hours to the community.
Sadler Health Center CorporationSadler Health Center 2021-222020-2021$609,055.00 Program operating funds for 2021-2022
Samaritan Fellowship, Inc.COVID-19 Shelter Assistance2020-2021$9,000.00 Provide shelter assistance for families or individuals who are struggling financially.
Samaritan Fellowship, Inc.Housing Assistance Program2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide shelter, rental, or mortgage assistance for families or individuals who are struggling financially.
Serve The City CarlisleServe Carlisle2020-2021$3,000.00 Funding for Donation Center in downtown Carlisle to benefit those who have been impacted by COVID-19.
Serve The City CarlisleServe The City Community Garden2020-2021$4,000.00 Support the creation of a community and teaching garden in an abandoned plot in the northwest quadrant of Carlisle.
Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical ServicesCOVID-19 Decontamination Project2020-2021$7,777.00 To support the purchase of an Aeroclave sanitation system to rapidly decontaminate the company's ambulances and equipment.
Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical ServicesEMS Responder Decontamination Project2020-2021$9,903.00 Support the purchase of ambulance mounted decontamination ports that are compatible with the Aeroclave Sanitation System to reduce provider exposure and ambulance out of service time.
Shippensburg Area School DistrictHousing & Food Assistance for SASD Families2020-2021$10,000.00 To provide rental and food assistance to families in the Shippensburg Area School District who have lost income due to COVID-19.
Shippensburg Area School DistrictFamily Housing Needs & Food Insecurities2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide rental and food assistance to families in the Shippensburg Area School District who have lost income due to COVID-19.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachSPO Emergency Food Assistance2020-2021$10,000.00 To support the purchase of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, milk, cereal and bread to help SPO meet the increased demand on pantry supplies and their weekly drive through distribution during COVID-19.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachSPO-Emergency Food Supplies2020-2021$10,000.00 Support the purchase of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, milk, cereal and bread to help SPO meet the increased demand on pantry supplies and weekly drive through distributions during COVID-19.
Shippensburg University FoundationSLP Leaders-in-Training2020-2021$4,000.00 To support the coordination and implementation of the Leaders-in-Training mentoring program for middle and high school students that attend Shippensburg's Summer Learning Program.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Community Resource Coalition - Healthy Shippensburg2020-2021$75,880.00 To support the Community Health Mobilizer's efforts to coordinate health-focused activities and systems change strategies under the direction of the Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition.
SpiriTrust LutheranCOVID-19 Home Health & Hospice2020-2021$8,451.84 Provide personal protective equipment for staff, patients, and families in the Home Health & Hospice program.
SpiriTrust LutheranCOVID-19 Home Health & Hospice 20212020-2021$10,000.00 Provide personal protective equipment for staff, patients and families in the Home Health & Hospice program
St Patrick SchoolEmergency funding for safety/sanitation2020-2021$10,000.00 To assist with costs associated with daily disinfecting and cleaning services to ensure the safety of students and staff in the school setting.
St Patrick SchoolEmergency funding for safety/sanitation2020-2021$10,000.00 Assist with costs associated with daily disinfecting and cleaning services to ensure the safety of students and staff in the school setting.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Apartment Ministry/WE CARE TeamRESURRECT Affordable Apartment Restoration2020-2021$50,000.00 The RESURRECT Ministry will complete repairs and updates on nine housing units to increase the pool of quality permanent affordable housing.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE of Carlisle2020-2021$161,000.00 RASE of Carlisle serves residents of the greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery
Summer Program for YouthStrengthening Kids; Body and Mind2020-2021$5,000.00 Support the role of SPY's Kitchen Manager for meal and snack preparation and nutrition education, and offset transportation costs during the 8-week summer program for at-risk youth.
Summer Program for Youthmini-spy2020-2021$5,000.00 Support the implementation of an abbreviated summer enrichment program for at-risk elementary school-aged youth who are in need of part-time programming and supervision that aligns with parent/guardian work schedules.
Temple UniversityTOP for Justice Involved Youth2020-2021$50,000.00 Support the implementation of the Teen Outreach Program to at-risk high-school aged youth participating in Diakon's alternative education program.
The Harbor Church of the Nazarene Inc.COVID-19 Rental Assistance for Recovery Housing 20212020-2021$3,000.00 Support rental assistance for under-employed or unemployed residents of The Lighthouse men's recovery house due to COVID-19.
The Salvation ArmySocial Services Office - Basic Needs2020-2021$2,200.00 Provide personal care items to clients of the Social Services Office
The Salvation ArmyMy Brother’s Table & Social Services Office2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide operational support of My Brother’s Table program and the Social Services Office case management services.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountySchool Age Child Care during COVID-192020-2021$30,000.00 Provide tuition assistance to families to cover the cost of school age child care needs stemming from the COVID-19 public health crisis
UPMC Pinnacle FoundationUPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership2020-2021$100,000.00 To provide services of Nurse Family Partnership in Cumberland and Perry Counties under the program umbrella of UPMC Pinnacle Nurse Family Partnership
Valley Youth House Committee, Inc.COVID-19 Funding ILP for Perry County Young Adults – Round 32020-2021$9,975.00 Provide assistance to independent living young adult program participants residing in Perry County for food, transportation, rent, and housing essentials.
Valley Youth House Committee, Inc.Independent Living Program for Perry County Young Adults2020-2021$10,000.00 Provide assistance to independent living young adult program participants residing in Perry County - for food, transportation, and cleaning supplies.
West End Fire and Rescue Company No.3Firefighter Safety Initiative (particulate protective hoods)2020-2021$4,200.00 Support the purchase of a protective particulate hood for each company first responder.
West End Fire and Rescue Company No.3PPE Industrial Washer - Decontamination Equipment2020-2021$9,450.00 To support the purchase of a PPE washer-extractor to prioritize the safety of first responders by ensuring that their PPE is laundered and disinfected according to the National Fire Protection Association's cleaning and disinfecting standards.
Yellow Breeches EMS Inc.Automatic External Defibrillators Grant2020-2021$9,795.00 Support the purchase of four new Automatic External Defibrillators to replace aging units.
