Planned Giving

Caring through Generosity

As a philanthropic leader, the Partnership for Better Health facilitates local giving in ways that allow our communities to thrive.

We strive to identify community needs that are not currently being met and identify initiatives to fill critical gaps.

Planning for the Future

We support individuals with estate planning goals that will benefit the future health of our community. Our tradition of community service and engagement began more than 100 years ago with the creation of our region’s first hospital. Local residents made bequests to the old Carlisle Hospital to ensure the continuation of a vibrant, healthy community.

Today, our foundation is a steward of these historic trusts. We carry on a practice of giving by raising funds to eliminate health disparities and collaboratively address new community needs.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are a simple, effective way to meet personal estate and financial goals, and to ensure a powerful legacy of giving in our community.

  • Endowment – Endowment funds are designed to promote the long-term stability of community building work and inspire philanthropic giving.
  • Memorial and Tribute Gifts – Gifts of this kind may be made in memory or honor of family members, friends and loved ones.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities – Annuities allow donors or a designated beneficiary to receive a dedicated stream of fixed income payments for life in exchange for a gift.
  • Stocks and Mutual Funds –  Gifts of stock and mutual funds are easy to arrange and offer donors substantial tax advantages.
  • Retirement Plans and IRAs – Making a gift through an existing retirement plan or IRA is easy. Significant estate tax savings may be accrued by naming the foundation as the charitable recipient of your plan’s assets.

Collaborative Fundraising

By working closely with many others, we believe that we can leverage more funds to address tough issues and grow the resources that local organizations share. Through strategic collaboration, we engage with local partners to identify common goals and address unmet needs.

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