Action Sports ProjectMTB Initiative2021-2022$3,500.00 Support the operational costs for intermural mountain biking program for student participants from Perry and Central Cumberland Counties.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)Healing Arts Curriculum2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the continuation of programming that uses creative arts as a catalyst to mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
Amethyst FoundationChildren's Nature Program2021-2022$3,650.00 Provide low-income Perry County youth ages 6-9 an opportunity to participate in outdoor nature-based programming that focuses on gardening, expression through art and mindfulness.
Appalachian Trail Conservancy, South Mountain PartnershipCapacity Building Training for Leaders of the South Mountain Partnership2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the acquisition of conservation-based consultant to facilitate a series of trainings and subsequent technical assistance to guide the strategic direction of the South Mountain Partnership.
Bethany HouseBethany House Mental Health Program2021-2022$5,000.00 Provide mental health support and services to young women who have aged out of foster care.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionTrauma-Informed Youth Mentoring: Mental Recovery from a Global Pandemic2021-2022$25,000.00 Support the implementation of trauma-informed services to meet the emotional needs of BBBS Littles and the facilitation of referral and service linkage to area human service providers.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgPositive Action Program2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the expansion of the Positive Action program to the Boys and Girls Club's summer program site in Newville.
Carisle Tool LibraryWorkshop Program Coordinator2021-2022$5,000.00 To support the continuation and expansion of educational programming to community residents to advance their skills in gardening, tool use and self-sufficiency.
Carlisle Area School DistrictBehavioral Supports2021-2022$26,948.00 Provide services and supports for healthy youth development in the Carlisle Area School District.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for LeTort Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four LeTort Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for Crestview Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four Crestview Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for Bellaire Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four Bellaire Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for Mooreland Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four Mooreland Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for Hamilton Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four Hamilton Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for North Dickinson Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four North Dickinson Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictESAP Training for Mt. Holly Springs Elementary School2021-2022$4,000.00 Provide training for four Mt. Holly Springs Elementary School staff members to implement Elementary Student Assistance Program.
Carlisle Area School DistrictMooreland Classroom to Playground Extension2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the acquisition and installation of playground equipment and an equipment storage unit.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.ArtWorks! After-school Program2021-2022$2,250.00 ArtWorks! is a community-engaged after-school program for middle school students that encourages creative solutions to problem solving, builds leadership skills, self-esteem, and confidence and fosters a more pro-active role in the community.
Carlisle CARESFamily Shelter2021-2022$40,000.00 Support operations and renovations at the new Family Shelter in Shippensburg.
Carlisle United Methodist ChurchLittle Lights Sunshades2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the purchase of a sunshade to protect children from sun exposure while using the playground area.
Central Pennsylvania ConservancyLetort Spring Garden Preserve Enhancement--Access, Education, and Ecological Improvements2021-2022$5,000.00 Support Letort Spring Garden Preserve enhancements to include the restoration of historic structures, improved trail access, ecological restoration and the installation of interpretive signage.
Central Perry Community Senior Citizen's Center, INC"Coming Back Together"2021-2022$4,000.00 Support the implementation of a peer mentorship program at the Central Perry Senior Center that includes outreach and education to senior members experiencing isolation and service interruption due to COVID-19.
Centre for Music and Mental HealthTreating Symptoms of Dementia with Music2021-2022$5,000.00 Treat symptoms of dementia in residential living with music literacy.
Charles Bruce FoundationBooks for Kids Without Them2021-2022$3,000.00 Through the Homeless Education Program, provide books to children experiencing homelessness and opportunities to interact the authors and/or illustrators.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse Program2021-2022$44,000.00 The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
Compass Immigration Legal ServicesImmigration Legal Services for Afghan Nationals Settled in Central PA2021-2022$50,000.00 Support the provision of legal services to Afghan refugees who are seeking asylum or other types of permanent stays in the United States.
CONTACT HelplineConnecting More People to Health Resources and Services Through Phone System Technology2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the acquisition of a integrated communication system to unify the communication infrastructure for the helplines and databases that are offered as a free resource to the public.
Cumberland County Library System FoundationAmelia Givin Library ‘Oceans of Possibilities’ Summer Learning Program 20222021-2022$2,400.00 Support the implementation of the "Oceans of Possibilities" Summer Learning Program at Amelia Givin Library.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Franklin County Extension2021-2022$45,000.00 Support the westward expansion of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail through the community of Shippensburg.
Drew Michael Taylor FoundationGrieving Families Deserve to Have Fun Too!2021-2022$1,955.00 Provide supplies for monthly Family Fun activity nights at the Hope Grief Center.
Employment Skills CenterNurse Aide and Community Health Worker Training2021-2022$206,320.00 Employment Skills Center will further develop and create entry-level healthcare training programs for high-demand workforce opportunities by continuing the Nurse Aide Training program and adding a Community Health Worker training program.
Employment Skills CenterEnglish Language Acquisition Classes, Student Materials, & Student Bike Rack 2021-2022$4,873.00 Support the facilitation of Low-Beginner English classes to Afghan refugees to aid their integration into the Carlisle community and to prepare them for more advanced ESL classes.
Friends of Opossum Lake ConservancyPedestrian Bridge to Complete Four-Mile Hiking Trail2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the installation of a pedestrian bridge over the outlet stream of Opossum Lake to create a contiguous trail connector and enhance access and safety for all trail users.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaCarlisle Schools Girls on the Run - Renewal2021-2022$2,500.00 Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-5 in the Carlisle Area School District.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run Shippensburg Area RENEWAL2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-5 at Shippensburg, Big Spring and South Middleton area schools.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilBlack Girl's Chronicle's Empowerment Luncheon2021-2022$5,000.00 A roundtable event focused on addressing the impact of life factors on the mental health of women of color
In Him Christian WellnessRewriting the Wellness Narrative2021-2022$1,700.00 Through three sessions, In Him Christian Wellness desires to help bring truth to the idea of wellness through the Mind, the Body, and the Soul amidst New Life Community Church’s neighborhood.
Keystone Human ServicesPlayground Safety Project2021-2022$15,000.00 Support the completion of safety upgrades and the acquisition of age appropriate play equipment at the Capital Area Head Start Program site in Carlisle.
Landisburg EMS Inc.Community Paramedicine Vehicle & Equipment2021-2022$25,349.00 Purchase vehicle and equipment for the purpose of providing Community Paramedicine service to the residents of Central and Western Perry County.
LEAF Project Inc.Local Food For All2021-2022$19,871.00 Support LEAF's engagement in a five-phase project that will begin with an assessment of regional barriers to accessing local food and conclude with recommendations for making our local food system more equitable.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Expanding Northern Adams County Mobile Food Pantry Program2021-2022$30,000.00 Support the expansion of New Hope Ministries' Mobile Food Pantry services in remote areas of northern Adams County and underserved areas of central Cumberland County.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.New Hope Ministries – Road to Success CDL Certification Foundation Initiative2021-2022$50,000.00 Support the implementation and coordination of a CDL Class A Truck Driving certification program and corresponding supportive services for Afghan refugees.
New Life CommunityNew Life Community Intake & LifeWorks Coordination2021-2022$50,000.00 The Intake & LifeWorks Coordinator will assess clients' basic needs and coordinate referrals to local resources to improve the clients' health and well-being.
New Life CommunityLifeCycle Safety Kits2021-2022$4,998.00 Provide bicycle lights, helmets, and locks to LifeCycle bicycle recipients.
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2021-2022$186,000.00 Merakey NHS Stevens Center provides comprehensive psychiatric services to residents of Cumberland and Perry Counties
PA Association of Area Agencies on AgingThe Center for Excellence, Research and Performance in Aging (CERPA) pilot launch2021-2022$50,000.00 The Center for Excellence, Research and Performance in Aging (CERPA) will serve as a network hub for technical support for system-wide enhancements to improve older adult health and well-being.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20222021-2022$20,000.00 The Partnership will provide scholarships for children to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Consultant 2022-20232021-2022$24,000.00 Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthCCFSA - S.U. CLUS Backbone Support- 2022 and 20232021-2022$50,000.00 S.U.'s Center for Land Use and Sustainability's (CLUS) will serve as the administrator and coordinator of the Cumberland County Food System Alliance (CCFSA).
Partnership for Better HealthConnecting Afghan Refugees to Life Essential Services (CARLES)2021-2022$27,000.00 Provide translation and interpretation services to Afghan refugees as they navigate governmental, medical, and educational systems as well as other life-essential community services.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2022-2023 (Year 17)2021-2022$15,000.00 Support the recruitment of local employers to implement wellness activities and policy strategies that enhance the work environment and increase wellness opportunities for area employees.
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkBeHeard BeHealthy Central PA2021-2022$49,500.00 Community engagement to identify, enroll, educate and advocate for uninsured consumers as well as new and previous enrollees, including through BeHeard, BeHealthy PA infrastructure.
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests FoundationBuilding a Playground at Little Buffalo State Park that Is Inclusive and Accessible2021-2022$50,000.00 Support the purchase and installation of accessible and inclusive playground equipment at Little Buffalo State Park.
Perry County Council of the ArtsArt Uplifts Outdoor Art Exhibit2021-2022$4,000.00 Support the implementation of an outdoor art exhibit along walking trails in Perry County that combines art appreciation and inspiration with physical activity and wellness activity stations.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipHorse Powered Reading2021-2022$5,000.00 Provide Horse Powered Reading program to help students develop reading fluency and gain social-emotional skills through Equine Assisted Learning.
Sadler Health Center CorporationSadler Health Center 2022-20232021-2022$513,188.00 Program operating funds for 2022 - 2023
Sadler Health Center CorporationCOVID-19 Emergency Relocation of Administrative Offices2021-2022$45,000.00 Sadler Health Center will relocate its administrative offices to make space for additional patient support positions.
Safe Harbour Inc.Emergency Quarantine for Shelter Residents2021-2022$5,000.00 Provide short-term emergency motel shelter for residents diagnosed with COVID-19.
Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical ServicesAlternative Pain Management during the Opioid Epidemic2021-2022$6,500.00 Expand alternate pain management in pre-hospital environment in Cumberland County and Northern Adams County.
Shippensburg Area Little LeagueShippensburg Area Little League AED and Emergency Response Assistance2021-2022$3,150.00 Support the completion of Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED training for Shippensburg Area Little League volunteers.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachShippensburg Produce and Outreach Walk in Cooler2021-2022$14,374.00 Support the purchase of a Walk in Cooler to increase SPO's capacity to store and distribute perishable food.
Shippensburg University FoundationGreyhound Wellness Project2021-2022$50,000.00 Provide services and supports for healthy youth development in the Shippensburg Area School District.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Community Resource Coalition - SLP Leaders In Training2021-2022$4,000.00 Support the coordination and implementation of the Leaders-in-Training mentoring program for middle and high school students that attend Shippensburg's Summer Learning Program.
Shippensburg University FoundationHealthy Shippensburg2021-2022$79,692.00 Support the Community Health Mobilizer's efforts to coordinate health-focused activities and systems change strategies under the direction of the Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition.
St Patrick SchoolOccupational Therapy and Behavioral Analysis Support2021-2022$50,000.00 Provide services and supports for healthy youth development at St. Patrick School.
St Patrick SchoolOutside recreational equipment2021-2022$2,000.00 Support the acquisition of two outdoor hand sanitation stations and recreation equipment for use during physical education classes, recess and special events.
Summer Program for YouthI-SPY2021-2022$30,000.00 Support the implementation of a summer enrichment program dedicated to advancing the academic achievements and social/emotional well-being of at-risk youth in grades 4-6.
Susquenita School DistrictSocial Worker Services2021-2022$93,744.00 Provide services and supports for healthy youth development at Susquenita School District
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesCPARC Advocacy Services2021-2022$61,000.00 Provide no-cost advocacy services to protect the rights of people with disabilities in Cumberland and Perry counties.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesCPARC Caregiver Peer Support2021-2022$1,280.00 CPARC will conduct a five-month series of meetings/events to provide peer support for caregivers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Cumberland and Perry counties.
The Church of the Nativity and St. StephenNewport Farmer's Market2021-2022$4,504.00 Support the expansion of the Farmer's Market in Newport through the extension of the market season and the increased focus on advertising, social media, vendor recruitment and retention and attracting more patrons.
The Food TrustFood Bucks and Food Bucks Rx: Increasing Healthy Food Access in Central PA with Nutrition Incentives2021-2022$40,000.00 Support the maintenance and expansion of the Food Bucks and Food Bucks Rx program in Central PA to incentivize and maximize the utilization of SNAP.
The Harbor Church of the Nazarene Inc.Women's Recovery Housing2021-2022$5,000.00 Support the establishment of a new recovery house for women in the Shippensburg Community.
The Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral HealthEnsuring Equitable Access to Oral Health Care through Policy Change2021-2022$50,000.00 Support the Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health to improve access to oral health for the most under-resourced populations through policy change and community outreach.
The Salvation ArmyMeeting the Health Needs of Clients - Meals and Cleaning Supplies2021-2022$5,000.00 Purchase cleaning supplies for distribution by Social Services Office and fresh produce for My Brother's Table meal preparation.
Tomorrow's NeighborsPeer Reentry Support Project2021-2022$5,000.00 Provide emotional support and resources to Retuning Citizens being released from jail and prison.
Tomorrow's NeighborsRewriting Reentry2021-2022$5,000.00 Will conduct counter-narrative on the plight of justice-involved individuals re-entering the community.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyPositive Solutions for Families Parenting Program2021-2022$1,800.00 Support the implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program and the Positive Solutions for Families Program for early education providers and parents.
Vision To LearnProviding Access to Vision Care for Kids in Perry County2021-2022$50,000.00 Provide free vision care to students through a mobile vision clinic in Perry County.
Yellow Breeches EMS Inc.Purchase of Lucas Device2021-2022$17,530.00 Support the purchase of a LUCAS device to perform automated chest compressions to a patient during a CPR event.
YWCA CarlisleStrategic Planning & Capacity Building2021-2022$25,000.00 The YWCA Carlisle and Cumberland County (YWCA CCC) will create and implement a new strategic plan to for providing services in youth education, gender equity, health equity, and racial equity.
YWCA CarlisleYWCA Human Library Experience2021-2022$5,000.00 Through the use of the Human Libraries framework community members will gain empathy, form stronger prosocial behaviors, and expand their thinking on diverse topics, groups, or cultures.
Amethyst FoundationChildren's Nature Program2022-2023$3,000.00Provide low-income Perry County youth ages 6-9 an opportunity to participate in outdoor nature-based programming that focuses on nature, expression through art and music, healthy foods and mindfulness.
Bethany HouseBethany House Mental Health Program2022-2023$15,600.00Provide mental health counseling to residents of Bethany House.
Bible Way Hibner Memorial Church Of God In ChristBible Way Family Support Center Program Fatherhood Program2022-2023$15,000.00Help fathers reconnect with their children and develop essential parenting skills through design and offering of new fatherhood program.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionTrauma-Informed Youth Mentoring: Supporting Recovery in the Community2022-2023$10,000.00Support the expansion of trauma-informed case management services to enhance the wrap-around services provided to BBBSCR Littles and their families.
Big Spring School DistrictBig Spring High School Marketplace2022-2023$5,000.00Support the purchase of pre-bagged food and hygiene items for weekly distribution to food insecure students enrolled in the Big Spring School District.
Blue Mountain Escape, Inc.Women's Reentry and Emergency Basic Needs2022-2023$4,500.00Provide resources to meet the basic needs of women, pregnant and postpartum women, and women with children in recovery housing.
Bosler Memorial LibraryMental Health and Addiction Resources2022-2023$5,000.00Purchase library resources for individuals who have recently reentered the community from prison, those on probation or parole, or others who suffer from addiction and/or other mental health issues.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgMental Health for BGCCS Club Members2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Mental Health Program.
Branch Creek Place Senior Center & MoreTherapeutic Music Program for Seniors2022-2023$4,805.00Support the implementation of a therapeutic music program for seniors to increase the members' attention to task, nonverbal expression, socialization and capacity to manage stress.
Carlisle CARESFamily Shelter2022-2023$85,000.00Support operations and renovations at the new Family Shelter in Shippensburg.
Carlisle Community CoalitionCarlisle Summer Basketball League2022-2023$5,000.00To support the continuation of a 6-week Summer Basketball League in Carlisle for youth 14 and under.
Carlisle Family YMCAPEER (Promoting Engaging Enrichment Relationships)2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of the nature-based Promoting Engaging Enrichment Relationships (PEER) program during the summer for Carlisle area at-risk youth ages 7-12.
Carlisle Kiwanis Club FoundationThe Rebuilding of Fort Letort Playground at LeTort Park2022-2023$100,000.00Provide support for the ADA compliant schedule associated with the installation of the new inclusive Fort LeTort playground structure at LeTort Park in Carlisle.
Carlisle Tool LibraryWorkshop Program Coordinator-Yr. 3 Renewal2022-2023$5,000.00Support the continuation and expansion of educational programming to community residents to advance their skills in gardening, tool use and self-sufficiency.
Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc.Character and Career Development Program2022-2023$5,000.00To support the implementation of the Character and Career Development Program for at-risk Middle and High School students in the Carlisle Area School District.
Central Perry Community Senior Citizen's Center, INCUpgrade Refrigerator2022-2023$3,400.00Support the purchase of a commercial grade refrigerator to expand the center's capacity to store grocery items and prepackaged meals in accordance with the Department of Agriculture's safety storage guidelines.
Charles Bruce FoundationHomeless Awareness for Fifth Graders2022-2023$4,704.00Through the Carlisle Area School District, provide every fifth grader with a novel about homelessness along with visits from the authors and artists.
Christ Among NeighborsHousing assistance2022-2023$5,000.00Support the provision of emergency financial aid and landlord intervention for Shippensburg area residents at risk of homelessness.
Church World Service Harrisburg (PA)Circle of Care for Carlisle Refugees' Mental Health2022-2023$10,750.00Support the mental health of Carlisle refugees through the planning and offering of regular Listening Circles and trauma-informed yoga sessions.
Community Action CommissionGetting Ahead in a Just Getting by World2022-2023$16,950.00Support the implementation of a 16-week multiple module program for people living in poverty to help participants link with community resources, create a support network and ultimately achieve self-sufficiency.
Compass Immigration Legal ServicesContinuing Immigration Legal Services for Afghan Nationals Settled in Central PA2022-2023$50,000.00Support the provision of legal services to Afghan refugees who are seeking asylum or other types of permanent stays in the United States.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Cumberland Valley Rail Trail - Middle Spring Greenway Extension2022-2023$12,000.00Support the completion of a feasibility study to determine the specific route and trail design for a new trail artery along the Middle Spring Creek into the downtown Shippensburg area.
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry CountiesDEI Workshop to Diversify Workforce2022-2023$5,000.00Support the acquisition of a consultant to advance the agency's ongoing efforts to address and elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of their recruitment and hiring practices.
Education Voters of PABuilding public support for additional mental health services for K-12 students.2022-2023$70,000.00Building public support for additional mental health services for K-12 student through education, research, coalition building, and training.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run in North Adams County2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-8 in northern Adams County elementary and middle schools.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run in Perry County2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-8 in Perry County elementary and middle schools.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run Shippensburg Area Renewal2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-8 at Shippensburg, Big Spring and South Middleton area schools.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilAfter the Bell Club2022-2023$1,676.00Support the purchase of materials and art supplies needed for creative interpretation activities associated with book readings conducted by Bosler Library volunteers.
International Service CenterSurvival English for Needy Afghan Housewives (SENAH)2022-2023$5,000.00Support the implementation of a customized literacy and empowerment program for Afghan women to help them meet the basic requirements for entering a beginner ESL class offered in the community.
Launch PadMental Health Counseling for Older, Homeless Youth2022-2023$5,000.00Provide mental health and wellness counseling to young men who have aged out of foster care or are homeless.
Merakey FoundationMerakey Carlisle Autism Center STEAM Classroom Expansion2022-2023$4,851.00Support the expansion of the multi-disciplinary STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) classroom at the Merakey Carlisle Autism Center.
Millerstown Senior Citizens Center, Inc.Senior Solutions to Resolving Conflict2022-2023$4,545.00Support the acquisition of a consultant to facilitate a conflict resolution and mediation training for senior center members to create an internal process and positive culture for managing and resolving conflict
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Adams County Workforce Navigator2022-2023$25,000.00Support the creation of the new Adams County Workforce Navigator position to assist the unemployed and underemployed in obtaining job training and/or securing living wage employment.
New Life CommunityIntake & LifeWorks Coordination2022-2023$65,000.00The Intake & LifeWorks Coordinator will assess clients' basic needs and coordinate referrals to local resources to improve the clients' health and well-being.
Operation Warm, Inc.New Shoes and Coats for Kids in Perry County2022-2023$5,000.00Provide new shoes or coats to 250 low-income children residing in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthHorace T. Sadler Trust - Home Health Care2022-2023$200,000.00Provide short-term financial assistance to support qualifying individuals in need of home-based health care services.
Partnership for Better HealthMake It a Healthy Summer! 20232022-2023$20,000.00The Partnership will provide scholarships for children to attend summer camps and engage in healthy, fun and safe summer activities.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Consultant 2023-20242022-2023$75,000.00Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work 2023-2024 (Year 18)2022-2023$15,000.00Support the recruitment of local employers to implement wellness activities and policy strategies that enhance the work environment and increase wellness opportunities for area employees.
Pennsylvania Friends of Agriculture FoundationMobile Agriculture Education Science Lab Program (Mobile Ag Lab)2022-2023$5,000.00Support the engagement of local students in the interactive Mobile Ag Lab to heighten the students awareness of agriculture, natural resources and the origin and importance of nutritious foods.
Pennsylvania Health Access NetworkMobilizing Grassroots Support in Central PA2022-2023$60,000.00Continue BeHeard BeHealthy to enable communities throughout the Partnership area to participate in shaping policy decisions that impact their health; as well as supporting the Perry County Health Coalition in implementing its priorities.
Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers' AssociationCommunity Support Programs - Building Capacity and Advocacy2022-2023$75,000.00Build the capacity of the Central Region Community Support Program with improved infrastructure and communication to address need for mental health services and programs.
Perry County Council of the ArtsDowntown Placemaking - Millerstown PA2022-2023$5,000.00Support the creation and presentation of permanent public art that includes sculptures and murals along public walking trails and within green spaces in three Perry County community parks.
Perry Housing PartnershipPerry County Warming Center2022-2023$50,000.00A community-wide action project to establish and operate a cold weather warming center in Perry County, PA for those who are unhoused.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipHorse Powered Reading2022-2023$5,000.00Provide Horse Powered Reading program to help students develop reading fluency and gain social-emotional skills through Equine Assisted Learning.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipTake the Reins Work Place Readiness2022-2023$5,000.00Support the opportunity for 4-6 teens to obtain paid positions during the summer season with Reins of Rhythm to focus on the development of positive leadership skills, social skills, workplace readiness skills and character development as they work in the ongoing Reins of Rhythm adaptive riding and horsemanship therapeutic programs.
Sadler Health Center Corporation2023-20242022-2023$543,284.00Program operating funds for 2023 - 2024
Safe Harbour Inc.Security Camera System Upgrade for Shelter2022-2023$5,000.00Implement an upgraded and comprehensive security system for the James Wilson facility.
Servants Inc.Home Helps in Adams County2022-2023$15,000.00Provide repairs for 15-20 households in Northern Adams County.
Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical ServicesCommunity Paramedicine Program2022-2023$40,000.00Implement a community paramedicine program to provide onsite medical services to recently discharged hospital patients in the greater Shippensburg region.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPlayground Equipment for Nancy Grayson Elementary School2022-2023$5,000.00Support the purchase and installation of new playground equipment at Nancy Grayson Elementary School within the Shippensburg Area School District.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachEnsuring the Survival of Shippensburg Produce and Outreach2022-2023$25,000.00Support the implementation of a comprehensive strategic plan and action plan to strengthen and grow SPO's operational capacity and organizational sustainability.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachSPO Emergency Dairy2022-2023$10,000.00Support the acquisition of dairy products to ensure that sufficient quantities of dairy are on-hand to meet the increased demand during SPO's weekly food distribution.
Shippensburg University FoundationShippensburg Community Resource Coalition - SLP Leaders-In-Training2022-2023$4,800.00Support the coordination and implementation of the Leaders-in-Training mentoring program for middle and high school students that attend Shippensburg's Summer Learning Program
St Patrick SchoolLibrary Renewal -- Let's buy new and better books to encourage student reading and mental health2022-2023$1,500.00Support the purchase of health-focused library books and wellness materials for use by the student body as well teachers facilitating wellness activities in the classroom and during lunch and both before and after school activity sessions.
St Patrick SchoolOccupational Therapy and Behavioral Analysis Support2022-2023$50,000.00Provide services and supports for healthy youth development at St. Patrick School.
St Patrick SchoolStudent Mindfulness2022-2023$2,000.00Support the implementation of a student mindfulness program into the school's PE curriculum through the purchase of materials and tools and the acquisition of a yoga instructor.
Substance Abuse Services, Inc.RASE Project2022-2023$169,344.00Serve residents of the Greater Carlisle area through treatment, advocacy and education services designed to reduce the stigma associated with addiction and promote recovery
Summer Program for YouthHealthier Living for SPY Campers2022-2023$1,500.00Support the provision of scholarships to current at-risk SPY participants to offset the costs of enrolling in fee-based after school programming held during the academic year.
Summer Program for YouthI-SPY returns2022-2023$30,000.00Support the continuation of a summer enrichment program dedicated to advancing the academic achievements and social/emotional well-being of at-risk youth in grades 4-6.
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education CenterImproving Students Mental and Social and Emotional Health2022-2023$4,800.00Byrnes Health Education Center will provide the 12 curriculum-based programs to Carlisle Area School District to address mental health and social and emotional health.
Susquenita School DistrictSocial Worker Services2022-2023$99,604.00Provide services and supports for healthy youth development at Susquenita School District
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesCPARC Advocacy Services2022-2023$61,000.00Provide no-cost advocacy services to protect the rights of people with disabilities in Cumberland and Perry counties.
The Church of the Nativity and St. StephenNewport Farmers Market2022-2023$5,000.00Support the growth and expansion of the Farmer's Market in Newport during the extended market season, including the increased focus on advertising, social media, vendor recruitment and retention and attracting more patrons.
The Food TrustPA Nutrition Security Coalition Building2022-2023$75,000.00Address healthy food access and affordability in Pennsylvania through coalition building and advocacy.
The Pittsburgh FoundationSustainable Financing for Community Health Workers in Pennsylvania2022-2023$47,740.00Build advocacy capacity to attain sustainable financing for Community Health Workers.
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland CountyPositive Solutions for Families - Parent Program2022-2023$1,800.00Support the implementation of a series of education classes for parents/caregivers of children ages two through six to support the children's readiness for school.
Vickie's Angel FoundationEliminating Financial Challenges for Families Fighting Cancer2022-2023$5,000.00Support the provision of housing assistance and financial support to cancer patients who are actively seeking treatment and their families living within the Partnerships service area.
YWCA CarlisleSecurity Upgrade2022-2023$5,000.00Install security features for vulnerable areas in the exterior of the YWCA building.
Adams County Arts Council (ACAC)Healing Arts Curriculum2023-2024$5,000.00Support the continuation of programming that uses creative arts as a catalyst to mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
Adams County Children's Advocacy CenterProtecting Vulnerable Children- Education/Outreach/Prevention Project2023-2024$20,000.00To protect vulnerable children, ACCAC seeks funding to reduce child abuse in Northern Adams County via education, outreach and prevention activities.
Bethany House of Cumberland County, Inc.Bethany House Mental Health Program2023-2024$15,600.00Provide mental health counseling to residents of Bethany House.
Bethany House of Cumberland County, Inc.Building Independent Youth2023-2024$30,000.00Building independent youth provides a holistic approach to equip and empower youth towards independence and self-sufficiency.
Bible Way Hibner Memorial Church Of God In ChristFatherhood Program2023-2024$15,000.00Help fathers reconnect with their children and develop essential parenting skills through design and offering of new fatherhood program.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital RegionTrauma-Informed Youth Mentoring: Supporting Recovery in the Community2023-2024$10,000.00Support the expansion of trauma-informed case management services to enhance the wrap-around services provided to BBBSCR Littles and their families.
Big Spring School DistrictBig Spring High School Marketplace2023-2024$5,000.00Support the purchase of pre-bagged food and hygiene items for weekly distribution to food insecure students enrolled in the Big Spring School District.
Big Spring Senior CenterWellness Through Exercise2023-2024$2,400.00To support the health and wellness of social exercise programs for our senior population provided by the Big Spring Senior Center.
Blue Mountain Escape, Inc.Women's Reentry and Emergency Basic Needs2023-2024$4,500.00Provide resources to meet the basic needs of women, pregnant and postpartum women, and women with children in recovery housing.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgMental Health for BGCCS Club Members2023-2024$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Mental Health Program.
Boys & Girls Club of Chambersburg and ShippensburgShippensburg Summer Camp Scholarship Project2023-2024$5,000.00To support scholarships to provide quality summer programming for children with families in need in the Shippensburg area.
Carlisle Area Religious CouncilCARC Free Laundry Program2023-2024$3,500.00To provide access to clean laundry for those who could not otherwise afford it by providing a free Laundry Night in Carlisle.
Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Inc.Artful Aging2023-2024$3,600.00Support the implementation of a facilitated art program designed to positively impact the social, cognitive, emotional and physical wellbeing of seniors residing in nursing home settings.
Carlisle CARESCoordinated Entry2023-2024$49,497.00Support a physical access site for Coordinated Entry in Cumberland County to connect people experiencing or at risk of becoming homeless with housing and services.
Carlisle CARESFamily Shelter2023-2024$85,000.00Support operations and renovations at the Family Shelter in Shippensburg.
Carlisle Community CoalitionCarlisle Youth Summer Basketball League2023-2024$2,500.00To support the operations of our co-ed, 180 kid, age 8-14 youth basketball league. This league brings kids and community together to foster togetherness and leadership through sport.
Carlisle Day CareImproving the Mental Health of Childcare Providers through Listening2023-2024$8,872.28To promote and support the mental health of childcare providers.
Carlisle Family YMCAPEER (Promoting Engaging Enrichment Relationships)2023-2024$5,000.00To provide a day camp experience with engaging outdoor education experiences for underserved youth ages 7-12 in the Carlisle Area.
Carlisle Tool LibraryTool Boxes for Economic Sustainability2023-2024$2,500.00To purchase tools to supply and give away 25 free tool boxes to those in need.
Central Pennsylvania ConservancyLetort Spring Garden Preserve Enhancement--Access, Education, and Ecological Improvements2023-2024$5,000.00Support Letort Spring Garden Preserve enhancements to include the restoration of historic structures, improved trail access, ecological restoration and the installation of interpretive signage.
Charles Bruce FoundationHomeless Awareness for Students2023-2024$4,704.00Through local partnerships, provide students with a novel about homelessness along with visits from the authors and artists.
Church World Service Harrisburg (PA)Increasing Equitable Housing Access for Refugees in Greater Carlisle2023-2024$55,000.00The purpose of this grant is to increase refugees' access to permanent housing in Carlisle.
Circle of Love Community Outreach ProgramCircle of Love Community Engagement Center2023-2024$3,000.00To support the opening of the Circle of Love Community Engagement Center to meet the basic needs of underserved Shippensburg residents.
Civic Club of ShippensburgShippensburg Community Nurse2023-2024$22,000.00The Shippensburg Community Nurse provides free in-home health services to meet the needs of elderly and low-income individuals who are underinsured.
Community Action CommissionTri County Community Action - General Operating Support2023-2024$50,000.00General Operating Support
CONTACT HelplineCONTACT Helpline - General Operating Support2023-2024$50,000.00General Operating Support
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Middle Spring Greenway2023-2024$15,000.00Support the completion of permitting and engineering for the Middle Spring Greenway to extend and expand connectors to the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail.
Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trails Council, Inc.Middle Spring Greenway - Construction, Phase 12023-2024$25,000.00To support the first phase of construction of the Middle Spring Greenway
Drew Michael Taylor FoundationDrew's Hope Spanish Language grief support program2023-2024$2,015.00Support the provision of a free 5-session grief support program for Spanish speaking children, teens and their families.
Duncannon Senior CenterEnhancing Mobility and Social Well-being for Senior Citizens in Perry County2023-2024$2,500.00To purchase a Transit Van that will provide essential transportation for individuals to senior-based programs.
Employment Skills CenterHealthcare Career Training2023-2024$190,000.00To help meet the critical need for frontline healthcare workers in our community
Family Promise of Harrisburg Capital RegionGrow UP2023-2024$3,000.00To expand the Grow UP program into the Carlisle area, working with Community CARES and Safe Harbour.
Friends of Spring TownshipLynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park2023-2024$25,000.00To support expansion of Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run in North Adams County2023-2024$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-8 in northern Adams County elementary and middle schools.
Girls on the Run Capital AreaGirls on the Run in Perry County2023-2024$5,000.00Support the implementation of the Girls on the Run afterschool program for girls in grades 3-8 in Perry County elementary and middle schools.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station Summer Scholarships2023-2024$6,500.00To award scholarships to local youths connected to Hope Station to participate in summer camps and programming
In Him Christian WellnessIn Him Christian Wellness - General Operating Support2023-2024$30,000.00General Operating Support
International Service CenterSurvival English for Needy Afghan Housewives (SENAH)2023-2024$5,000.00Support the implementation of a customized literacy and empowerment program for Afghan women to instill life-essential skills in them to help them become self-sufficient and well-integrated in their new community.
Join Hands MinistryYouth Outreach, Assistance, & Empowerment Program2023-2024$10,000.00Provide funding support for Perry County youth from low-income households to participate in extracurricular activities.
Keystone Human ServicesResponsive Mental Health Interventions2023-2024$15,000.00To provide support services to families and children exhibiting mental and behavioral health conditions in enrolled in Capital Area Head Start in Perry County.
Landisburg EMS Inc.Citizen Responder Campaign2023-2024$25,000.00To support the education of our community citizens.
Latino Hispanic American Community CenterLHACC Bilingual Outreach Specialist - Cumberland and Perry Counties2023-2024$25,000.00To support the expansion of the Latino Center's (LHACC) services with an emphasis on social determinants of health to the Latino Hispanic American Community in Cumberland/Perry County.
Launch PadHealth Advocacy and Employment Support to Benefit Unaccompanied and Homeless Youth in a Homeless to Work Program2023-2024$40,000.00To promote healthy living with case management and supportive employment to improve health disparities and occupational outcomes.
LEAF Project Inc.LEAF Project- General Operating Support2023-2024$30,000.00General Operating Support
Maranatha-CarlisleMaranatha-Carlisle - General Operating Support2023-2024$20,000.00General Operating Support
Moving CirclesMoving Circles "Widening the Circle" Project2023-2024$3,000.00To enhance social connectedness and belonging through learning conversations among people of all ages and backgrounds.
New Hope Ministries, Inc.Refugee Workforce Development & Basic Needs Assistance2023-2024$50,000.00Support the provision of basic needs assistance, including food, housing, transportation, childcare and workforce development programs for our new refugee neighbors.
New Life CommunityLifeCycle Safety Kits2023-2024$5,000.00Provide bicycle lights, helmets, and locks to LifeCycle bicycle recipients.
Newport PA Farmers MarketNewport Farmers Market2023-2024$2,500.00To operate a farmers market selling locally grown or raised food and household items once a month from May through November
NHS Stevens CenterComprehensive Clinical Team2023-2024$190,000.00To make psychiatric care available to meet mental health needs of an underserved population of individuals who have no insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare.
NLC LifeWorksIntake & LifeWorks Coordination2023-2024$65,000.00The Intake & LifeWorks Coordinator will assess clients' basic needs and coordinate referrals to local resources to improve the clients' health and well-being.
Hope Station Opportunity Area Neighborhood CouncilHope Station - Interim Executive Director2023-2024$50,000.00Support the hiring of an Interim Executive Director to help Hope Station stabilize its staff leadership and executive role, recruit additional board members, clarify its programmatic focus and establish a reliable fundraising plan.
Pennsylvania Friends of Agriculture FoundationMobile Agriculture Education Science Lab Program (Mobile Ag Lab)2023-2024$2,500.00To educate children about the importance of agriculture in their lives and expose them to agricultural careers, we will engage students in grades K-8th in STEM lessons and science experiments on a mobile lab.
Perry Human ServicesPerry Human Services - General Operating Suppport2023-2024$17,500.00General Operating Support
Peyton Walker FoundationProtecting Hearts - Saving Lives2023-2024$3,000.00To provide 90-minute cardiac education training to Carlisle Area High School seniors and juniors, including hands-only CPR training and AED usage.
Project SHARE of CarlisleEmergency SHARE boxes2023-2024$3,000.00To provide boxes with two days worth of food to those who need an immediate assist due to re-entry, probation, homelessness or disability.
Project SHARE of CarlislePallet Jack and Survey Tool2023-2024$4,450.00Support the purchase of a pallet truck jack to increase product transfer efficiencies at the Farm Stand and the purchase of a one-year subscription to Survey Monkey to maintain this method of obtaining client feedback and input.
Project SHARE of CarlisleGrowing Healthy Kids Initiative2023-2024$20,000.00To support the continuing expansion of programming that teaches about and provides healthy, nutritious food to children.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipTake the Reins Work Place Readiness2023-2024$5,000.00Support the opportunity for 4-6 teens to obtain paid positions during the summer season with Reins of Rhythm to focus on the development of positive leadership skills, social skills, workplace readiness skills and character development as they work in the ongoing Reins of Rhythm adaptive riding and horsemanship therapeutic programs.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipHorse Powered Math2023-2024$5,000.00Support the provision of interactional and educational programming using horses and activities to advance math skills in children who have experienced social, emotional, behavioral and educational challenges.
Reins of Rhythm Riding & HorsemanshipReins of Rhythm Riding & Horsemanship - General Operating Support2023-2024$20,000.00General Operating Support
Sadler Health Center Corporation2024-20252023-2024$540,000.00Support the provision of dental services and community health worker support in addressing social determinants of health regardless of patients' ability to pay.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - Shippensburg Area Senior High School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - Shippensburg Area Middle School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - Shippensburg Area Intermediate School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - James Burd Elementary School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - Nancy Grayson Elementary School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Area School District FoundationPositive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition Program - Grace B. Luhrs Elementary School2023-2024$2,500.00Support the purchase of incentives and rewards for students at 6 SASD sites for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.
Shippensburg Produce and OutreachPhase One Strategic Implementation2023-2024$50,000.00Implement SPO action plan for long term sustainability
Shippensburg University FoundationHound Packs – Shippensburg Area School District2023-2024$5,000.00Hound Packs is a program that provides weekend backpacks filled with nutritious food for children and their families who experience food insecurity in the Shippensburg Area School District.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Apartment Ministry/WE CARE TeamHomeless Shelter repairs2023-2024$25,000.00Repair damage to walls, ceilings and floors from sewage overflow in Community CARES overnight shelter and replace HVAC for Emergency Weather Shelter
Summer Program for YouthEducational Software and Desks for new SPY Computers2023-2024$1,000.00To purchase educational software and computer desks for new computers that were donated to SPY
Summer Program for YouthHealthier Living for SPY Campers2023-2024$1,500.00Support the provision of scholarships to current at-risk SPY participants to offset the costs of enrolling in fee-based after school programming held during the academic year.
Summer Program for YouthSchool Year Enrichment and Fun2023-2024$20,000.00To support SPY's expansion from a 6-week summer program to a program with year-round enrichment opportunities for at-risk students when school is not in session.
Summer Program for YouthI-SPY returns2023-2024$30,000.00Support the continuation of a summer enrichment program dedicated to advancing the academic achievements and social/emotional well-being of at-risk youth in grades 5-6.
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education CenterImproving Students Mental and Social and Emotional Health2023-2024$4,800.00Byrnes Health Education Center will provide the 12 curriculum-based programs to Carlisle Area School District to address mental health and social and emotional health.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesEMPOWER ME!2023-2024$2,500.00To build the skills, knowledge, and confidence in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enable them to advocate for themselves and others using their lived experience.
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry CountiesCPARC Advocacy Services2023-2024$61,000.00Provide no-cost advocacy services to protect the rights of people with disabilities in Cumberland and Perry counties.
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.Adams County Youth Scholarship Project2023-2024$3,500.00To support youth summer program scholarships
The Center for Youth and Community Development, Inc.The Center for Youth and Community Development: General Operating Support2023-2024$50,000.00General Operating Support
The Food TrustFood Bucks and Food Bucks Rx: Increasing Healthy Food Access in Central PA with Nutrition Incentives2023-2024$20,000.00Support the maintenance and expansion of the Food Bucks and Food Bucks Rx program in Central PA to incentivize and maximize the utilization of SNAP.
The Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral HealthPA Coalition for Oral Health - General Operating Support2023-2024$25,000.00General Operating Support
The Salvation ArmyBulk Food Purchase – My Brother’s Table2023-2024$20,000.00To support improved nutritional value in the My Brother’s Table program at The Salvation Army Carlisle.
Tomorrow's NeighborsTomorrow's Neighbors' E-Bike Library2023-2024$10,000.00Support the establishment of a pilot E-Bike Library Rental Program to benefit Reentrants who are in need of an affordable and accessible transportation option.
Tomorrow's NeighborsTomorrow's Neighbors - General Operating Support2023-2024$50,000.00General Operating Support
Valley Youth House Committee, Inc.Valley Youth House: Fueling a Healthy Future2023-2024$10,000.00Addressing food insecurity among youth experiencing housing insecurity or literal homelessness in Perry County.
YWCA CarlisleTargeted Sexual Violence Marketing and Educational Resources for Underserved Communities2023-2024$10,000.00Support the development of a targeted marketing plan and educational resources around sexual violence prevention and outreach to to underserved communities and victims of human trafficking.
Partnership for Better HealthParticipatory Grantmaking Project2023-2024$100,000.00Implement Participatory Grantmaking Project to shift power to community-led funding.
Partnership for Better HealthWellness at Work Year 2024-20252023-2024$15,000.00To support the engagement of local employers to implement workplace wellness strategies, activities and policies that promote and support employee health and well-being.
Partnership for Better HealthPerry County Health Coalition - Consultant 2024-20252023-2024$75,000.00Collaborating with other regional funders, a consultant is employed to lead and promote Action Plan goals and activities to inspire health improvements in Perry County.
Partnership for Better HealthHousing Systems Change 2024-20272023-2024$600,000.00The Partnership has an additional three-year plan for continued funding and strategic support of local housing efforts. The plan includes ongoing engagement of a technical assistance consultant; training for core providers; and implementation of the strategic plan. The overall goal is to reduce homelessness in our region and increase access to affordable housing.